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  摘 要:水庫安全是事关人民群众生命财产安全的大事,引用各种新科技确保水库安全成为水利战线工作者与时俱进思考的课题。目前广西区小型水库中近乎一半存在安全隐患。随着我国北斗卫星导航系统的逐步成形,使其低成本运用到各个领域成为可能。也为水利系统水库大坝安全监测提供了新的技术手段。长时间运用人工的传统测控方法正在被更高精度的卫星定位系统取代。本文正是依托北斗系统在广西区水库大坝中的运用进行了初步探讨。
  Beidou system monitoring application in reservoir and dam in our district
  Huang Zongqi
  guangxi water conservancy electric power group co., LTDGuangxi nanning 533000
  Abstract: the reservoir safety is a matter of people's lives and property safety, refer to all kinds of new technology to ensure that the reservoir safety be water front worker keep pace with The Times thinking subject.Currently GuangXi District small reservoirs in nearly half pose a safety hazard.With China's beidou satellite navigation system, gradually forming the low cost applied to various fields become possible.Also for water conservancy system of dam safety monitoring provides a new technical means.For a long time the traditional method of measurement and control using artificial is replaced by the higher precision of satellite positioning system.This article is based on the application of beidou system in GuangXi District reservoir dam has carried on the preliminary discussion.
  Keywords: dam risk monitoring to ensure promotion
  A huge number of small reservoirs in China is a very wide distribution.Due to historical reasons, 40% of the dilapidated reservoirs with various hidden dangers, the security situation is extremely serious.No water and reservoir dam and its affiliated building basic safety monitoring facilities such as worker mood;Over the past 50 years in our country small and medium-sized reservoir dam failure events accounted for 96.4%, the monitoring data fully illustrated the importance and necessity of small reservoirs safety.
  The small reservoirs in China safety status quo investigation and countermeasure research report pointed out that GuangXi District 4126 reached 2083 dilapidated small reservoirs in the reservoir, reservoir seepage path rate high, leading to some parts of the danger.Such as July 4, 2009 in guangxi luo kama reservoir dam in danger;On June 8, 2010 guests ling jiang town city xing bing district good mouth dam collapse crater appears danger;On June 20, 2010 guilin quanzhou force discharge pipe is above the bottom of the pond reservoir dam collapse hole in danger;The latest in early September this year, the baise tianlin township prosperous survey a reservoir dam emergency.The danger that the real-time monitoring the importance and necessity of small reservoir dam deformation.Nowadays with the rapid development of economy of reservoir downstream, the reservoir dam safety risk is getting bigger and bigger, so the small reservoir dam deformation monitoring and risk management is particularly important.   A, our district dam displacement monitoring the following deficiencies:
  1, low degree of automation
  At present, most of the reservoir displacement deformation and ours by artificial view on a regular basis.But due to error of observation instruments, artificial reading error, data accuracy, low reliability, is not conducive to dam deformation hidden danger in time;
  2, poor timeliness
  Because human observation affected by external factors, more bad weather such as rain, fog, cannot normal observation, night can not timely access to a sufficient number of continuous observation data to deformation of the dam safety state timely and effectively to master, especially in flood season of a colossal security hidden danger.
  3, lack of unified planning
  Now part of the qualified dam automatic monitoring system has been installed, due to the time of construction, construction of the main body, construction units and the structure of the software is different, so the related reservoir management automation monitoring data cannot connectivity and data sharing.
  Second, the dam displacement monitoring way of development
  In June, 2013, issued by the ministry of water resources the notice on strengthening reservoir dam safety inspection work to strengthen the dam safety monitoring work put forward specific requirements, requirements gradually high-tech GPS deformation monitoring are used to replace the traditional deformation monitoring.
  The traditional deformation monitoring is to establish a control network in monitoring area, using high precision total station as the main means, choose high grade point in the network to establish a unified benchmark, the monitoring network with reliable method accuracy and the different parts of independent benchmark test, will each part of the independent benchmark DaoChui, is vertical, such as wire monitoring system, form the whole monitoring network system.Require high accuracy and reliability of the monitoring network, the observation period, high cost, and need a lot of manpower material resources.GPS deformation monitoring, the domestic some GPS monitoring of large DAMS are introduced into the United States, but the application of high cost, difficult to apply to the small reservoirs.
  China's beidou satellite navigation system (BDS) is developed by the global satellite navigation system.Is the U.S. global positioning system (GPS), Russia's GLONASS navigation satellite system (GLONASS) after the third mature satellite navigation and positioning system.Have all-weather, automatic, high precision, short delay, strong real-time performance, test point between reference station and don't need visibility significantly advantage.At present, the beidou system has begun to take shape, but also gradually entered the civil implementation stage, its cost than the most widely used GPS system is greatly reduced, make its application to the safety of the dam deformation monitoring become a reality and possibility.For our district to realize key dilapidated regulation of reservoir dam deformation monitoring, realize the hidden danger point in the reservoir dam monitoring data sharing, sharing, a total of prevention, strengthen the government departments to the reservoir safety regulation ability, information comprehensive analysis and early warning capability has epoch-making significance.   Three, the beidou system (BDS) how to implement in dam displacement monitoring
  We know that the reservoir dam deformation is very slow, to tiny deformation, through the observation of the whole structure statistical analysis model, to predict deformation of long-term trends, provide the basis for later analysis and decision.For deformation analysis, it is necessary to obtain monitoring accuracy coordinates data, usually require monitoring observation data to achieve the precision of millimeter, this is a key problem of dam deformation observation.Beidou used in shannxi province stability monitoring, building deformation observation point is often in the typical area, in the far distance monitoring place (such as solid bedrock) to establish a reference point.In benchmark set up beidou receiver, according to its high accuracy of the known three-dimensional coordinates, after a few period of observation to get deformation point coordinates (or baseline) changes in real-time transmit data, and constantly update, establish a safety monitoring model, to achieve the purpose of monitoring.Such not only can solve the technical problems and reduce the manpower, and can also create objective economic and social benefits, big dipper is the development trend of monitoring technology in the field of reservoir monitoring.
