Cross-cultural Communication Competence and English Teaching in Middle School

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  Ⅰ. Introduction
  This paper aims to present Cross-culture Communication Competence and English Teaching in Middle school. There are three major parts in the paper: firstly, it is the introduction about culture difference and cross-cultural communication; secondly, it is about some steps and measures of how to develop students’ cross-cultural communication competence; finally, it is the relationship between cross-cultural communication and English teaching in middle school.
  II.The cultivation of cross-cultural communication competence
  1) Improving the communication ability
  The aim of the English teaching syllabus currently in China stresses the basic skills of listening, speaking, writing and translating, while the most important goal of English teaching should be to foster the ability of communication. However, the various countries have different custom. There are huge difference between China and the western. Therefore, to carry on effective communication properly with the foreigners, one should know about the cultural background of the western nation as exactly as possible, especially the differences with Chinese culture the background knowledge.
  2) Improving the quality of English teaching
  Presentation of cultural background can not only help students’ awareness of cultural differences and help them get into a good study habit, but also helps students’ get into know politics, economy, thoughts and ideas of English-speaking countries and nationalities. With general cultural knowledge, they may get to understand the psychology and code of thinking of English-speaking people. This is good for cultivating students’ thinking. Teachers should make good use of the motive to arouse students’ interest in English learning.
  III. Relationship between cross-cultural communication and middle school English teaching
  Culture and language are closely related. A language can never be learned in a cultural vacuum. Language learning and culture learning are not separable. “It is the same with culture teaching and language teaching. Traditional teaching in foreign language education has limited the teaching of culture transmission of information about the people of the target country and about their general attitudes and worldviews.” In traditional teaching, though students master the pronunciation, grammars, vocabularies and quite a lot of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills, they still can not be said to fully understand and master English. English as a foreign language is the unity of English language and culture. English teaching is essentially a process of cross-culture communication.So it is evidently wrong to interpret things in foreign language in the same way as in mother tongue.   IV. Conclusion
  On the whole, the relationship between language and culture determines the importance of culture teaching. With the increase of exchange between China and Western countries resulting from the reform and opening up program, people have come to realize that due to the lack of profound knowledge of the Western culture, “cultural shock” will appear now and then when Chinese people communicate with Westerners. Culture plays a very important role in English teaching. Thus it is required to foster students’ intercultural awareness and improve their cultural understanding competence. What’s more, the intercultural communicative ability must be developed at an early age. Middle school is the beginning of English learning ,therefore, English teachers should try their best to increase students’ cultural awareness, so that they will notice the differences when exposed to the target language and culture, besides, they will be able to find out for themselves what to say or do and what not to say or do . Filtering cultural teaching into English teaching can bring about new spirit to middle school English teaching, and it can also promote the quality education.
英语课堂教学中有着非常丰富的人格教育因素。在英语教学中培养学生的健康人格,既是发展人的个性的需要,也是英语教学自身的需要,更是教育的本质,离开了人的情意开发,英语综合语言应用能力的培养不可能真正实现。英语人格教育就是在培养学生综合语言应用能力的同时,重视修养学生的情操和情趣,发展学生健康的个性心理素质,塑造健全的人格。那么在英语课堂教学中如何进行人格教育呢?  1.准确响亮地喊出学生的名字  实事
摘要:对外传播材料英译对传播中国文化树立国家形象有重要意义。本文从顺应论角度出发,讨论了对外传播材料英译的顺应策略。  关键词:对外传播;汉译英;顺应论;翻译策略  一、引言  进入21世纪,中国与国际间的政治、经济、技术、文化交流日益频繁。中国在不断引进国外先进技术、资金、管理理念的同时,也通过各种方式向国外传播中国传统文化、介绍中国国情和发展状况,从而增进其他国家对中国的了解、促进中国各方面的
“寓思想教育于语言教学之中。” 这是英语课程标准中的原则,这就要求我们每一位英语教师在课堂上要让教学过程成为学生一种高尚的道德生活和研究体验。这样才能让学生在学习英语的同时,人格也不断的得到健全与发展。学校教育是思想教育的主阵地。所以,在英语教学中要渗透德育,为社会培养合格的人才。  一、通过教材内容进行思想教育  教师要善于唤起和激发学生对道德现象的情感体验。培养学生善良的心灵,要不失时机的让学
为明确不同栽培条件下水稻(Oryza sativa)根系生长分布特征,通过不同水氮处理和不同品种的水稻桶栽试验,采用内置根架法,于拔节期和抽穗期取样,获取根系总干重(TRW)、不定根
摘要: 新课程改革时期,有效教学对于提高教育水平起到举足轻重的作用,对于全面推进素质教育也有现实意义。笔者通过对教育学理论和有效教学理论的研究,采用文献资料分析法和比较分析法,从探讨理论界对有效教学的基本理论入手,在确定的有效教学的内涵和评判标准的基础上,提出了有效教学的策略。  关键词:有效教学,内涵特征,评判标准,有效教学策略  一、引言  在新课程改革的大环境下,教学的有效性已经超越了教学方
摘要:导入,是学生进行新课学习之前的活动。小学英语课的导入,作为课堂的一个起始环节,其主要目的在于把学生引入特定的语言环境中,激发学生的学习兴趣,很快进入角色,顺利完成学习任务,实现英语教学目标。  关键词:小学英语课;活动导入  从事小学英语教学工作多年,观摩过许多节优质课。听后发觉,每一节课的起始部分教者们都是花了很大的工夫去设计,新颖独特,学生的注意力瞬间被吸引。精彩的导入能够紧紧抓住学生的