
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzzaa
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  1. Analysis of Symbolism in the Specific Meaning of the Images
  In this novel, the mountains appeared many times, and it was endowed with special meanings. Maybe people were lost in the uninterrupted mountains, As long as they cried out, the echo of mountains would respond and comfort them, and guide them to find the way home, It made them feel no longer lonely. People in magnificent mountains hoped to be responded. All secrets would be taken away among mountains, deserts and heath land. It also can keep secrets for people. It was great to accommodate the good and the evil from the human.
  For example, Behind her back was elder sister sitting in the heath, Parwana married Sabul with blessings from sister and love to Sabul. She can not live on with the sense of evil and shame. The echo of mountains, like the cry of sister, responded in the dream. The author just barely exposed the darkness hidden in the depth of the heart.
  What made readers unforgettable was the confession from Suleman. They loved each others in the heart but they never said love. They just lived together. But both of them know they can not become lovers. So the mountains were the symbol that they can get a response from. Suleman said to Nabi that when I met you firstly, I know clearly that we are not the same kinds. Although what I desired is something can not get, we still go for a walk, drive with you. I am satisfied with all of this. I feel so lucky to stay with you. I am used to a life accompanied by you he said. It is said in And the Mountains Echoed (Khaled Hossein, 2013:p233).
  2. Analysis of Symbolism of Places
  The novel began with a fairy tale that the devil entered a village to collect children. Upon the devil entered village, all the villagers were hiding, The people who were seen by devil will be eaten. When the Devil knocked a room, its owner must have to hand in his child to the devil. If they did not follow his order, the devil would destroy their family. Father in the story hesitated for a long time, and finally handed in his most beloved son. In the storm, the son outside the door cried his father’s name helplessly. His father in the door felt so sad and helpless. Devil led him to a fairyland, through the window, he saw his son playing on the grass with other children, but he would never come back, and would continue to be the children of farmers, living a hungry and poor life. The father did not take his son to home, he does not believe he can change the fate of the son and give the child a happy future. So the son lived in the fairy forever.   The fairy tale was told by the father Sabul who sent daughter Pali on the way to Kabul.It was like a indicator in the novel, guiding readers toward the reality. In reality, Sabul also could not afford to raise a child because of poverty, but to send his daughter to Wahdati. The author created Sabul and Pali by emotions and sentiments, portraying his father as heartless, cruel and helpless. In fact, it was to tell the reader Love was selfless. So the fairyland was the symbol of Wahdati’s house in Kabul in Afghanistan. It meant Pali will lead a totally different life from his brother’s. In the fairyland, children will not be worried about food and clothes. That was the life Pali led in Kabul. So the symbolism in this chapter could deepen the theme.
  When the brother and sister were on the way to Kabul, they must sleep in the desert at night. They ate food and tomatoes prepared by Parwana. Father set a fire and made the water boiled. Abdullah lay beside the fire and asked his father to tell a story for them. But his father said it was late. Then he and his sister just fell into asleep. At midnight, Abdullah awoke and found his father gone. He was too scared and nervous to speak a word, because the darkness was around them. He can hear nothing and called father without respond. He thought his father abandoned them there. At that time, a shape from darkness appeared.”Go to sleep, boy” father said.
  In general, desert was mighty, significant, and huge. In this chapter, desert was the symbol of the despair. Desert was so vast just like the world. It was so easy for someone in desert to get lost. There was no help hand and direction there. The father Sabul knew he would lose his daughter but he can not do nothing to stop it. He did not want to tell the truth to his son. So the desert can express the mood of despair properly.
  [1]Chadwick Charles.Symbolism[M].London:Methuen
【摘要】随着时代的不断发展,现代化社会企业的用人标准已在不断提高,对于职业中专学生而言,社会企业不仅要求其能够熟练运用专业技术进行实践工作,更需要其能在日常工作中运用英语进行沟通和撰写相应工作报告。然而,对口单招英语教学模式落后,课堂教学的些许问题还未被全面解决。为此,本文就对口单招英语教学的困境和对策进行分析,希望能够促进对口单招英语教学任务的完善。  【关键词】职业中专;英语教学;困境;对策 
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教學目标:  能够理解对话大意。  能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话并进行角色扮演。  能够在情景中运用What can you do for the party? I can … 询问并回答某人能做什么事情。  教学重难点:  教学重点:对话的理解和朗读以及核心句型What can you do for the party? I can …的运用  教学难点:句子We’ll have an
【摘要】随着信息技术发展迅速,该技术让英语教学资源变得更加快捷化,尤其是在英语教学中,多元化的教学模式让英语课堂变得更加富有生机。加快了英语教学方法的改革进程。本文主要探讨如何在初中英语教学中应用信息技术,探讨信息技术在初中英语教学中的意义以及如何在初中英语教学中应用信息技术,从而为初中教师在英语教学中使用英语阅读教学方法参考。  【关键词】英语阅读;初中教学;研究分析  【作者简介】包小玲,岷县
【摘要】在初中教育结构体系中,英语是一门重要的基础学科,阅读教学又是英语教学的重点,关系到学生英语阅读技能掌握,英语阅读实践能力提升等。同时,思维导图优势作用明显,教师可以将其有效应用到英语阅读教学中,打造高效英语阅读教学课堂,让学生在发展英语阅读思维能力中提升英语综合素质。  【关键词】初中;英语阅读教学;思维导图;应用  【作者简介】陈琳,贵州省习水县东皇中学。  在素质教育不断倡导与推进下,
随着社会和经济的飞速发展,越来越多的中职学生进入高职院校继续深造,大学英语作为高职院校学生的基础必修课也引起了更多关注。课程是人才培养的核心要素,推进中高职课程的衔接,是实现中高职衔接的根本保障。如何有效衔接中高职英语课程,成为中高职英语教育工作者面临的共同课题。  一、中高职英语课程链接的现状  中高职英语课程不衔接的状况已经带来了许多负面影响,学生的英语水平难以提高,教师教学困难重重,影响到学
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【摘要】甘肅省2019年开始启动的高中新课程改革提倡活动化、情景化的英语课堂教学方式,TESOL活动化课堂的理念,希望学生能发挥自身主观能动性,激发学生对英语的兴趣,让学生主动学习英语。本文从TESOL的概念进行分析,讨论TESOL理念如何运用到高中英语教学实践中。  【关键词】高中英语;TESOL活动化课堂;英语教学模式  【作者简介】李克星,甘肃省平凉市第五中学。  【基金项目】本论文为甘肃省