Polyclonal antibody-catalyzed hydrolysis of naproxen ethyl ester

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuo1314
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In 1986 two monumental reports appearing on antibody catalysis which combined the tremendous diversity of antibody with catalytic power of enzyme opened new horizons of chemical and immunogical fields. Since then, a large number of catalytic antibodies have been prepared successively by using designed organic molecules as haptens conjugated to carrier proteins to immunize the animals and screening out the desired monoclonal antibodies through hybridoma technology. So far more than fifty examples catalyzed In 1986, two monumental reports appearing on antibody catalysis which combined the tremendous diversity of antibody with catalytic power of enzyme opened new horizons of chemical and immunogical fields. Since then, a large number of catalytic antibodies have been prepared by by using designed organic molecules as haptens conjugated to carrier proteins to immunize the animals and screening out the desired monoclonal antibodies through hybridoma technology. So far more than fifty examples catalyzed
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