Application of Chinese traditional pattern in jewelry

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  1、The performance of traditional patterns in modern jewelry design:
  Palindrome:the reference of traditional patterns,modern jewelry should not only follow the trend of the times,but also have national characteristics. One of the important ways is to find the traditional elements that can be combined with modern design and apply them to the design. There are inexhaustible sources of inspiration in traditional patterns. We can extract some simple and modern aesthetic elements. For example,some simple geometric patterns,such as palindrome and Wanzi pattern,can be directly or indirectly applied to jewelry design to make it have strong fashion flavor and distinct national charm.
  2、Design and modeling of jewelry
  Traditional Chinese culture elements into the design of jewelry modeling,can enhance people's jewelry love. Through jewelry design products at home and abroad,traditional cultural elements are mainly integrated into commercial jewelry and art jewelry. First,the dragon and Phoenix modeling is applied in jewelry design. Dragon and Phoenix modeling is the most frequently used. The most commonly used pattern in ancient court is dragon and Phoenix. Thousands of years later,people still like dragon and Phoenix. For example,when designing jewelry,Chinese designers often design jewelry of Phoenix series and hold jewelry exhibitions with the theme of dragon and Phoenix. This kind of jewelry with traditional cultural elements is more popular. People have a sense of pride and a sense of beauty after wearing them. Second,window decoration and palace fan are also popular. These shapes are popular patterns,which have been handed down to the present. They all have a certain moral,full of people's good wishes. Therefore,jewelry designers can communicate well with people by integrating such traditional patterns,and such jewelry is more easily accepted by people. Therefore,Chinese jewelry designers should add more traditional cultural elements to jewelry,so as to be favored by everyone.
  3、Design and decoration of jewelry
  The traditional Chinese cultural elements into the design and decoration of jewelry can make jewelry more vivid. Jewelry not only needs surface decoration,but also needs to deal with the shape of jewelry,optimize the production process of jewelry,and improve the quality of jewelry. Only when these aspects are achieved can we design more vivid jewelry and make jewelry wearers and jewelry achieve harmony and unity. Many patterns in our country have deep meanings,such as fish and lotus,which symbolize more than one year and have a good wish. Therefore,the integration of these patterns in jewelry design can not only achieve the purpose of beautification,but also show a good moral. For jewelry design,we need to consider many aspects of the problem,to make jewelry have a natural beauty.   China has a long history of culture. With the respect and unremitting pursuit of generations of Chinese people,we have today's rich and colorful traditional history with constant implication and rich national heritage. However,with the passage of time and the advancement of modernization development process,today's domestic cultural tradition has taken on the dominant position of modern elements,and constantly penetrated into people's daily life,which is in the traditional Chinese map The development of the case has been reflected in a concentrated way. Therefore,in order to carry forward the broad and profound essence of national design culture in China,it is necessary for the state and social organizations to design jewelry in line with people's aesthetic taste on the basis of traditional design patterns through practice and innovation,so as to ensure that the traditional design culture can be passed on and on.
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