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  戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)是英国现任首相。他在1997年5月至2007年6月连续10年担任英国财政大臣一职,创下连任财政大臣的纪录,对英国经济做出了杰出贡献。今年2月16日美国总统奥巴马签署包含“购买美国货”条款在内的巨额经济刺激计划。这被普遍认为是一个危险的讯号:国际贸易环境很可能会因为贸易保护主义的迅速抬头而急剧恶化。布朗此次访美,重点放在讨论如何携手应对金融危机上。该选段是布朗在美国国会发表的演说,旨在呼吁美国放弃保护主义。与前任首相布莱尔相比,英国首相布朗一度被批乏味,但4日在美国国会的演讲却大获成功,国会议员19次起立鼓掌,和六年前布莱尔在国会演讲时获得的次数相同。布朗离场时,在场议员再次鼓掌,时间长达近2分钟。
  An economic 1)hurricane has swept the world, creating a crisis of credit and a crisis of confidence. History has brought us now to a point where change is essential. And we are summoned not just to manage our times but to transform them. And our task is to rebuild prosperity and security in a wholly different economic world, where competition is no longer just local but it’s global, and where banks are no longer national but they’re international. And we need to understand, therefore, what went wrong in this crisis, that the very financial instruments that were designed to diversify risk across the banking system, instead, spread 2)contagion right across the globe. And today’s financial institutions, they are so 3)interwoven that a bad bank anywhere is a threat to good banks everywhere.
  But should we 4)succumb to a 5)race to the bottom and to a protectionism that history tells us that, in the end, protects no one? No, we should have the confidence, America and Britain most of all, that we can seize the global opportunities ahead and make the future work for us.
  And America and Britain will succeed and lead if we tap into the talents of our people,6)unleash the genius of our scientists, set free the drive of our 7)entrepreneurs. We will win the race to the top if we can develop the new high-value added products and services and the new green goods that the rising number of hardworking families across our globe will want to buy.
  So in these8)unprecedented times, we must educate our way out of the downturn, we must invest and invent our way out of the downturn, we must retool and reskill our way out of the downturn.
  And this is not blind optimism or9)synthetic confidence to console people.It’s the practical affirmation for our times of our faith in a better future. Every time we rebuild a school we demonstrate our faith in the future. Every time we send more people to university, every time we invest more in our new digital 10)infrastructure, every time we increase support for our scientists, we demonstrate our faith in the future.
  And so I say to this Congress and this country, something that runs deep in your character and is woven in your history: we conquer our fear of the future through our faith in the future.
  And it is this faith in the future that we means we must commit to protecting the planet for generations that will come long after us. The Greek proverb, what does it say? Why does anybody plant the seeds of a tree whose shade they will never see?
  The answer is because they look to the future.
  And I believe you, the nation, that had the vision to put a man on the moon, are also the nation with the vision to protect and preserve our planet earth.


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