  To sum up, the beidou system monitoring system (BDS), such as in promoting guangxi water conservancy system, will be in the reservoir dam deformation monitoring data such as data acquisition and management, for the supervision department of the government, under the jurisdiction of shannxi province safety management and emergency emergency command provides the data security and technical support;To improve the management level of the relevant units, grasps the dilapidated reservoir safe operation;For the industrial application of beidou satellite navigation system, refinement of the big dipper industrialization be born has a positive economic and social benefits, are of important significance.
摘 要:随着我国社会发展速度的不断加快,档案逐渐实现了信息化管理,这是档案管理未来的一种发展趋势。计算机技术正在日新月异,其在档案管理方面也发挥了极大的作用,提升档案管理效率,同时也使档案资源得以长久保存,实现资源共享。文章主要分析档案信息化的内容,阐述了提高档案管理效率的相关建议。  关键词:档案信息化建设;档案管理;思考;  中途分类号:G271 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-3520(
摘 要:当前,代表中国工业现代化水平的高速铁路正处在快速发展期,为保障高速动车安全高效运行,相关监测技术已得到运用。但是齿轮箱、空压机、变压器等主要部件的监测方法和仪器还比较滞后,尤其是齿轮箱的运行状态监测。建设动车组油液监测中心,配属一系列油液化验设备及油液监测分析系统,将其应用于跟踪动车相关部件润滑和磨损状态、预判设备潜在故障,在保障高铁运输安全、提升动车运用检修技术水平、取得直接经济和社会效
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摘 要:档案工作在由传统管理向数字化管理转变,实现管理创新过程中的主旋律。  关键词:档案;技术管理;创新;  文章编号:1674-3520(2015)-12-00-01  全国上下深入学习实践科学发展观,通过学习思考的科学发展观是人以为本,不断满足人们多方面需求和促进人的全面发展的发展观;是政治、经济、社会可持续、健康、协调和全面发展,推动整个社会走上生产发展、生活富裕,生态良好的发展观。  一
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摘 要:随着高速铁路建设的逐步推进,动车组开行量越来越大,运行公里数逐年增加,动车组设计制造源头质量、基础检修质量缺陷、零部件失效脱落、车下结冰存雪、车载系统误报漏报等问题逐渐显露出来,而目前动车组的地面监控能力还严重不足,运行安全保障能力需要进一步加强。  关键词:动车组;运行安全;监控体系;建设;  中图分类号:U266 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-3520(2015)-12-00-0
摘 要:2005年12月,高检院印发了《人民检察院讯问职务犯罪嫌疑人实行全程同步录音录像的规定(试行)》,决定从2006年3月1日开始,在全国逐步推进全程同步录音录像工作,这可以认为是同步录音录像制度在我国司法实践中的首次确立。经过多年的实践探索,同步录音录像制度在2012年被正式纳入《刑事诉讼法》的相关规定,其地位也由制度上升为法律。鉴于此,笔者结合工作实际对同步录音录像制度的有关问题提出了自己
摘 要:随着我国市场经济体制的逐步改革,文化市场的发展也呈现出更加强劲的势头。但是,从目前我国的文化市场发展现状来看,市场发育仍不充分,影响文化产业的整体推进,亟待建立与社会发展相适应的文化市场监管体制。文章立足于此,对文化市场监管体制进行了分析,就体制存在的问题以及解决措施进行了研究,希望对完善文化市场监管体制具有一定的参考价值。  关键词:文化市场;监管体制;问题;对策;  文章编号:1674
摘 要:为了能够使动车组运行安全和乘客的人身安全得到有效的保障,本文首先分析了动车组无人警惕装置的功能,随后通过一次真实故障的描述,认真、细致的分析了无人警惕脚踏开关的故障原因,并且将故障消除,最终能够全面的加强动车组的安全性。  关键词:动车组;无人警惕装置;开关故障;  中图分类号:U266 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-3520(2015)-12-00-01  在我国铁路事业高速发展的
摘 要:美术设计是一种构想或者计划,以及把这种构想或计划通过一定的审美观念和表现手法使其视觉化、形象化的过程。随着现代科技的快速发展,网络正影响着人们生活的方方面面,美术设计包括了平面设计、工业设计、服装设计、广告设计、戏剧美术设计等,在美术设计中运用计算机技术能够促进美术设计行业的技术更新,推动美术设计行业的快速稳定发展,如何将计算机技术更好的应用于美术设计作品中逐渐成为了美术设计行业相关人士需