
来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:my561
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今年是我国进入新世纪以来经济最为困难的一年,面对严峻复杂的经济形势,中央提出,要把保持经济平稳较快发展作为今年经济工作的首要任务,把扭转经济增速下滑趋势作为宏观调控最重要的目标,把扩大国内需求作为促进经济增长的长期战略方针和根本着力点,增加有效需求,加强薄弱环节,充分发挥内需特别是消费需求拉动经济增长的主导作用。为此,中央作出了一系列保增长、保民生、保稳定的重大决策部署,形成了一揽子计划。为确保中央扩大内需促进经济增长政策措施的落实,中央决定由中央纪委、监察部牵头成立中央扩大内需促进经济增长政策落实监督检查工作领导小组,并及时组成24个中央检查组,先后两次深入各省、区、市和新疆生产建设兵团进行督查。日前,本刊记者分赴安徽、吉林、广西等地,对中央检查组进行跟踪采访,采写了这组特别报道,以推动监督检查工作更好地开展。 This year is the most difficult one for our economy since it entered the new century. In the face of a harsh and complicated economic situation, the Central Committee has proposed that maintaining a steady and relatively rapid economic growth should be the primary task of this year’s economic work and turning the turning point in the downward trend of economic growth into a macroeconomic To control and control the most important goal, we should expand domestic demand as a long-term strategic guideline for promoting economic growth and fundamentally focus on increasing effective demand, strengthening the weak links and giving full play to the leading role of domestic demand, especially consumer demand, in driving economic growth. To this end, the Central Government has made a series of major decisions and plans for ensuring economic growth, ensuring people’s livelihood and ensuring stability. A package plan has been formed. To ensure that the central government will implement the policies and measures for boosting domestic demand and boosting economic growth, the Central Government decided that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision should take the lead in setting up a leading group for the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the policy of expanding domestic demand for economic growth promoted by the Central Government and timely forming 24 central inspection teams, Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps to conduct inspections. Recently, our correspondents went to Anhui, Jilin, Guangxi and other places to conduct follow-up interviews with the Central Inspection Unit. The special reports were written and written to promote the supervision and inspection work.