The architectural "gray space"

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  Abstract:Indoor and outdoor space connection, rest with the division of office space, the natural environment and artificial environment of cohesion, all need our grey space design, grey space design in architectural design is indispensable. This article discusses my understanding of "gray space".
  一、Understanding "gray space"
  Buildings, there are a lot of important words in the word "gray space" occupies very important position in these words. Earliest grey space is famous by Japanese HeiChuanJiZhang, refers to the transition space, internal and external space can make more harmonious construction of indoor and outdoor. Grey space covers the meaning more widely in the field of modern architecture, sometimes referred to as "intermediary space", it not only indoor and outdoor space, including excessive space of the building and construction, such as buildings and streets of space, space and space too much space, it is a part in the urban construction, it includes material elements, the space element, environment element place, etc.Is the space with excessive, connections, foil effect is one of the most space.
  First grey space is to be able to raise the visual sense of the building, so grey space design is a rich space level of artistic effect. Suppose that a building no grey space design, just pure space and space, without transition space, the whole building in our eyes will become very veneer, even building cannot be established. In the gray space in the building design we have a lot of design can have adornment effect, can make the whole building is more full of life and space, also can make buildings around the environment more harmonious. For us, the grey space can make us feel better, make the space is closer to communicate with our hearts.The role of time, gray space in building positive from black to white must be grey as important transition, the transition of no grey between black and white, will appear two extremes of abrupt, lack of visual buffer. Grey space in the building design is absolutely indispensable, because grey space in the building by the different space transition together.Grey space is the function of cohesion between the conversion for each Spaces, in cohesion transformation makes people in a space to another space transformation on the feeling, each drab space multidirectional, becomes more active. As the black chuan JiZhang said "this space has been as a kind of important means, used to alleviate because the modern architecture makes the separation of urban space into illicit close space and public space caused by the emotional alienation." Grey space can make the mood more happy, enjoy the space and the dialogue of the mind.   二、"Gray space" in the traditional architectural design significance
  In traditional buildings, our predecessors used lots of grey space design, let a space more harmonious, more to make our lives comfortable.In zhejiang lanxi zhuge bagua village, you can see the grey space in our traditional architecture design. The planning and design of the whole village built entirely in accordance with the jiugong eight diagrams, the center of the village is Zhong Chi, the whole village is a center for radial alignment. Not people in the village in the village of basic were stray road, the road in the village are both eight diagrams and the channel in the village, belongs to the grey space design, achieved the purpose of protecting the village roads, has realized the effect of channel, can connect different space, for the transition. In the center Zhong Chi grey space design, it not only played a central role, and make people have a small gathering place, similar to the function of the square. Tell from the design, we see the Zhong Chi role for the whole village space arrangement, also see Zhong Chi in village environment adornment effect. The most magnificent building to several big village court, is the place of sacrifice and between the small square in front of the court and the entrance hall is big court, it have played an important role in the connection of inside and outside, and carries on the design, make the building more beautiful, it is also a grey space design.
  In the foreign classical architecture, called the taj mahal, "tai ji, Hal ling". The building started in 1630, built in 1653. Is the mughal empire king ShaJie sweat for die was too JiJian concubine mausoleum. Is made of pure white marble building, has a very high artistic value, also is the masterpiece of islamic architecture. The role of the taj mahal in gray space is also very obvious, but also relatively easy to see, the road in front of the hall with a slice of the taj mahal in water is connected to the external environment of the gray space, seems to be just a road but it makes people before they walk into the taj mahal to see the taj mahal to noble, solemn and elegant, fully embodies the role transition and connection.
  Grey space design greatly improved our quality of life. In modern life, we both residential, office, entertainment place need to coordinate with grey space. Grey space ACTS as a traffic space indoors, can make people in the space is decorated, so as to give a person a better feeling. In outdoor grey space gives a person a rest, a communication zone, make people more comfortable. Grey space function is the regulation of black and white of conflict, the discord between space and space. And make buildings more perfect, modern life brings us a better.
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【摘要】:赵少昂的花鸟画气韵生动,形象逼真,情趣别致,具有独特的个性和强烈的形式美感。本文从赵少昂花鸟画的构图、笔墨线条、色彩等方面来探讨赵少昂先生花鸟画形式美的特色。  【关键词】:赵少昂;花鸟画;形式美  一、赵少昂的生平与花鸟艺术风格  赵少昂(1905-1998),本名垣,字叔仪,广东番禺人,生于广州,家贫,以做工谋生,业余自学绘画。因少时丧父,自幼与母亲生活,因而终身十分孝敬母亲,传作一
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【摘要】:创新是指以现有的思维模式提出有别于常规或常人思路的见解为导向,利用现有的知识和物质,在特定的环境中,本着理想化需要或为满足社会需求,而改进或创造新的事物、方法、元素、路径、环境,并能获得一定有益效果的行为。西方的三次工业革命却使世界产生了翻天覆地的变化,使得社会生产力取得惊人的进步。正是因为创新的力量,创造的威力,才使得全世界人类的联系更加紧密,使得人们的生活发生惊人的改变。  【关键词
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【摘要】:纳西族谚语是纳西族人民智慧的所在,是纳西族人民社会实践和社会生活经验的结晶,它包含了人民大众的智慧、经验以及劝诫教训作用等。本文将通过纳西族谚语分析纳西族谚语与纳西族人民的关系与作用。  【关键词】:纳西族;谚语;关系;作用  谚语源远流长,历史悠久。关于谚语的定义,一直以来都是众说纷纭。近代以来,一些学者对谚语进行了深入的研究调查,对谚语做了重新的定义。根据这些学者对谚语的定义,我们可
【摘要】:高觉新生于一个地主官僚家庭,他作为长房长孙从一出生便背负着整个大家庭的使命,因此,他的悲剧性格在出生时埋下了伏笔。本文全面梳理了高觉新的性格特点。  【关键词】:高觉新;性格;特点  高觉新曾经也是一个有理想有抱负的青年,但是这一切与封建大家庭又是格格不入的。他的性格悲剧是由封建大家庭的束缚与叛逆青年的冲突造成的。他一方面是顺从妥协,另一方面则是正直与反抗。小说中大量的矛盾,有很多是集中
【摘要】:本文首先分析了当代书法文化的核心价值,然后细致讨论了当代书法文化核心价值的表现与保护。旨在为当代书法文化爱好者和中华传统文化拥护者提供参考。  【关键词】:当代书法;书法核心价值;中华传统文化  梁实秋在《书法的前途》一文中表达了对书法的忧虑:“所以中国书法,至晋唐而登峰造极,厥后虽历代有名家,究竟不得有更高的造诣,至于晚近,遂急剧衰落。”书法是中国文化瑰宝之一,其具有很高的艺术价值。书