New Travel Agency Offers the Bear Necessities

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  A newly formed Czech(捷克的) travel agency is offeringescorted(有人护送的) trips for pampered(给予过度的关怀和照料的) toys.
  Send them your favorite animal and they will whisk(迅速移动,飞速带走) it around the sights of Prague(布拉格,捷克首都及最大城市), taking photographs of it against backgrounds like Prague Castle(布拉格城堡,是历届捷克总统的办公室,故又被称为总统府) or the Charles Bridge(查尔斯桥,捷克最古老最著名的一座石桥).
  The concept was inspired by the 2001 film Amelie from Montmartre(《天使艾美丽》,一部法国浪漫喜剧片,讲述了一个女孩如何走出孤独获得真爱的故事) in which the heroine has pictures of her father’s garden gnome(守护神) posed in front of various world landmarks sent to him to convince him to fulfill his dream of touring the world.
  “As we start, we’re focusing on North American and Japanese markets, where there is a huge amount of people owning stuffed animals,” said Tomio Okamura, one of the businessmen who have decided to invest in the idea.
  He and former Czech Minister of Information Technology Dana Berova have agreed to invest an initial 150,000 crowns ($7,880) each in the project.
  In the past week, the venture’s website has logged over 15,000 visitors.
  “We are very surprised with such a massive interest from clients both from here and from abroad—we really did not expect that,” Hlavka said in an email.
  One recurrent request has come from Japan where several toy owners are anxious to have snaps(快照) taken at a Bayern Munich(拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部) match.
  Others have been asking for pictures of their stuffed animals enjoying a picnic or a massage(按摩).
  The cost ranges from 90 euros ($121.50) to 150 euros.
  “The most expensive package includes a massage, which takes place on a special rug(小地毯,垫子) laid out at a place with the view of the Charles Bridge. We light candles and incense sticks(香熏棒), lay down the plush(长毛绒做的) toy on its back and Mr. Hlavka starts the massage,” Okamura said.
  The dearest package also includes a cushion(垫子) and a duvet(羽绒被) to provide a comfortable journey for the stuffed client to Prague and then back to its owner.
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