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  Girl in Qingtian Tells Story about Rural Life in Qingtian
  By Zhu Zhu
  “Whatever nicknames and titles the media and my followers prefer to shower on me, I am Li Qiuxiang from Qingtian, and I am the only one,” said the girl who has made a name for herself just like the popular video blogger Li Ziqi has with her camera.
  Fairly speaking, “the Qingtian version of Li Ziqi” can be taken as a fitting compliment, considering what Li Qiuxiang has been doing to share the best of her hometown with a wider audience.
  Li Ziqi, a Sichuan-based short video blogger, has won followers worldwide for her video clips presenting traditional Chinese cooking and handicraft in a genuine, elegant and beautiful way and drawing viewers in search of respite and truly Chinese enjoyments.   In the short video clips released by Li Qiuxiang’s team on Douyin.com, a popular social networking platform used by tens of millions, the agricultural products of Qingtian in the southwest of Zhejiang are turned into culinary art works – fish rice, raspberry wine, and bean curd made with leaves...
  “I am born and raised here in the countryside of Qingtian. Catching fish, cooking rice in a firewood kitchen, and making wine used to be part of my daily life, with details of farming work burned into my childhood memory. Years of city life made me realize how much I miss the slow pace and peace of the countryside. Feeling more and more stressed up with a busy work schedule, I eventually found an outlet by sharing the local food and culture on Douyin.com,” says the young expert in agricultural products.
  The girl’s work at a local agricultural development company helped her start the project, but she did not know much about how to use a video camera. She talked about her idea with the management of the company, and got lots of support including a photographing team ready for work.
  “We are amateurs determined to make something professional. What we aim at is not the second best, but the best, so that the true nature of Qingtian can be shared and loved by more people.”
  “I never knew how much work it would take to make a 60-second video clip, until I really got involved with my own two hands. The best way to present something is to go to the root of it and find out, which means we always have to spend a lot of time on the road, not to mention the time and energy spent on photographing and finishing work to get the video clip ready for release. There were times when everyone felt exhausted.”
  Li’s team focuses more on quality than quantity. Of the 15 video clips released so far, Li Qiuxiang’s most satisfactory work is the “waxberry wine”, a project she calls “the most tiring one”.
  “The photographing team had to work under the scorching sun. It was a lot of climbing because the waxberry trees are grown on the top of the hill. It was a long day, and we had no time to take a break. The video clips turned out perfect, and we knew it was worth all the sweat.”
  Another project Li Qiuxiang takes pride in is “Fish Rice”, designed to present the unique rice and fish symbiotic cultivation in the rural areas of Qingtian. The idea of the project is to explain this long-standing agricultural tradition through culinary perspectives.   With a history of more than 1,300 years and situated in the mountainous southwest of Zhejiang Province, Qingtian has a landform that is ideal for the photographic and cinematic presentation of pristine and natural beauty. For Li Qiuxiang and her team, the countryside charm of Qingtian is a guarantee of endless aesthetic and cultural inspiration for the creation on the screen.
  Ever since the video project started, Li Qiuxiang has been super busy, and happier than ever before. The reward of all the on-the-road hardship is the joy of getting closer to nature and learning more about what it has to offer. And the biggest reward is the moment when she saw the viewers marvel at the treasures of her hometown after the release of a new episode. “I feel truly proud and happy,” comments Li.
  “Strictly speaking, I am not the Qingtian version of Li Ziqi. We have something in common, but we have different directions. What I try to do is not to be eye-catching by taking advantage of all the conveniences of such a social networking platform, but to find a new way to tell the stories of Qingtian.”
  The girl’s next goal is to branch out into the bigger realm of local culture, taking into consideration that Qingtian is home to a host of well-conserved ancient villages awaiting the exploration of cultural buffs.
当你受到过所有的挫折,你的心都粉碎的时候,可以到白堤、苏堤去走一走,到于谦、秋瑾、张苍水、章太炎的墓前走一走,到雷峰塔、保俶塔、六和塔走一走……古往今来的所有英雄豪杰美人都会向我们扑面而来。这时候你就会觉得,冲着这么美好的世界,我们还是应该有意义地活着的。  有一天下着小雨,天气微凉,工欲善撑伞缓缓而行,听到一声近乎凄厉同时又极婉转的莺啼,他一下子顿住了。他看到柳条的微摆中,落红纷纷,湖上一边昏黄
一句诗,推开了杭州闹市中一座古宅的大门,听到了一个绵延400年的书香世家的故事。  “须知少年凌云志,曾许人间第一流。”2020年7月初,北京大学寄语高考考生的这句诗在网上引来热议。  这首诗的作者吴庆坻(读chi,1848~1924年),字子修,晚号“补松老人”,杭州人。著有《补松庐文录》《悔余生诗》《蕉廊脞录》《辛亥殉难记》,参与过《杭州府志》《浙江通志》的编纂。在杭州下城区紧临新华路南端的岳
朱培华说他早年就有一个梦,这个梦可以用四个字来概括,前两个字是快乐,他用音乐来诠释;后两个字是健康,所以他从事了健康产业。这两者又是相互呼应的,快乐必然会带来健康,而健康最终也必然是快乐的。  初见朱培华是前两年在杭州市政协开会时,地点是自助餐厅。我见到了曾为同事的王恺华,便拿着餐盘去跟她打招呼,她现在是杭州图书馆音乐分馆的主任。恺华见到我便挪出一个座位来,我坐下后,她便给我介绍旁边的朱培华,说他
在尚隐,这桃源般的原生态场景,可以换一种心思看世界,用慢生活改善心气节律,用老筋骨尝试新式储能,闲适中怡性,找回内心久远的安宁。  文化藏于山水之间,非朝夕急就,尚隐做到了。  为一个山村做点缀  长兴县城北有个叫川步的山乡,沿途有古木园、红梅园、兰博园、葡萄园、花木园、名茶园,以及隐约在林中的各式庄园,这撩人的山间居式,令江南山乡的韵致雅得惊人。  川步的内涵,是森林连绵中的四季花道、竹韵步道、
袁枚,有中国古代“食圣”之誉,祖籍浙江慈溪。林语堂先生曾用英文评介:“伟大的诗人和学者袁枚写了厚厚的一本书来讨论烹饪方法。”那么在这本厚厚的《随园食单》中会记有哪几样家乡菜呢?  从“治大国若烹小鲜”的老子,从“食不厌精,脍不厌细”的孔子,到“东坡肉”到“重八毛豆腐”到“宗堂鸡”“潘鱼”到“叫花鸡”,“吃”总归是胖胖的国王和瘦瘦的乞丐的共同爱好。“食色,性也”,堂而皇之地说。而且历代文人雅士都有谈