A Few Thoughts on Learning English Well in High School

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  【Abstract】In senior high school English courses, the textbook system is very rigorous and standard. Many concepts and theorems are very abstract and logical. At the same time, the difficulty of knowledge is much higher than that in junior high school, which means students in high school have to master a lot of knowledge and the scope of test questions is very wide. Most of the English knowledge we learn in class is basic knowledge but a lot of knowledge comes from outside the classroom. Therefore, this paper mainly summarizes the following points about how should high school students learn English effectively.
  【Key words】English in high school; learning strategy; efficiency
  For high school students, after entering high school, the vocabulary requirements of English are gradually enhanced that is from the common life vocabulary to a large number of core vocabulary and cognitive vocabulary. And the grammar is gradually transformed from fragmentary to systematic. At the same time ,The content of reading has also changed from simple language to high-level and multi-faceted language, while writing has changed from an independent single sentence to a simple English phrase.
  Ⅰ. Master the basic vocabulary and lay a solid foundation
  As one of the three major components of language learning, vocabulary is a very important part of learning English. Therefore, vocabulary directly determines the level of English. I think that the main reason why students can’t learn English well is their lack of vocabulary Therefore, the improvement of vocabulary is very important in the study of English in high school.
  For example, we can master the words by combining the content of the article, or we can arrange the new words in a notebook, so as to understand and master the meaning of the new word and apply the new words to our life. It is also worth mentioning that we should be patient when we are reciting words because if we are absent-minded, no matter how many times we try , it will not be effective.
  Ⅱ. Keep the grammar in mind and look for the rules of the grammar
  As a high school student, in addition to listening to the grammar knowledge in the classroom, we should also learn to observe the laws of grammar and learn the rules by ourselves, which will allow us to understand the grammar more clearly and improve our ability to learn independently.
  The grammar of high school English is based on the meaning of each word. Therefore, we should first make clear the composition of each sentence, and then we can deepen our understanding of English grammar through a long-term training. In addition, in the process of learning grammar, if we have mastered the basic English grammar of high school, we can also try to learn the grammar knowledge of college English, which will certainly be of great help to the study of grammar in high school if we can understand some grammar content in college.   Ⅲ. Increase the amount of reading and improve the reading level
  The reading ability also plays a very important role in the study of English in high school, so students should master the reading skills. In reading, I think we should combine the intensive reading and extensive reading combined. For example, the textbooks we study in high school are the contents that must be intensively read which we need to understand the meaning of each sentence and the meaning of each word. However, When reading some extracurricular readings, we can read them extensively. The words and grammar are the basis before reading an article, but the more important thing is the skill of reading so it is necessary for us to know the certain analytical strategies and techniques when we read an article.
  Ⅳ. Master the writing skills and improve the writing skills
  As we all know, if we want to write an excellent English composition, we should lay a good foundation at first that means we should master the certain vocabulary and learn the grammar well. Therefore, to improve our writing skill, we should first learn to read, because only after a lot of reading can we accumulate enough materials and experience for our writing. Secondly, we should learn to imitate. For example, we can choose some excellent compositions to study. By learning the writing skills of these compositions, we can write some compositions by imitating its forms and contents. Finally, we also have to practice writing every day.
  All in all, in the stage of learning English in high school, we should not only have the perseverance to learn English , but also master certain learning strategies and learning skills about English, so as to master English skills better.
  [1]Xu Aijing.Study on optimization of English learning style in high school[J].China,2018(13):245.
【摘要】微信作为一种新型的网络社交工具,通过移动互联网技术能够实现更为便利的运用,可以在更加广阔的媒介中发送语音、图、视频、文字等信息,实现双人或多人之间的沟通。微信的迅速发展也为教育教学提供了新手段,将微信运用于大学英语的移动学习不仅能够将为学生提供更加广阔的学习平台,获取更加丰富的学习资料,让学生随时随地都能学习,提高学生的自主学习积极性,提升教学效果。  【关键词】微信;移动学习;大学英语;
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新课程的课堂教学要由传统的知识性教学转向现代化的发展性教学。近期我就一直在思考着一个问题“什么样的课才算一节好课?”,有幸的是不久前我听取了我校三位教师带来的课题为7A Unit7 Shopping Integrated skills的同课异构的三节课,这是一节七年级的综合技能课。听完三节课,冥冥之中我好像得到了答案。这个答案正是其中一位老师留给我最深刻的几点感受。笔者总结为一节好的英语课应该具备
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