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  【Abstract】Our country is a big agricultural country, agricultural produce experienced the development process of quantity to quality.Today in the special period of the country's economic transformation, also entered a new development mode of agricultural products, both ordinary goods and agricultural products have entered the post-modern consumption, in the context of modern consumer, consumer pay more attention to product additional value, in addition to the function in the delicate consumption, cultural consumption and symbols consumption.
  【Key words】:packaging,cultural creation,agricultural products
  Packaging is the direct visual image of agricultural products, and the success or failure of packaging design is directly related to the success or failure of the product.For wen gen agricultural products packaging, it is not only the storage products, protection products food outside, more through its structure and visual design to convey product of cultural connotation.As the cultural value of the packaging of agricultural products, "local value" is particularly important.
  Culture is the way of ethnic group living, and the collective memory is Shared by ethnic groups.China is a country with thousands of years of agricultural tradition, and our culture is rooted in the culture of agriculture and countryside.As a living environment with thousands of years of existence, Chinese countryside has a profound civilization.
  In recent years, agricultural product brand "the orange" in the agricultural products of high-end, realized with the combination of the cultural creativity of refinement, the success of the success of the brand and its packaging design has a close relationship, its unique packaging design and Red Dot award in the world, who received a prize, design competition and the packaging design is closely related to the attention of the local culture and value, this paper will take "the orange" product packaging design, for example, from the structure of the packaging material, color and visual graphics, copywriter three aspects elaborated the agricultural product packaging design of the construction of the value of "local".
  Packaging structure is the core in packaging design, also the most can move part of the consumer, the analysis and the structure of the agricultural product packaging design, will first found mostly in the selection of packaging materials can choose "on", the ecological material is given priority to, the pursuit of material is derived from the land in land values.Such as wen gen agricultural product brand "the orange" product, the packaging structure is novel, smoked pull type of novel packing easier to take, deserve to go up again the orange and the return line image, and have a modern and plain natural.   In the packaging design of Cultural creation agricultural products, in addition to the transfer of local value through structure and materials, graphic design and color design are also important factors to convey its feelings and values.Color in the vision is the most attractive visual element, and the color of the packaging of the product is mostly used in plain color or plain color to evoke the association of "land".Can except through the symbol of the local color directly, using the rural customs, festivals, the colour of material culture and non-material culture activity, also to convey a clear sense of "local" in wen gen agricultural product brand "the orange" packaging, for example, the packaging graphics as the carrier, to orange orange is the core of packaging products, in the culture of food packaging to the product appearance is the use of many, but in the orange brand pay more attention to the value of the local.In addition, the design of the product packaging design in the graphic design also mostly chooses the rural scene, crops, labor scene, product use and other scenes related to rural and rural culture.If the color of the transfer of local value in packaging tends to expression, the graph tends to express and visual expression directly.
  In addition, narrative design and narrative are often used to convey the culture of packaging. Daniel pink in the brand new thinking - the six ability of runoff in the future, "a book put forward" story "is one of the important ability to win the future, has become a personal story force and product service stand out in the fierce competition in the market. In the era of concept, people and exchange of people and things, the story of thinking than logical thinking, also than force-feeding advertising, through the story more easily connect products and consumers.
  "The orange" in logo design in the form of hand-painted, telling the story of the orange, consumers in the process of consumer products by reading the packing mark, can understand the origin of a product, product, and the story of producers, establish consumers on product value and the "native" cultural identity. This season with the flatness of Kraft paper, the storm of the yellow, because something as simple as a oranges, add not only the daily life, in our hearts and emotional communication medium, but also to the respect of the land. The orange has not only realized the innovation of structure and materials in the packaging design, but also conveyed the local value. In the orange in the design of products, not only attaches great importance to the innovation of visual style, pay more attention to through the narrative design gimmick, telling the "story" related to product to communicate with consumers, through the story more easily and consumers to establish a value consensus.
  The local value has a deep social, historical foundation and cultural identity in Chinese society. Different places present name but also with local characteristics, in product packaging design of traditional Chinese medicine to develop local culture of representative elements and symbols of creative design.
  Works Cited
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