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  My good thing happened when I was 18 years old. I was trying to drive home to 1)Maryland from visiting friends in Texas. I was going up the road and all of a sudden my car would just not go. It was a Sunday and cold outside. The only person I could get hold of was an old man who supposedly owned a 2)tow truck.
  When he got to me, I thought he was too old to even 3)hook up my car. He was probably around age 75 or older, and he was freezing, too. The old man was pretty deaf, so to talk with him, I had to scream, practically! But we talked and we talked. He 4)talked my ear off, and I talked his off. I told him I had no money to fix anything seriously wrong with the car, so if the news was bad, I would have to junk it and take the bus home.
  He towed my car to a small Texas town about an hour’s drive from 5)the middle of nowhere where I had broken down. So, I checked into a motel. The next day, the auto shop called and said I needed a new engine in my car! My motor had 6)blown up! I asked if I could just leave the car there for them. They could use it for parts since the shell of the car was fine.
  They said no—the man who towed the car in told them to put in a new motor and send me on my way! I told them I could not afford to pay for that. They said that the old man who came out to get me that Sunday owned the auto repair shop and was 7)filthy rich! He said just to give me a new motor and whatever else I needed and tell me to come to get the car.
  When I picked up the car, there was a note that told me to just do nice things for people when I got into a better position in life and it would always come back to me. That was what he wanted me to do as payment for the new motor. He would not let anyone tell me how to contact him. He had told the repair shop people that our conversation was the most invigorating he’d had in years and I was the first young person who hadn’t ignored him in years.
  Now, every time I see someone in need I try to do all I can for them. I will never forget this man’s generosity and care for his fellow human being! I will always do what you ask me to do, and I know you are up in heaven watching since I was only 18 at the time and now I’m 40, but never got to say thanks! Who knows, maybe the internet has reached heaven!


记得念初中的时候学过魏巍的《谁是最可爱的人》这篇课文,赞颂的就是士兵。他们身上担负着保卫国家的使命,同时,作为一个凡人,他们也有血有肉有细腻的情感,他们有自己的家庭,他们也害怕在战争中死去,害怕再也见不到他们的亲人和密友。战争是残酷的,妻离子散,家破人亡的惨境太不堪,让我们祈祷和平,祈祷世间不再有战争,不再有欺凌,不再有伤害。  ——Lavender
A yellow circle, embellished with black eyes and a smile stretching from ear to ear, Mr. Smile is a 1)paragon of optimism and 2)good humor. Before this little fellow became the fetish of 3)house music
Black beret sporting a star, black hair and black beard, handsome features 1)set in defiance, eyes staring out at the faraway horizon…In March 1960 Alberto Korda’s lens captured this classic portrait
零八年七月的一个夏日午后,偶遇《殡葬人手记——一个阴森行业的生活研究》,我开始为它无限着迷。这二十几年来,我一直在努力寻找一种方式,克服心里对那些没有了呼吸的人的恐惧,因为爱而带来的极度恐惧。我知道,我终于找到了。  作者托马斯·林奇,一个给死人化妆的殡葬人,一个在生死边缘聆听歌唱的听者,有时候又有点实际地喋喋不休于葬礼的经济数目,以及人们给死亡拉上帷幕时的窘态。他的父亲一辈子都惧怕死亡,看上去是
A political banner    Che’s face, advertisements for ballpoint pens or 1)Heineken beer, as an advertising medium, the T-shirt has recruited 2)proselytizers for 3)all manner of 4)causes, including the
远行的心 翻译/撰稿  You packed your last two bags.   A taxi’s round the 1)bend.   You used to laugh out loud,   But you can’t remember when.   You 2)lost your lines.   It’s like your moving out of time,   And
夜漫漫,时间无休止地流逝  黎明在我眼前降临  这一天我又会彷徨,不知道  沿着自己的生命轨道,我将找到什么    该做些什么,我希望我知道  我一直在独自想念你  蓝色的多瑙河  阳光把我灵魂的颜色照进你心里    布达佩斯……    这一天开始了,轻柔的风  和寂寞的小提琴一样美好  如此清澈明亮,  我看见河流奔腾出视野之外  我无法给我的这个家下定义  这个家,我在等待着一个信号  上苍会
“你还要钻研那份报纸多长时间?你能马上过来哄哄你的宝贝女儿吃点东西吗?”  我把报纸丢到一边,匆忙跑过去。  我唯一的女儿辛度,泪盈于睫,看上去像是受了惊吓。在她面前是一碗满到边缘的酸乳酪饭。  和同龄的小孩比,辛度算是一个乖巧,并且非常聪明的小孩了。  她刚满八岁,特别讨厌吃酸乳酪饭。但我的母亲和妻子思想都很传统,她们坚信酸乳酪饭具有消暑的作用。
Just like jeans, T-shirts became one of the 20th century’s most universal and mythical items of clothing—with more than two billion a year sold worldwide. An extraordinary fate for this 1)unassuming c