Observe modern design works and taste traditional Chinese culture

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  Abstract:With the development of social economy,people's material living standards and aesthetic needs are constantly improving,and there are new requirements for the construction of spiritual civilization. However,under the influence of economic globalization and Western aesthetic thoughts,our country is gradually learning from the West in terms of art design. Therefore,we should explore traditional Chinese cultural elements,integrate traditional cultural elements with modern design,and use them in art design. To produce works with Chinese culture,to reflect the concept of cultural self-confidence in art design,and to better show the traditional culture and personality of the Chinese nation is an important issue facing designers in the new era.
  Keywords:art design;serving the past for the present;inheritance and innovation
  1. The relationship between China's excellent culture and modern design
  Chinese traditional culture has a long history,from ancient times to the present,from the primitive Liangzhu culture,to the bronze culture in the Shang and Zhou period,to the literature and art such as Tang poems,Song poetry,Ming and Qing novels,and the culture of ancient Chinese history.
  The current development of modern design in China is inseparable from the development of traditional Chinese art. With the advancement of cultural confidence,all aspects of art design have absorbed ancient excellent philosophical ideas and traditional elements,and designed on this basis. All things have obvious Chinese characteristics. The excellent and progressive philosophical thoughts of the predecessors are reflected in the art of the later generations. They have been infiltrated in the hearts of every countryman,become values,and constitute the unique spiritual world of the Chinese.
  2. Chinese traditional culture embodied in modern design
  To a certain extent,culture is the belief and sustenance of the Chinese people. It depends on how Chinese traditional culture and ideas are expressed in modern design. In fact,under the influence of economic globalization,Chinese art and design activities consider catering to Western trends,and show an impetuous side in art works,one-sided pursuit of Western forms of expression,while ignoring the humanity of design itself. Needless to say,I want to convey national characteristics and cultural heritage.
  Mr. Jin Daiqiang is a master in the field of graphic design. The essence of Chinese traditional culture reflected in his works is very obvious. Take the Bank of China logo he designed as an example. The entire logo is based on ancient Chinese copper coins,with a round square hole and vertical lines on top and bottom to form the shape of the word,which means that the sky is round,and it gives people the feeling of simplicity and stability.,With obvious Chinese style.   Speaking of Chinese calligraphy,the graphic design master Chen Youjian,when he designed posters for Beijing’s Olympic bid,added traditional Chinese culture and used five-ring colors to add the brushwork in the calligraphy art to show Chinese culture through the Olympics. And taste,it can not only show the Olympic spirit,but also show the traditional Chinese culture to the world.
  The China National Pavilion at the World Expo also showcases Chinese traditional culture. The "Crown of the East" of the China Pavilion is full of traditional Chinese cultural elements. It combines various Chinese elements and uses modern methods to integrate,refine and combine. It takes the essence of the ancient dougong structure to make the whole building extremely Chinese style,majestic,Spectacular. The scientific use of traditional building components is another creation of the Chinese. The concept of the rise of China is conveyed to the world,and the cultural self-confidence of the Chinese is also displayed.
  These works with Chinese characteristics have received great repercussions in the world. They all bear Chinese labels,and they all reflect Chinese traditional culture and philosophy. Chinese traditional culture is too profound,and it must be refined from the overall intention. Only in this way can excellent design works be created.
  3. The future of Chinese traditional culture and modern design
  Culture is the soul of a country. Chinese culture is the spine that supports the waist. It should absorb its rich connotation and nutrition to face our lives and the world. If China wants to stand out in modern design,it should innovate on the basis of inheritance. It should learn to absorb traditional culture,digest and inherit,add to the embodiment of modern life,blend emotions into it,add new creativity,and create new Culture. Refining and refining traditional Chinese patterns and applying them to modern art decoration and architecture,we should use our traditional context and traditional elements in what we need in the contemporary era,so that ancient art can be revived in the modern era.
  It is said that “reading history can make a clear vision,and knowing the past can see the present”. China has an inexhaustible treasure of traditional culture for five thousand years,which can nourish the entire design career,pass on historical civilization,and discover the essence of it. To serve the contemporary society and to make Chinese original works that are both refined and popular is the mission of designers in the new era.
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摘要:应用型高校创新创业教育与人的全面发展理论,在本质上是一致的,因为应用型高校发展的一个重要趋势就是积极推进创新创业教育工作。然而,现实却并不容乐观,各应用型高校在开展创新创业教育中仍然存在课程体系有待完善、师资力量有待提高、实训基地有待改进等诸多问题。有基于此,应用型高校应在全面发展视阈下,在课程体系、师资力量以及实训基地等方面发挥自身主体性,不断提升大学生的创业实践能力。  关键词:高校创新
摘要:广告设计与应用课程是视觉传达设计专业的一门核心课,在教学中依托全国大学生广告艺术大赛的公益命题“责任与担当”,运用课堂教学主渠道,挖掘选题中蕴含的思想政治教育元素,发挥专业课程的思想政治教育功能,构建专业课程与思想政治理论课“同向同行、协同育人”的着力点。  关键词:广告设计;课程思政;专业课  2019年3月18日,习近平总书记在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上指出,“思想政治理论课,最根本
一、案例呈现  一位母亲因为儿子的问题十分苦恼,儿子从小就懂事听话,和同学关系融洽,学习成绩也一直名列前茅。但是自从上了初中,儿子的情绪就开始不稳定,正在上初二,平时工作忙,对于儿子的学习帮不上太大的忙,只有在空闲的时候才督促孩子完成作业和学校的任务。最近不知道为什么对于学习这里一类的事情十分抗拒和反感。一提到学习,脸上就出现烦躁的神情,一拿到书本,就哈欠不断。做作业时也磨磨蹭蹭,拿块橡皮也能拿半
摘要:大学英语教学中课程思政理念的渗透与是素质教育理念、教书育精神的内在呼唤。大学英语与“课程思政”协同性强,可以在课堂教学中通过教师、课堂、学生等进行思政融入。我们还要建设高职英语课程思政专业学习研究共同体,以提高大学英语思政教育,从高职英语学的科角度促进学生品格发展。  关键词:课程思政;协同性;专业学习研究共同体;品格发展  1.引言  2016 年 12 月,习总书记在全国高校思想政治工作
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