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  Dear Furniture,
  I am writing to apologize for the abuse endured since becoming a part of our family. Each one of you was once innocently naive and, probably, felt ho-nored when loaded for delivery to your new family. Any feelings of 1)trepidation may have only started to appear once realizing what you were getting yourself into and, by then, it was too late.
  2)Agonized groans now come deep from 3)recesses of the couch as its 4)springs share complaints about children that bounce and jump across or fling themselves onto its cushions when upset. I heard mumblings, from under the cushions’ breath, about something to do with 5)soda pop, milk, plus a few other things, that both the couch and I may wish to remain unidentified, that have 6)saturated into the fabrics and 7)padding along with the forgotten toys and bits of food that try to hide underneath them.
  8)Heloise hints that a liberal, but smelly, sprinkling of cigar ashes on wood surfaces can be helpful in reducing the discoloration resulting from a sweat ring left behind by a soda can. However, in our home that is an over-optimistic thought so I 9)crochet 10)doilies to decoratively cover some of the surface damage.
  My kitchen chairs are, apparently, less than appreciative—pulled 11)hither and yon, used as a substitute step stool, or a 12)makeshift launch pad for a pretend Super Hero’s attempt at “flying”. I have noticed their silent 13)retaliation of acting 14)wobbly-legged when asked to do more than reside at the table.
  I inherited a library table, that once resided in my grandmother’s and, later, my parents’ home as a decorative piece, but I suspect it may not enjoy its current role as a temporary 15)catchall until someone clears away the clutter for a fresh accumulation to commence. I 16)wager the dresser drawers do not delight in our toddler son’s creativity by using them as makeshift stairs for climbing to reach items stored on top of the nearby 17)armoire. I doubt the armoire is thrilled about the 18)tot’s attention either but I have not heard it complain. Perhaps it is 19)shunning me since it is reportedly 20)Amish made.
  Then, along our dining room wall, resides a 21)Hoosier cabinet that did not realize, when I 22)hefted it in the back of a truck, there would be six more moves plus one fire for its memory book. While preparing for the last move, I believe I saw its upper cabinet develop a nervous 23)tic.
  In the corner of the living room, a rocking chair sits as it, literally, 24)fumes due to falling victim to a child not quite grasping the concept of 25)Potty Trai-ning. This is not helpful in our relationship since I doubt it has forgotten the time a puppy mistakenly mistook one of its rocker legs for a chew toy.
  I still miss the bookcase, that my father gave me during my high school years, but its shelves filled to over-flowing one time too many doomed the poor thing. It now resides at the great furniture store in the sky—along with a couple of other pieces from our past.
  Other pieces of furniture in my home are not immune to some misuse, even the few 26)regal pieces cannot claim to feeling treated like royalty. Therefore, without offending the bed, this is my 27)blanket apology to all the household furnishings.
  With that said, I will try to make amends through providing a bit of overdue 28)pampering. I will buy some Murphy’s Oil Soap for the wood furniture and rent a carpet cleaner with 29)upholstery attachments so the couch and chairs can soak away some of their 30)cares and feel 31)rejuvenated for another round of life within this household.
  I do not think you realize just how important you all are to me! Without your presence in my home, I would not have a surface for the lamp that lights up the room and shows off the pictures on my walls. I would not have a resting spot for the TV we 32)congregate around to watch favorite shows together. I would not have had a 33)soothing rocking motion to help ease a fevered child’s discomfort nor a comfortable place to rest my weary bones at night. I may not always show it, but I do appreciate your valuable yet unique contributions to the household.
  34)Humbly Yours,
  P.S. And carpeting, since you provide a place for the furniture to rest upon, do not fear! I rea-lize you have endured a bit yourself and so I will spring for another container of cleaning solution—just for you.
  我们家厨房的椅子显然没有受此优待,它们被拖来拖去做代用垫脚凳,或者成为模仿超人“起飞” 的临时起跳台。我注意到,当它们要做的事情不仅仅局限于围着饭桌摆摆样子时,它们总要采取摇晃椅腿的方式进行无声抗议。


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Animals are happy so long as they have health and enough to eat. Human beings, one feels, ought to be happy as well. However in the modern world, they are not—at least for the great majority of cases.
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德国的弗莱堡被认为是欧洲的环保样板城。这里排斥汽车,房顶上铺满太阳能电池板,孩子们上的是“森林幼儿园”,即使下雨下雪冷到零下十五度,也必须在户外玩够三个半小时,以便“亲近自然”。极端环保主义不仅受到外界质疑,在当地的居民中也引起了争议。    It is 6℃ outside, and a 1)dusting of snow can be seen on the Schauinsland—the
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