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  Reporter: This is school, Victorian style. These 9 and 10-year-olds are on a day trip to London’s Ragged School Museum, but in the future kids this young won’t have to be taught about the Victorians, because the way we teach history is changing.
  Child A: I liked Romans. I really like the Romans.
  Child B: I did like the 1)Great Fire of London.
  Child C: The Egyptians.
  Teacher: Now sit up!
  Reporter: Yes, pay attention. The Egyptians are not on the new curriculum. But the Romans are, and there’ll be more focus on 2)chronology and knowledge. But why?
  Teacher: When I think you are ready…
  Nick Gibb (Minister of State for Schools): There is a perception, which I think is real, that children are leaving school without a deep knowledge of the chronology of British history, and…and the history of countries that are important to this country. They tend to repeat the same periods of history over again—the 3)Tudors, and then the…the Second World War, and I think children need to understand the whole of our history if they’re going to really understand Britain.
  (Soundbite from “Horrible History”)
  Reporter: One successful attempt to get young children interested in history has been the Horrible History series. The program’s historical consultant thinks the Government’s new curriculum might struggle to engage young minds though.
  Greg Jenner (Historian): What Michael Gove is trying to do here feels a bit like a sort of 19th century 4)rote learning type of scholarship, where it’s all about the kids just absorbing the facts that are flung at them, rather than talking to children, communicating with them.
  Teacher: You will learn these facts by repetition. Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Remember! Remember! Remember!
  Reporter: Yes, Miss.
  Back in Victorian times it was all about rote learning; the idea of repeating facts again and again until it stuck in your head. Well, critics of Michael Gove’s plan say that he’s heading back in that direction, while supporters think that the balance tipped too far the other way.

  迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)自2010年开始担任英国教育大臣以来,就一直倡导英国教育系统改革,其中包括提高考试的难度、加强对本国及外国语言的要求,以及严格区分科学和数学之间的界限。以下几大措施就是由他提出的:
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