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  Feel like driving a car today?” I asked my son on the telephone.
  Several minutes earlier, one of the local car dealers had telephoned and asked if I might pick up a new car in 1)Vidalia and bring it back to 2)Brunswick.
  “Always use a little extra Christmas money,” replied Roger Junior. “Let me change clothes and I’ll be over in a few minutes,” he said.
  It was about 6:30 in the morning when we made our way onto the 95 interstate freeway, heading
  3)northbound. As we traveled along it was suggested that I buy breakfast for the two of us. Being a little hungry, I agreed and 4)pulled off at the next exit.
  Very carefully, I pulled into a parking space located right next to a handicap spot. I smiled back as one of the two women said “Good morning” to us as they were unloading a wheelchair from the side of a large white van.
  Sitting in the wheelchair was a gentleman dressed in a military uniform. I looked down and noticed that both his pant legs were folded beneath his knees. I also noticed officer’s 5)bars on his uniform.
  “Good morning, Captain,” I said as I 6)saluted him.
  “And a good morning to you, sir,” he replied back.
  The five of us traveled up the narrow walkway to the door of the small restaurant. Not thinking, I stepped up a three-inch cement 7)curb and opened the door for the Captain and the two women.
  “There’s a wheelchair 8)ramp located on the other side of the building,” said a large man with a 9)nametag, who came walking very quickly out the front door.
  “In the last two years I’ve 10)scaled walls higher than this building, ran up and down 11)rubble piles higher than three of my vans piled atop one another. I think I can make it over this curb,” said the officer.
  “I’m sure you can, sir,” said the man, as he also saluted the Captain.
  Roger Jr. and I grabbed hold of the wheelchair handles and, as the soldier pushed forward on the wheels of his chair, Roger and I pushed forward. Up and over the cement 12)hump he went, with no difficulty, whatsoever.
  As one of the women pushed him through the doorway of the restaurant, the large man wearing a nametag 13)snatched a small sign down, which had been 14)taped to the glass door.
  “I saw that,” said the Captain, as he laughed.
  “This sign was never meant to include heroes,” said the manager, as he hid the sign behind himself. “In fact this sign will never appear in this doorway, ever again,” he continued, as he 15)wadded up the piece of paper.
  “I am a writer. May I have that, please?” I asked the man. Slowly, he handed me the wadded up piece of
  paper, which I stuck into my pants pocket.
  The sign read: “No Shoes—No Shirt—No Service.”


We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.  Get married in the first town we came to. and live forever.  But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet. instead  I found this letter,
我早上六点到达医院的大厨房时,罗斯已经在对照着病人名册,核对贴在盘子上的姓名标签了。不锈钢架上摆放着成排的盘子,里面盛着我们一会儿就供应的早餐。  “你好,我是珍妮特。”我努力使自己的声音显得欢欣雀跃,尽管罗斯难相处共事的坏名声我早有听闻。“这周我被安排和你一起干活。”罗斯是一个身材矮胖,头发渐变灰白的中年妇女。她停下手头上的活,透过架在鼻梁上的眼镜盯着我看。从她那充满敌意的表情,我能看出她并不喜
Don’t you just hate it when you go to a friend’s house and not only is there no where to sit but also nowhere to stand. Your friend is constantly saying, “mind that,” “sorry about that,” “just be care
A Drinking Song  Wine comes in at the mouth,   And love comes in at the eye;  That’s all we shall know for truth,  Before we grow old and die.  I lift the glass to my mouth,  I look at you, and I sigh
亲爱的玛莉亚和萨莎:    我知道这两年你们俩随我一路竞选乐子不少,去野餐,参加巡游,逛州博览会,吃了各种我和妈妈大概不该给你们吃的垃圾食品。但我也知道,你们和妈妈的日子并不总是过得那么容易。新养的小狗虽然令你们俩兴奋,却无法弥补所有我们不在一起的时光。我明白,过去的这两年来我错过太多了。今天,我要再跟你们多解释一下,我为什么决定带领我们家踏上这趟旅程。
*I hear the wind call your name  It calls me back home again  It sparks up the fire  A flame that still burns  Oh, it’s to you  I’ll always return*    I still feel your breath on my skin  I hear your
“怀旧”,有时候,是一种病。  我是一个不喜欢扔东西的人,一是出于骨子里的拖延症,总觉得可以以后再说;二是自诩自己是个“念旧”的人,把那些曾在自己生命中创造过回忆的东西清理掉,实在太无情。  很久前有一次,母亲清理旧居,问我是否要清掉旧物。中小学教科书?——留着。作业本和考试卷?——留着吧。小板凳儿和旧娃娃?——也要留。……结果,我的东西基本一件没丢,只是我和母亲心里都充满疑惑:这些东西,我真的还
When you live in Beijing for a while, you gain a finely tuned understanding of air. After seven years here, I feel a bit like those 1)apocryphal Eskimos, with their thirty words for snow.  In Beijing,
She put him out like the burnin’ end of a midnight cigarette  She broke his heart. He spent his whole life tryin’ to forget  We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time  But he never could g