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今年上半年银行新增贷款达1.8万亿元的事实,令人们开始关注中国经济是否过热,是否存在通胀危险。周小川日前在央行“三个代表”学习班上指出,目前,中国货币信贷呈现增长过猛的情况,如果不加以适当调控和引导,就有产生新的大量不良资产的危险。周小川表示,经验表明,从贷币供应量的过度增长到出现通胀,至少有半年时间的时滞;而当通胀压力转移到资产,如房地产、股票及其他投资价格上,形成资产“泡沫”,其时滞可能更长,危害也更大。因此,中央银行要增强货币政 The fact that new loans of banks reached 1.8 trillion yuan in the first half of this year has caused people to start to pay attention to whether the Chinese economy is overheated and whether there is a danger of inflation. Zhou Xiaochuan recently pointed out in the Central Bank’s “Three Represents” study class that at present China’s monetary credit shows excessive growth. If not properly regulated and guided, there is a danger of generating a new and large amount of non-performing assets. Zhou Xiaochuan said experience shows that there is a lag of at least six months from the over-growth in the supply of money to the onset of inflation and the “bubble” in assets as inflationary pressures shift to assets such as real estate, stocks and other investments, , The delay may be longer, more harmful. Therefore, the central bank should strengthen monetary policy
  Purpose Since the first-episode of psychosis is known to be a critical period,there has been an increased focus on the first-episode schizophrenia.The purpo
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  Objective In contrast to antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal side effects,the data are still limited on add-on medications to counteract antipsychotic-indu
  Objective Repetitive hospitalization is a clinical feature for most mental illness,including schizophrenia.While patients with multiple hospitalizations for
  Objectives Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Depressive Disorder (KMAP-DD) was developed in 2002 and revised in 2006.Since the last revision six years