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  Thanks to widespread and high-speed broadband and robust video sharing sites, distance learning is being reinvented once more.
  Voice in Video: They make peace with the French in October of 1797, the Italian campaign…
  This is Khan Academy. OK, so the tuition lacks visual 1)flare, but they’re proving wildly, almost unimaginably popular, with more than 600 lessons watched each and every minute. It’s the brainchild of Salmon Khan, a former banker, who turned his back on financial gain to profit the world of children’s education instead. What began with sending out online tutorials to family members, soon mushroomed.
  Khan: This, you know, is reaching 100,000 students a month right now. It could be reaching a hundred million students a month, and it could do that forever,’cause this stuff doesn’t really get old. And so I thought this is an infinite social return on investment.
  Today Khan Academy offers over 3,200 videos for primary school pupils, 2nd-year university students and every level in between. Initially seen as an afterschool study tool, it’s now being implemented in traditional classrooms. The library of videos emphasize maths and science, but Khan says in a couple years they’ll cover a broad curriculum. And almost every video is taught by Khan himself in his unscripted but exhaustively researched “guy-next-door” style.
  Khan(in video): Pick five balls out of this bin of 56 without replacing them and not caring about order.
  Alongside the videos, a software platform generates quizzes and uses 2)gamification to engage students, making math problems more like games by using incentives and reward badges. It’s a clever combo. The exercises confirm users fully grasp a concept before moving on, and the videos are far less 3)daunting than a live teacher.

  Oakland Unity High School is one of 25 California schools participating in Khan Academy’s pilot program, which brings the platform into the classroom.
  You remember what it’s like to be in a typical classroom, right? A teacher standing at the front of the room lecturing, you sitting at your desk listening attentively, or at least pretending to be. Then after school you went home and did your homework. But online learning tools have flipped the classroom. Students watch the lectures online at home and class time is mostly spent working through problems with the help of teachers and classmates.
  Kallie Berg (Unity High School Teacher): It’s very different than a traditional classroom. It’s not me driving the class, telling everybody where to go next. I’m more of a support-person for the students, guiding them, helping them figure out what direction they should be going in, but they’re definitely in the driver’s seat, and they’re definitely deciding what to do next.
  Berg can get an instant read on who is and isn’t thriving thanks to another Khan Academy tool—learning data. At a glance, teachers know who’s mastered the concept and who needs help. They can then work with struggling students in small groups, or pair them up with a student who’s ahead. After all, to teach is to learn, right?
  It’s too soon to tell if the online program will have a lasting impact, but teachers at Unity High have seen a 42% boost in maths test scores from Khan Academy.
  The site is also having an impact elsewhere around the world. A third of the site’s eight million monthly users live outside North America, mainly in the developing world, where skilled teachers and classrooms are thin on the ground. Khan, himself, admits a lot of work remains, but with funding from heavyweights like Google and the Gates Foundation, he’s pretty motivated.
  Khan: You have this set of knowledge that people viewed as best for the ivory tower—you have to get in, then you get access to it and you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in for it, you know. That…that knowledge is now going to be commonplace.

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ew parents think that bringing up a child will be cheap, but even though most are surprised and no doubt a little scared to be told that total costs could be over£220,000. So, for parents like Vanetta