The effects of Textual Enhancement in English Teaching

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  Abstract:Textual Enhancement is one of input methods,which aims to attract learners’ attention to target forms in teaching process.This paper tend to explore previous study about the effect of text enhancement in English teaching.
  Key words:textual enhancement;input enhancement;target forms
  1 Textual Enhancement
  In consideration of the questions of what kind of learning materials,input,should be given to draw students’ noticing to target form.Sharwood(1991) started to explore the function of input in language teaching,which later turns to Input Enhancement(consciousness-raising).
  Because of this definition of Sharwood,input enhancement is to attempt to make specific forms or features for L2 more salient so that can be noticed by learners.Doughty&Williams (1998)promoted that,Textual Enhancement,is one kind of visual input enhancement.It is implicit and unobtrusive methods to attract learners’ attention to target forms contained in written input.Wong(2007) also claimed that manipulating special forms more salient with typographical cues such as bolding,italics and colored to draw learners’ attention in a text was named as Textual Enhancement.
  2 Relative study on TE&factors of its effectiveness
  2.1 relative study on TE
  Based on Input Hypothesis and Noticing Hypothesis promoted by Krashen(1985) and Schmidt(1990)separately,a great deal empirical study have been manipulated to confirm the influence of TE on raising learners’ noticing and the acquisition of target forms.Shook (1994)explored the effect of TE on the acquisition of present perfect and relative pronoun.125 first and second year English-Speaking Spanish participants were required to finish two written production tasks and two recognition task.The result revealed that it was positive effect on intak of target form and significant influence for enhancement.Another research parallels Shook’s conducted by Alanen(1995) who want to examine the effect of TE by empirical researches.Four groups were given same tasks and reading materials but received different treatment in the process of teaching and learning.It is more complex than Shook’s research.But the results suggested that while TE is effective in make learners’ notice the target forms as seen in the think-aloud data.It was failure to help learners use forms.For instance,Leow et al.(2003) found that TE had no effect on noticing and comprehension.Combs also suggested that both of TE and topic familiarity had no effects on target language acquisition.   2.2 factors influenced TE
  Measurements were different for mixed research results,such as sentence,collocations,grammar etc.(Dought 1991,Alanen 1995,Izumi 2002).Another factor is learners’ previous knowledge.Third is the length of measurement.The type of TE is most important for researches,such as colored,shaped,bold and so on.The length of text is also a factor.All in all,although TE has been testified positive effects on targets form acquisition,teachers should put it into instruction correctly.
  3 Suggestions for TE in foreign language teaching
  Firstly,TE should be used in a text which is long and contained complex grammar rules.If infinitive forms like -ing are more than plural form -s,then giving -ing a reasonable enhancement will be better.Modal verb may and must needed to be use in different situation,but -s just means plural form for nouns.So do some treatment for may and must will help learner develop interlanguage.Secondly,choosing the length of text should match learners’ proficiency,for it can draw their attention and foster comprehension.Thirdly,teachers design right tasks to check out the effect of students learning.It is relative with teaching contents and appropriate difficulty.Finally,if use enhanced skill in excess will lead to worse results.For example,today is warm.Three enhanced skills in this sentence will distract students attention.Also enhanced target form should not be too much.
  [1]Krashen,S.Principles and practice in second language acquisition[M].London:Pergamon,1982.
  [2]Schmidt,R.The role of consciousness in second language learning[J].A ppliedLinguistics,1990,11:206–226.
  [3]Sharwood,M,& Smith.Input enhancement in instructed SLA [J].Studies in Second Language Acquisition,1993,15(2):165-179.
摘 要:在我国小学教学中,数学课程充当着非常重要的角色。数学学科的开展,有利于提升学生的思维能力,提升学生的数学能力。在日常教学中,为了提升学生的学习效率,提高教学质量,教师需要提升学生的综合能力,进而促进学生的全面发展。  关键词:小学;数学;思维能力  1培养学生数学思维能力应该坚持的原则  1.1教、学有效结合  在数学学习的过程中,数学知识与学生数学思维能力的关系十分紧密。学生在学习数学的
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摘 要:我们高中生面临着高考的压力,为了能够取得优异成绩,必须非常努力。现代文学作品的阅读与鉴赏可以丰富自身知识储备,有利于提高文学修养、陶冶情操。文章先介绍小说作品,进一步分析散文作品,增强自主学习能力,从而促进自身全面发展。  关键词:现代文学作品;阅读与鉴赏;方法探究  受到应试教育制度影响,我们将大部分时间都用来记忆理论、公式、定理等内容,主要目的是为了顺利通过考试。现代文学作品阅读与鉴赏
摘 要:伴随学校改革的不断深入,中职院校的体育教学也发生了变化,传统的教育手段和教育模式已經不能符合当今时代的发展需求,因此需要从教学内容以及教学方法等方面进行创新,针对当前中职学生的特点,要不断地深化课程体系,采用体育教学和专业教学相结合的方式,凸显中职教育的职业特点,以此增添校园文化,丰富学生的职业学习内容。  关键词:中职;体育教学;职业特色  1中职体育教学体现职业特色的重要性  随着我国
摘 要:随着对新教学模式不断的研究和实践,探究式教学模式凭借优秀的应用效果脱颖而出。将其运用在中学化学教学中,可以有效解决知识点多、难度大、学习效果不佳的问题。促进学生善于思考的同时帮助学生运用自身的学习主体地位。本文针对中学化学教学,对探究式教学模式的应用进行分析探讨,并提出一定的对应教学策略作为参考。  关键词:中学化学;探究式教学模式;应用策略  探究式教学模式是一种将理论知识与实践相结合为
教学目标  1.了解《礼记》相关知识,积累常用文言字词,熟读并背诵课文。  2.借助注释和工具书理解课文基本内容,通过思考讨论理解教学相长的道理。  3.联系自己学习实际,用正确的学习方法指导自己的学习。  教学重点  1.积累常用文言字词,熟读并背诵课文。  2.借助注释和工具书理解课文内容,通过思考讨论理解教学相长的道理。  教学难点  通过思考讨论理解教学相互促进的道理。  教学课时  1课