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  初次听说波兰奥波莱工业大学校长马瑞克·图坚道夫(Marek Tukiendorf)先生,是通过一张他的中文名片。没想到很有缘分,不久后的2015年冬天,我们在上海见面了。他高出我一头,英俊、睿智。那天,他与重庆交通大学唐伯明校长、波兰理工联盟主席一起出席研讨合作会,特地邀请我们来年参加波兰主办的名为“Bridge(桥)”的国际会议。
  作者单位/重庆交通大学 编辑/杨艳
  The first time that I heard of Mr. Marek Tukiendorf, rector of the Opole University of Technology in Poland was via his business card in Chinese. Out of serendipity, in the winter of 2015, we met in Shanghai. Much taller than me, he was handsome and witty. At that day, he attended the cooperation seminar together with president Tang Boming of Chongqing Jiaotong University and chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology, and specially invited us to participate in the international conference called "Bridge" hosted by Poland in the upcoming year.
  In March 2016, Chongqing Jiaotong University was invited to Poland as a representative of China. I was honored to participate as a representative of the University. At that time, Mr. Tukiendorf, with his clout and voice, invited the deputy prime minister in charge of science and higher education in Poland, the municipal government of Opole and the leaders of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities of Technology, as well as guests from the neighboring state governments and well-known companies in Germany (such as Bosch) ,etc.   Our delegation was also invited to visit Confucius Institute at Opole University of Technology, where elements with strong Chinese characteristics, such as tea, traditional Chinese painting and Chinese style furniture abound. Jiang Huijuan, Chinese director of the Confucius Institute said that all of these were resulted from Mr. Tukiendorf’ s handworks and his love for Chinese culture. The conference, apart from the theme of "bridge", was a "bridge" connecting governments, universities and enterprises of these three countries. Mr. Tukiendorf himself also served as the "bridge".
  Poland was the country that responded to China's Belt and Road Initiative quite earlier. The important task of our delegation was to work with Mr. Tukiendorf to promote exchanges between universities and local governments. He specially took us to the governor’s office of Opole, reported the relevant situation to the governor and vice governor, and personally introduced us to many Polish universities and Confucius Institutes.
  In 2017, Opole University of Technology and Chongqing Jiaotong University jointly organized the “International Academic Conference on the New Silk Road Interconnectivity” attended by seven universities respectively in Poland and Chongqing under the theme of “Trade Cooperation and Facilitation, Eurasian Cultural Exchanges, Eurasian Transportation Logistics". More than 160 government officials, experts and scholars from Poland, Spain, Britain, Japan and China gathered at Chongqing Jiaotong University, making it the largest and most successful international conference our university had ever held.
  During the conference, the Sino-Poland New Silk Road International Joint Center spearheaded by Chongqing Jiaotong University and Opole University of Technology in Poland was established. Based on this joint center, we had successfully applied for the National and Regional Research Base of the Ministry of Education - Center for European Studies. Now this center has become a major force for our university to research and connect with Central and Eastern Europe. Ms. Ding Nan and I jointly designed the LOGO of the Joint Center, a waving silk resembling a camel's body, which Mr. Tukiendorf was very fond of. And then every time we met, he always wore this LOGO badge, as he always held the cooperation between China and Poland dear.
  We had a meeting almost every year to discuss further cooperation in academic and other fileds. At the Global Confucius Institute Conference held in Kunming in 2016, Mr. Tukiendorf, president Liu Gonghui of Beijing University of Technology and I discussed the establishment of the Sino-Polish University Consortium, aiming to build more Confucius Classrooms in Poland and hold art design competitions. We all hit it off.   Mr. Tukiendorf was exceptionally vigorous in implementing this plan immediately after returning home and received positive responses from 9 Polish universities. He personally brought rectors of these universities and leaders of Chinese universities who were willing to pair up to Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) to state their wishes. There was, however, no precedent for opening so many Confucius Classrooms in the same country. The leaders of Hanban were very moved.
  On March 21, 2017, under the joint initiative of Chongqing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Technology and Opole University of Technology, the largest university alliance between China and Poland, the Sino-Polish University Consortium under the Belt and Road Initiative was formally established in Beijing. Twenty-three Chinese and Polish universities have become founding members of the alliance. President Tang Boming of Chongqing Jiaotong University, President Liu Gonghui of Beijing University of Technology and president Tudendorf of Opole University of Technology were elected as the first rotating chairman of the alliance. The bridge of friendship and cooperation between Chinese and Polish Universities became wider and wider.
  Mr. Tukiendorf was dedicated to his work. Every year at the Global Confucius Institute Conference, his active presence was always seen. In 2016, he was presented the Confucius Institute Individual Performance Excellence Award by Liu Yandong, vice premier of the State Council of China at that time.
  The Global Confucius Institute Conference in 2018 held in Chengdu brought us together again. Mr. Tukiendorf was still the tough guy with a bright smile. Just before parting, we agreed to see each other next time.
  An unfortunate accident, however, happened. On July 25, 2019, I got a piece of sad news from WeChat that Mr. Tukiendorf had passed away. Suddenly I sank into deep grief, regretting the loss of a good friend who was committed to friendly exchanges between China and Poland and a bridge of friendship that spanned thousands of miles.
  However, it seems that Mr. Tukiendorf never leaves us. His spirit will always inspire us to make unremitting efforts for the friendship between China and Poland at the Sino-Poland New Silk Road International Joint Research Center and Center for European Research in our University, and the Confucius Classrooms everywhere in Poland!
