
来源 :语数外学习(高中英语教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdyan297
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随着社会的发展与新课改的纵深发展,高中英语教学的改革势在必行,广大教师要打破原有的填鸭式教学方法,唯分数至上的错误观念,明晰现存的一些问题,找出解决的对策,作出探索和研究,构建出符合提高学生素质的教学体系。其中,教师要着重构建多元化、高效能的评价体系。一、英语教学评价体系方面存在的问题(一)高中英语的评价内容比较单一 With the development of society and the further development of the new curriculum reform, the reform of senior high school English teaching is imperative. The majority of teachers should break the existing cramming teaching method, only the wrong concept of score first, clarify some existing problems and find out Solve the countermeasures, make exploration and research, and construct a teaching system that is in line with improving the quality of students. Among them, teachers should focus on building a diversified, high-performance evaluation system. First, the existing problems in the evaluation system of English teaching (a) high school English evaluation content is relatively simple
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