The Method of High School English Word Learning

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  【Abstract】Most Chinese students are not interested in English learning, especially English words. In this paper, I focus on English vocabulary learning, for example, the study of high school students English word learning method, and also introduce several ways to make vocabulary memory becomes more effective. The purpose is to make high school students grasp more English word learning skills.
  【Key words】High school; English; Method of learning
  High school is a turning point in one’s life, high school English is the most difficult subjects, and now all the students know that English learning is the most important, the core of English study is the vocabulary, they also use a lot of practice and energy in the vocabulary books, but the effect is not very satisfying. Most of the words are only the words themselves, and the students ignore how to have a good way to remember the words. Not only inefficient English learning, but also a long time are wasted. And now I will introduce the English word quick memory method for high school students.
  I. “Morning and Night” memory method
  Morning is the best time for memory, for word learning, time is an important impact. And affect the efficiency of learning English words during the day. To enhance the memory efficiency, we must learn a word from the beginning. As the saying goes, a year is in spring, the day is in the morning. The word choice morning as a memory of this moment there is a certain basis. The brain does not wake up the interference. Many people choose to study at night, because the evening received a good day to carry things after relaxing, review the words in the next day will leave a good memory for facilitate learning the next day.
  II. A large number of vocabulary memory method
  A lot of memory is not the purpose of English study but it is a good way of English study. The purpose of a large number of memorials is to learn more English words. Have you ever tried to copy the dictionary to memorize words? Many students have this paradoxical doubts scientific proof of dictionary memory, but you want to reach a certain vocabulary, the formation of a certain memory model, the pattern is formed, some words can not be remembered. We can try to guess the meaning of words. Many teachers also require students to remember the dictionary, the most important is the English dictionary has a wide range of knowledge, there are sentences, phrases, usage, deformation and so on.   III. Thinking of pronunciation memory method
  The most important thing for word memory is to look at the structure of the word, and then thinking its pronunciation. Students can try to memory in the pronunciation of Chinese-like words, in this way, we can use Chinese pronunciation to help memory. This word memory method is not universal, but it can be a special way to make us more ingenious memory. This method is not unscientific, but can make us impressed and can be fun ways are feasible. Even in the course of our association, it can also be added with many local characteristics of dialect, thinking of some Taiwan, Northeast and Beijing accent, such as the child of the sound to exaggerate the English words.
  IV. Review and review method
  Talking about our memory, the most authoritative argument is the Ebbinghaus memory curve, which describes the speed of our memory and forgetting the proportion of relationship. According to this theory, people remember a thing after 30 minutes, it is possible to forget half of the whole thing, two hours later, the rest will be the quarter. So some students think they have a bad memory is not scientific, we are not too bad in memory, but the book is too good to read thin, we should be focused. the core way to repeat the students back the words have overestimated their memory capacity, not simple repeat, so the diligent review is to overcome the Ebbinghaus memory curve decline solution. The review can have some mixed to consolidate and deepen the vocabulary, we can have the memory of the word in reality has become more flexible use of the sentence.
  This study is convenient for high school students, to let them memorize words more efficient, and the flexible use of words can also reduce the pressure of learning and improve students’ interest of learning. This research has a certain significance for high school students.
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济南职业学院IES杯第三届新概念英语背诵大赛结束了,下面从大赛前后所做的具体工作、大赛中遇到的困难、大赛的优缺点等几个方面总结一下,以达到有效的反思。  一、大赛前后所做的具体工作  1.确定新的大赛方案。 针对今年的新情况制定新的大赛方案。广泛争取教师和学生的意见,修改大赛方案,向领导提交大赛方案,修改后进一步确定大赛方案。最终确定的大赛方案。由八部分组成,分为参赛对象,报名时间,初赛时间、决赛
【摘要】在初中英语教材中阅读模块是学习的重点。目前,为了提高初中学生英语名著的阅读量,教师可以在指导学生阅读名著时,采取以下的方式,从学生容易理解的读本开始阅读,先易后难,通过根据学生的实际情况巧妙的运用以下这四种阅读方式,根据相关的课程内容,向学生推荐名著,鼓励学生自主学习,把名著的阅读引入到教学活动中,指导学生学习,提升学生的阅读能力。  【关键词】初中学生 名著阅读 教学策略 实践  著名的
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【摘要】为了解决中高职英语教学中突出的问题,使学生更好的掌握英语技能,更好地发挥英语能力在今后学生的工作中作用,必须建立中高职英语教学的有效对接,抓好中高职英语教学的重点环节,最后达到中高职学校为社会培养高能高效的技术人才。  【关键词】中高职 英语教学 有效对接  一、中高职英语教学的现状  1.中高职学生的现状。当今,中高职学生的入学情况有很多共同点,他们当中有很大一部分是考不上理想的上一级学
【摘要】小学英语单词教学要不断创新教学方法,让单词教学形式不再单一,为教学有效开展打牢基础。文章从直观法、表演法、游戏法、故事法等四个方面展开探索,论述了单词教学的新思路。  【关键词】小学英语 英语单词 教学策略 有效性  词汇教学贯穿英语教学的始终,单词对于英语学习的重要性犹如沙石之于高楼大厦。因此,探讨单词有效教学法,应成为我们不断研究的课题。下面,笔者结合教学实践,谈谈直观法、表演法、游戏
【摘要】听说读写是统一的整体,他们是相辅相成,互相促进。写的能力要在听、说、读的基础上进行培养和提高,而写的训练又能促进听、说、读的能力。因此,写的训练应该贯彻于整个教学全过程,寓写于听、说等诸方面的训练中。  【关键词】写作能力 中职英语  《英语课程标准》要求学生在写作方面“能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改;能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;
【摘要】随着经济全球化的到来和多元化文化发展,英语作为一种国际语言,同时也是与计算机技术联系最为密切的一种语言,在我国高等教育中,占据着越来越重要的地位,是大学生的一门必修基础课程。但在高校英语教学中却一直存在着课堂沉默现象,学生大都处在消极、被动的状态中,不积极响应教师提问,也不主动表达自己的观点和见解,严重影响了课堂教学质量和教学效果。  【关键词】互动教学 大学英语 课堂沉默  教育部公布的