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  Christmas was just a week away and I had five people left to shop for on my Christ-mas list and only three dollars to my name.How do you tell your mother, brother and three friends that you can only spend sixty cents on each of them?
   “Let’s set a price limit on our gifts this year.” I suggested to my best friend, Joanie.
   “That’s a good idea.” Joanie agreed.“How about nothing over five dollars?”
   “How about nothing over sixty cents?” I felt like the biggest cheapskate2 in the world.
   “I guess this is what I’m supposed to say: it’s not the gift, it’s the thought that counts,” Joanie smiled, “but don’t blame me if all you get is a stick of gum!”
   It is almost impossible to buy anything for under sixty cents, so it was really going to have to be very small gifts with very big thoughts.I’d never spent so much time or efforts trying to come up with the right gift for the right person.
   Finally, Christmas day arrived, and I was wor-ried how people would feel about my “cheap” gifts. I gave my mother a scented3 candle with a note that said, “You are the brightest light in my life.”She almost cried when she read the note.
   I gave my brother a wooden ruler.On the back of it I’d painted, “No brother in the world could measure up to you.” He gave me a bag of sugar and had written on it, “You’re sweet.”He’d never said anything like that to me before.
   For Joanie, I painted an old pair of shoes gold and stuck dried flowers in them with a note that said, “No one could ever fill your shoes.”She gave me a feather and a Band-Aid. She said I always tickled4 her funny bone and made her laugh until her sides ached.
   To my other two friends, I gave one a paper fan and wrote on it, “I’m your biggest fan.”To the other, I gave a calculator5 that cost one dollar and I painted a message on the back, “You can always count on me.”They gave me a rusty horseshoe for luck and a bundle of sticks tied with a red ribbon be-cause “friends stick together”.
   I don’t remember all the other gifts that I got from people last Christmas, but I remember every one of the “cheap” gifts.
   My brother thinks I’m sweet.My mother knows she is the most important person in my life.Joanie thinks I’m funny and I make her laugh, which is important because her dad moved away last year and she misses him and is sad sometimes.
   I was worried I wouldn’t have enough money for Christmas gifts, but I gave gifts to five people and still had twenty cents left over.We all still talk about our “cheap” gifts and how much fun it was to come up with a gift that cost pennies but told some-one how we really felt about them.On my book-shelf, I still have a bag of sugar, a feather, a horse-shoe and a bundle of sticks... and they are priceless.
   “这真是一个好主意。”乔妮赞同道。“不超过五美元怎么样?” “不超过60美分怎么样?”我觉得自己好像是这个世界上最吝啬的小气鬼。
  飞鸢 摘译自Holiday Stories

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