  Author Affiliation/Chongqing Jiaotong University   Editor/Yang Yan
在德国100强上市公司中,有一个非常特别的企业,它就是比亚特·乌尔瑟股份公司。比亚特·乌尔瑟是这个公司的创始人,二战后,这位女士开始创办了一份名为《X》的杂志,倡导“X”生活理念,专门为德国妇女介绍避孕方法和避孕工具,后来业务逐渐扩大,她所经营性商品在近半个世纪以来,有了超乎想像的发展。    经营“快乐产品”曾经被告有罪    二次大战后的德国非常保守,比亚特·乌尔瑟的所作所为被认为是伤风败俗的
6月5日,重庆市五届人大常委会第十八次会议第二次全体会议表决通过关于批准重庆市与乌兹别克斯坦塔什干州缔结友好市州关系的决定。此标志着重庆的国际“朋友圈”又多了一个朋友,总数达到47个,即全市(区县)共与外国47个省州市缔结了正式友好城市关系,与104个省州市建立了友好交流关系。  乌兹别克斯坦的农业强区和重要工业中心  乌兹别克斯坦面积44.89万平方公里,人口3372.5万人,位于中亚腹地,是“
要知道什么是失败    那是一个糟糕的赛季的最后一场冰球比赛。当时我在塞勒姆高中读最后一年。我们分别击败3个球队,赢了头3场比赛,但在随后的6场比赛中,我们全都输掉了,而且其中5场都是一球之差。所以在最后一场比赛中,我们都极度地渴求胜利。作为塞勒姆女巫队的副队长,我独进两球,顿时大家都觉得运气相当不错。  那确实是场十分精彩的比赛,双方打成2比2后进入了加时赛。但是很快,对方进了一球——我们又输了
《改革开放口述史》(新版)  作 者:欧阳淞 高永中  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  全书精选中国改革开放40年历程中具有代表性的重大决策和重大事件,通过对亲历者、决策者,并长期担任党和国家领导职位的近60位老同志的采访,以口述史的形式,展现改革开放40年中诸多重大决策的出台过程,以及其中许多鲜为人知的细节。  《中国古代文化常识》  (插图修订第4版)  作 者:王力  出版社:北京联合出版公司
应阿尔及利亚、苏丹、巴勒斯坦三国政府邀请,中国政府于5月14日、6月10日分别派出抗疫医疗专家组协助当地开展疫情防控工作。其中,赴阿尔及利亚专家组结束在阿工作后,辗转至苏丹继续执行抗疫合作任务,并于6月12日顺利完成所有工作搭乘包机返渝;赴巴专家组于6月18日圆满完成任务返回重庆。  在外工作期间,专家组在三国分享防疫救治的“中国经验”,开展了广泛而深入的交流,受到三国政府高度重视和人民的普遍赞誉
国际管理顾问公司Towers Perrin所作的一项全球薪酬调查显示,各国大企业行政总裁平均年薪以美国最高,达106万美元;其次是英国,约70万美元;再下来是法国,约60万美元;德国,约41万美元;瑞典,约35万美元。这里所说的薪酬包括全年底薪、花红、认股权以及其他酬劳。  有5年以上工作经验的会计师,以英国同业的薪酬最高,达9万美元,其余依次是:法国,约7万美元;德国,约6.5万美元;美国,约
摔跤冠军的人生说明,社会是另有规则的竞标。    母爱浇灌,少年苦练成冠军    景维志1966年出生于吉林省永吉市口前镇一个普通的工人家庭。小时候,景维志的家境并不宽裕。他个小力大,是块搞体育的好料。一次,和同学打架,他把欺负自己的几个同学都给打跑了。  没想到景维志的能打善战刚好被路过的吉林省永吉市体校的举重教练撞上了。李教练看他是块搞体育的好料,便相中了,要收他为徒。景维志的父亲坚决不同意儿
当年的邻家男孩早已化蛹成蝶,这是一个洒脱而温文的男人,他的书卷气,他的率真,他不经意间的顽皮,让人心动……    黄磊:6年恋爱,我还没打算结婚,  将来实在躲不过去就会娶她吧    我是一个教师,千万别叫我明星。  我是一个怀旧的人。比如我喜欢穿旧一点的衣服,一件中式棉袄,就可以让我很舒服。我和女友已相处6年了,我常常会收集一些生活或恋爱中美好的回忆,自己再慢慢享用它。  我现在这样跟小时候的悠
三资企业更多进入,但“门槛”很高    在西部的直辖市重庆,外资、合资性公司更多地进入,如中国海外集团、安达信公司等。这些公司对于学生的专业要求并没有过多的限制,这就给更多的学生提供了机会。但与此同时,也对学生的综合素质提出了较高的要求:  全球著名的咨询公司安达信到重庆大学召开专场招聘说明会时,吸引了上千学生到场,就连过道上都站满了人。会上,安达信重庆分公司的老总对学生抛出了3500元到4500
男女之爱总是在身体上留下记忆,只是程度不同而已。  就爱情而言,肉体和精神究竟哪个占更重要的地位呢?  一段恋情结束后,有关肉体的记忆又保留下来多少呢?关于这个问题,恐怕每个人都曾经结合自身的经历思考过。具有性爱意义的肉体与精神关系,确实玄妙深奥。正因如此,作为文学及电影作品的主题,它成为人们广泛关注的对象。  诚然,肉体与精神这两者是密不可分的。  身心成熟者,无论是谁都希望能与自己的心上人做进