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  Our senior middle school life as reading is end. When thinking of the probable solitary, lonely and boring life without friends. I frequently can’t help feeling a strong sense of sadness. After all, during the three years we have spent together, we have gotten used to share the joys and sorrows of our life, and that is what we are always willing to do. However, this meaningful and productive kind of life we’ve enjoyed for so long will be finished forever only three months from now.
  Looking back on the colourful senior middle school life filled with affection, friendship, miracles and beautiful memories. I always feel very happy and upset at the same time. On one hand, senior middle school life gives us both great enthusiasm and courage that is needed. To face all the difficulties, hardships and challenges that life have in store for us. On the other hand, it is just the senior school life that teaches us how to be nice, generous and thankful to life and teaches us how to get on good teams with other people and try our utmost to be more successful. However, when thinking of the coming day to get separated, grief quickly appears on my body and spreads immediately. It’s really hard for me to live the kind of life without them.
  Nevertheless, however we enjoy our senior middle school life, we still must be separated. As the saying goes, There isn’t a feast that lasts forever.” Though it seems impossible that we stay together whenever we want, yet I will pray for them and give them my best wishes! May they be happy forever!
  山东省苍山县实验中学高三(十)班 277700
  日记中出现了多处语言表达和语法方面的错误,主要涉及单词拼写和句子结构方面的失误。如第一段中:“ as reading”似乎应该是“already”,该句应这样表达“Our senior middle school life is coming to an end” ;第二句主句和从句之间的句号应改为逗号 ;第三句中“have got used to share”中“share”应改为“sharing”。
  第二段中:“To face all the difficulties, hardships and challenges that life have in store for us”一句结构不完整,根据前后句的意思应改为“It teaches us how to face all the difficulties, hardship and...”,并且句中“have”应改为 “has” ;“grief quickly appears on my body”是汉语表达方式,应改为“grief quickly appears in my heart/mind”。
  日记的结尾部分语言流畅,使用了较为复杂的句子结构,尤其是谚语“There isn’t a feast that lasts forever”的使用提高了语言表达档次,体现了作者较强的语言表达能力,是日记的一大亮点。从结尾看出,作者能够以积极、健康的态度来面对同学之间的离别。作为一名教师,我对中学生朋友这种正确的生活态度感到欣慰。
  This diary entry expresses the author’s extremely warm, heartfelt desire that his or her classmates succeed and prosper in the future, at a time when their time together is coming to a close. It is a bittersweet thought that is likely felt by many students as they prepare for their ultimate days of high school. Unfortunately, much of the meaning of the entry is lost in itsspelling errors, and in its use of sentence fragments and poor punctuation.
  I am not certain what the first sentence of the entry intends to mean, for “as reading”does not make sense here. The second sentence is not actually a complete sentence, but should be combined with the third sentence to form a complete thought.
  The first and second sentences of the second paragraph should be combined to form a complete sentence. The third sentence should be combined with the next sentence to form a complete sentence. The penultimate sentence is a nicely poetic idea. It is important to note that in English we don’t often talk of grief appearing on the body but instead upon one’s face.
  In the last paragraph, the quoted saying requires quotation marks on both ends instead of just one as it is written, so that it would read , “As the saying goes, ‘There isn’t a feast that lasts forever.’”The last sentence should either contain the adverb “Though” or “yet”, but not both of them.
  This piece has great potential as it contains many thoughtful reflections, but the author should be more careful with grammar and spelling so that his or her meaning is not compromised.
  ——Frank Carlson
  (本刊编辑,E-mail: frankcarlson@gmail.com)
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