The Secrets of Success课堂实录与反思

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  (T-teacher, S-student, Ss-all students)
  1.引起学习动机 (同时向学生展示简报PPT)
  T:Good morning class.
  Ss:Good morning Miss Yu.
  T:Today, we are going to start Unit 7, the topic is the secrets of success. Here is today's agenda. First, I will ask you to answer this question:what is success, and then we will learn the expression "have to" and "don't have to". Next, we will read a passage: why are they so successful, and then we are going to play a matching game. Now, what is success, can anybody tell me what success is?
  Ss:(students are discussing)
  T:Is success a good thing or a bad thing?
  Ss:Good thing.
  T:It is a good thing. What do you think people need to be successful?
  S1:Maybe nice job or something like that?
  T:Good, they need to have a nice job. Can you please help me write a nice job on the board?
  S2:Don't be lazy.
  T:Don't be lazy, in another words, be...
  S2:Be hard-working.
  T:Good, they have to be hard-working. Write hard-working on the board please. What else do we need?
  Ss:(No response)
  T:Can you think of one? Give it a try.
  S3:Be lucky.
  T:Good, they have to be lucky. So, can you write the word, lucky, on the board please?
  S4:Be good at sport.
  T:Ok, they have to be good at sport, so why don't you go up and write it down.
  S5:You need to have a dream.
  T:Please write that on the board.
  S6:Clever, they have to be clever.
  T:Please go up and write that down.
  S7:They need to have good school results.
  T:Very good.
  T:Thank you. What else?
  T:Ok, be talented.
  S9:Do not hurt our parents.
  T:Ok, taking care of your parents. Please write that down. What else?
  S10:Having good friends.
  T:That's right.
  S11:Be nice to your boss.
  T:Oh, Be nice to your boss, this is the most important. Ok, please put that up. Alright, Having good friends, a dream, hard-working, a nice job, lucky, talented, good at sport, clever, taking care of parents, getting good school results, and nice to your boss, that's it?
  S12:Have a good partner.
  S13:Have a good boss. He can help you to be successful.
  T:Ok, so you can say have a good boss. Right, you can write it down, please.
  S14:Have lots of money.
  T:Oh! Have lots of money. Be rich.
  T:Ok, I think we have enough.
  T:Now,these are the key-words. Now that we have the keywords, "hard-working", "have a nice boss", "be lucky", "have a dream" and many other ones. We need to express them in the sentence form. We need to be able to express these things or sentences. We can't just say "hard-working" or "nice boss". When we answer questions, we need to say it in a sentence form. Ok, so for positive sentences, "I, we, you, they", we use "have to". For example, we say "They have to be hard-working".
  For "he, she, it", we use "has to". So, we say "he has to be hard-working".
  Ok, for negative sentences, "I, we, you, they", we use "do not have to". For example, we say "They don't have to be rich". Ok? And for "he, she and it", we use "does not have to".
  So, we say "He doesn't have to be rich".
  Now, point to note. We use "have or has to" to say "this is necessary". When we say it is ne-cessary to be hard-working, we say "they have to be hard- working".
  On the other hand, we use "do or does not have to" to say "this is not necessary", ok?
  So, you go through this article. You can fill this information in the rule box provided.
  T:I want you to fill in the blanks using these key words that you have written up on the board, ok? (shown at PPT)
  So, just pick anyone that you think a person need or people need to be successful, ok? Use these keywords and this structure.
  T:Do you understand this structure: "they have to…", Do you understand this?
  S15:They have to be lucky.
  T:Yes, they have to be lucky. Alright? So, for us, be lucky is one of the factors that leads to success. You have to say "they have to be lucky".
  S16:They have to be talented.
  S17:They have to be rich.
  T:So, they have to be rich or they have to have a lot of money.
  S18:They have to be hard- working.
  S19:They have to have a dream.
  T:Right.This is very important.
  T:Now, let's try the negative sentence "they do not have to…".
  T:This really depends on your value, you know? We can think or you may think you don't need a dream or they don't have to be rich to be successful. So it really depends on your values, ok?
  S20:They do not have to having many friends.
  T:They don't have to…So, after "to", do we put "ing"?
  T:Do you want to change it?
  S20:They do not have to have many friends.
  S22:They do not have to be lucky.
  S23:They do not have to be nice to their boss.
  T:Are you sure?
  T:Ok, so you can be your own boss.
  T:Let's go on to silent reading.
  I want you to turn to the article and we are going to read "Why are they so successful".
  T:Now, what you need to do is to try to guess the meaning of words you don't understand.Just try to make a guess. Don't just give up. And then, answer the questions below…which are in part B, alright? Answer the questions. I will give you 3 minutes to do this.
  T:When you finish reading the article, try to answer the question below.
  T:Alright, I can see that most of you have completed all the questions. We are going to read the article aloud together as usual and please check your answers while you're reading.
  T:Now we are reading the article together and at the same time, I have put the article up on the screen and highlighted all the answer to the questions.
  Ss:(students read the article altogether)
  T:Can you define the word "talent"?
  T:It is not necessary…Can you read the article? The line after the word "talent" in purple?
  S26:A special ability to do something very well.
  T:Right. This is "ta-lent", a special ability to do something very well. Can anybody give me a sentence using the word "talent"?
