Genetic algorithm for pareto optimum-based route selection

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqlgx123456
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A quality of service (QoS) or constraint-based routing selection needs to find a path subject to multiple constraints through a network. The problem of finding such a path is known as the multi-constrained path(MCP) problem, and has been proven to be NP-complete that cannot be exactly solved in a polynomial time. The NPC problem is converted into a multiobjective optimization problem with constraints to be solved with a genetic algorithm. Based on the Pareto optimum, a constrained routing computation method is proposed to generate a set of nondominated optimal routes with the genetic algorithm mechanism. The convergence and time complexity of the novel algorithm is analyzed. Experimental results show that multiobjective evolution is highly responsive and competent for the Pareto optimum-based route selection. When this method is applied to a MPLS and metropolitan-area network, it will be capable of optimizing the transmission performance. A quality of service (QoS) or constraint-based routing selection needs to find a path subject to multiple constraints through a network. The problem of finding such a path is known as the multi-constrained path (MCP) problem, and has been proven to be NP-complete that can not be exactly solved in a polynomial time. The NPC problem is converted into a multiobjective optimization problem with constraints to be solved with a genetic algorithm. Based on the Pareto optimum, a constrained routing computation method is proposed to generate The set of nondominated optimal routes with the genetic algorithm mechanism. The experimental results show that multiobjective evolution is highly responsive and competent for the Pareto optimum-based route selection. When this method is applied to a MPLS and metropolitan-area network, it will be capable of optimizing the transmission performance.
摘 要: 巧设导语,可以激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率,扮靓语文课堂。作者结合教学实际介绍了几种操作性较强的巧设导语的方法。  关键词: 语文教学 巧设导语 激发兴趣 提高效率 扮靓课堂  在语文教学中,学生探究问题的积极性往往来自于充满疑问和兴趣的情境,要让学生积极主动地参与到实践活动中,这就需要教师精心设计、巧设情境。然而,要解决这一问题,妙用导语是首要因素,因为导语融知识性、艺术性、趣味性于一体
“教而不研则浅,研而不教则空”,“教”与“研”相辅相成,教研的活动形式多种多样,但是校本教研应该是最简单、最直接、最有效的形式之一,是实施新课程改革的重要内容。校本教研是一种学习、工作和研究三位一体的学校活动和教师行为,它不仅是一种教师的专业发展活动,而且是一种经验的理论提升过程;不仅是教师的个人行为,而且是学校发展的动力,更是提高教育质量,创建个性化、特色化学校的主要途径之一。  新课程改革已经
摘 要: 青少年时期会随着生理、心理的发育成熟、社会阅历的扩展及思维方式的变化,容易在学习、生活、人际交往、自我意识和升学就业等方面,遇到各种心理困惑和问题。据统计,在现中学生中33%有心理障碍,12%有心理缺陷、27%有心理异常。可见,青少年的心理健康不容忽视。本文从初中语文教学的角度出发,分析了在语文教学过程中如何融入心理健康教育。  关键词: 初中语文 心理健康 教育教学方法  1.引言  
摘 要: 开展新课程教学改革是社会和时代发展的要求,是经济发展和科学进步的要求。为社会发展服务的教育教学事业必须对学生的发展和成才负责,必须矢志不渝地推进新课程教学改革工作。新课程教学改革的实施是一项系统工程,不仅需要教师的理念更新,更需要教师结合本学科的教学内容进行教育教学创新。所以,广大小学语文教师要想搞好新课程教学改革,必须把新课程教学理念和所教课程内容有机结合起来。把新课程和学科特点相结合