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  Six months ago, Liu Lichun didn’t know her breast could contain cancer. No one had taught the 40-year-old Chinese woman from Inner Mongolia what the disease was. She’d never heard of a 1)mammogram or 2)mastectomy. It had thus never occurred to her that she would lose her left breast to the mysterious illness nor that such a loss would probably save her life.
  The lump that transformed Liu’s world was not much larger than a marble. A company physician found it in June during the routine checkup that her employer, a Swiss firm in Shanghai, encouraged its sales staff to undergo each year. Once a 3)biopsy proved the tumor was 4)m alignant, Liu believed that the diagnosis was a death sentence.
  Breast cancer is the most 5)lethal form of cancer for women in the world. An estimated one million cases would be identified 2007, and about 500,000 new and existing patients would die from the disease. In the U.S., breast cancer are diagnosed in one in eight women.
  But in China, as in most other emerging economies, breast cancer is a relatively new concern, something that both patients and doctors are only 6)haltingly learning how to treat. Previously a 7)malady that mostly afflicted white, affluent women in the industrial hubs of North America and Western Europe, breast cancer is everywhere. Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America have all seen their 8)caseloads spike. By 2020, 70% of all breast-cancer cases worldwide will be in developing countries.
  Worse, as the reach of the disease is expanding, the reach of detection and treatment isn’t. For a woman battling breast cancer in the industrialized West, new diagnosis and treatment options come along all the time. Not so elsewhere.In the U.S., an estimated $8.1 billion is spent to diagnose and treat breast cancer each year, and the ubiquity of
  9)mammography machines, clinics and specialists shows what that money can buy. As for a desperately poor land like 10)Kenya? If you can’t travel overseas for treatment, says Mary Onyango, a resident of the country whose disease was diagnosed at age 40, “you just sit and wait for your death.” Says Nancy Brinker, founder of the 11)Komen group: “Poverty is a known 12)carcinogen.”
  Some of this bad news is the result of very good news. Thanks to better sanitation, more food and improved 13)public health, the average life expectancy in low-and middle-income nations has risen from 50 in 1965 to 65 in 2005. Women are simply living long enough to reach the age at which they’re most 14)susceptible to breast cancer.
  While the risk factors for a disease may cross borders freely, the cultural understanding it takes to treat it doesn’t. Americans may live in a world of pink ribbons, but in other parts of the globe, breast cancer is still a shameful secret. Every three minutes an Egyptian woman is informed that she has the illness, and one of her first fears is that her husband will leave her. Secrecy leads not only to misery but also to 15)misinformation. In India, women with breast cancer may be forced to use separate plates and spoons because of the widespread belief that the disease is contagious.
  Western Ways, Western Woes
  If the spread of U.S. and European lifestyles is indeed contributing to the breastcancer boom, the first and worst of all those new habits is almost surely diet. In a study released in July 2007, scientists traced the eating habits of 3,000 Chinese women, ranging in age from 25 to 64. Half of the group ate a “meat sweet” diet of Western cuisine, rich in red meat, shrimp, fish, candy, desserts, bread and milk. The others stuck to more traditional Asian fare of tofu, vegetables, sprouts, beans, fish and soy milk. 16)Postmenopausal women in the meat-sweet group showed a 60% greater risk of developing the most common kind of breast cancer.
  Then, too, there’s lack of exercise—a growing problem in the Western world. People who work on farms and in factories may get a workout all day long. But the more a globalizing world shifts from fields to offices, the less moving we do.
  Speaking Out
  If the developed world does not always do a good job of keeping itself well, health-care leaders there do understand that to fix the diseases you’ve got, you first have to talk about them. That is often not remotely the case elsewhere.
  But things may be changing.Nongovern-mental groups such as Komen for the Cure and the World Health Organization sponsor lectures, professional gatherings and promotional events to educate women and 17)caregivers about the disease. Grass-roots initiatives are sprouting up in places that never dared mention the disease before.
  In Hungary, where every woman from 45 to 65 now gets a free annual mammogram—with even travel costs covered—breast cancer has dropped from first place to third as a cause of death among women. In China the country’s 18)anticancer association launched a nationwide drive in 2005 to provide a million women, ages 30 to 70, with a free mammogram within the next three years.
  It’s too early to say if these efforts indeed mean a start toward ending the global breast-cancer crisis. In the rich world, a diagnosis of breast cancer
  may bring terror, but a terror lightened by hope. Elsewhere that is still not the case. If the developed world can work to globalize wealth, then it should be similarly able to globalize the opportunities for health.



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