  S28:You have talent in sport.
  T:Good, let us move on.Next, we are going to do a matching game.I am going to give you two worksheets.The first one contains 15 pictures and factors which lead to success.And I want you to match these factors to the pictures. Don't worry. We will work on this together. Also, I will give you another sheet that you need to write your answers on it.
  T:You can look at the pictures on the sheet and identify the profession of these people. (Students start to work in group of 4, and share their ideas together for 15 minutes)
  Can anybody tell me what "profession" is?
  T:What is profession?
  S1:Something like a job.
  T:So, let us identify these people's professions before we write the sentences.
  T:First picture, what is her profession?
  T:I have here "a movie star". (the word "movie star" show on the screen)
  T:Now, what do movie stars need to be successful? Remember the structure "they have to be……".
  S4:They have to be remembered the things well.
  S5:They have to have a good voice.
  T:Yes, they have to have a good voice when they sing.
  T:And try the next picture. Let us try this one, this is easy.
  T:What do pilots need to be successful?
  S7:They have to have good eyes.
  T:Yes, they have to have good eyesight. They need to be able to see well.
  T:Next picture. What is his profession?
  Ss:A doctor.
  T:What do doctors need to be successful. Can you give me a sentence?
  S8:They have to like people.
  T:They have to like people.To be a successful doctor, do not hate their patient.
  S9:They have to be good at using medicine.
  T:Next one.
  T:What have you learnt today?
  Ss:Different professions.
  T:Yes. And the grammar pattern?
  Ss:"Have to" and "don't have to"...
  T:Yes. Homework.
  T:Don't worry. It is easy. On the back of worksheet, I want you to write an essay on what people need to be successful in a particular profession. Pick one of the professions and tell me what they need to be successful.
教材分析:    本节内容为教育科学出版社初中《思想品德》八年级上册第三单元第七课《偶像与自我》的第一节《透视“追星”》,本单元的主题是“走自己的路”。  青春期的中学生开始向往和追求独立自主的生活方式,交往重心开始转向同学和朋友,会面临合群中的盲从、独立与自主、崇拜与自我等问题。因此,本单元首先从学生学习生活中常见的从众现象着手分析,引导学生独立思考、明辨是非,克服消极从众现象,学会自主选择,发
一、“几度春秋”:校本教研从文本到制度    在当前的基础教育课程实验推进中,“校本教研”早已是一个令人熟知的话语,纳入学校建设的重要内容。而“校本教研”的明确提出,与其说是一个引进“school-based”的外来语,不如说是中国基础教育课程实践,着力在不同学校鲜活教育情景下的积极探索。如果课程的理念与追求仅仅停留在观念、文本层面时,远离教师行为实践、远离学生真实收获的课程远不足以实现课程的目标
一、背景与导读    《小数的性质》是人教版六年制小学《数学》第八册第四单元的教学内容。它是在学生已经掌握小数意义基础上进行教学的。通过让学生有目的地展开猜想、操作、讨论、验证、想象等活动逐步理解归纳小数的性质,让学生亲身经历知识的发生、发展及形成的动态过程,从而体验探索成功的快乐。    二、片断与反思    (一)第一次教学  [片断一]  教学“小数的性质”。教师出示米尺图提问。  师:请同
案例背景    《平面图形的周长和面积》是九年义务教育六年制小学数学第十二册总复习中的内容。对于六年级学生而言,他们已具备了主动学习、自学思考的能力,有主动回忆、主动复习的内驱力,能根据具体要求有序地展开思考、讨论,获得丰富的知识再现。本课旨在让学生通过整理平面图形周长和面积的意义、计算公式及其推导过程,在熟练运用中构建知识网络,形成知识体系。  片断描述    [片断一]明晰概念  课件出示两组
大量教学实践证明,创新教育很好地适应了当前素质教育关于“人本教育”的要求,能很好地激发学生自主学习的积极性,开发学生潜能,培养创造能力。近年来,高考试题的改革,话题作文的经久不衰,就是具体适应时代需要的一个创新明证。这在客观上支持了古诗文教学的创新。  作为一名站在语文教学一线的教师,笔者在语文学科古诗文教学中(主要是课堂教学中)对创新教育和研究性学习进行了粗浅的探索,若要真正达到“以人为本”的教
周济:目前我国应试教育的倾向还比较严重    教育部部长周济3月8日在两会会场接受记者采访时说,目前我国应试教育的倾向还是比较严重的。中国教育好的方面要继承和发扬,同时也要看到我们不足的地方,比如中小学生的负担确实比较重,学生的创新精神和实践能力不够。同时,现在应试教育的倾向太严重、功利倾向太严重,要通过推行素质教育逐步改变这种局面。“对义务教育阶段采取一系列强有力的措施,使得孩子们能够减轻课业负
(接上期)  (3)课程设置  上海市曲阳第四小学课程的特点之一是原有学科的整合实施,但是这个目标不可能一蹴而就,需要在师资、学习微环境建设等方面有一定的准备,另外从事物的发生发展规律来看,也需要一个发展阶段。因此,我们拟通过三个阶段逐步逼近预期目标。  ①近期安排  课时安排——双周2课时,每学期17教学周,共9学期(5学年),合计153课时。其中基础类模块占75%,活动类模块占25%。  预期