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  The 16th Asian Games
  Held from: November 12th – 27th, 2010
  Hosted by: The Guangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee (GAGOC)
  Participating countries/regions: 45 member countries and regions of the Olympic Council of Asia
  Main stadium: Guangdong Olympic Sports Centre
  The Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games, or the XVI Asiad[亚运会], as it is also known, will most likely follow the impressive pattern set by the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. That means, the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games will most likely be a spectacular event. The event, which takes place later this fall (November 12th -27th ), will also be the last of its kind, since the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has decided to restructure[调整] the event, such that it will no longer be on the sweeping[范围大的] scale that it has developed into in recent years.
  This does not mean that the current host intends to scale down the Games – in fact, quite the contrary!
  Given[假设的] that the XVI Asiad marks the end of an era, the Chinese hosts are most likely to make the Games a sports celebration to remember. So if you are a diehard[顽固分子]
  sports enthusiast[狂热者], the place to be during the latter half of November this year is decidedly Guangzhou!
  More than 14,000 athletes, trainers and coaches from 45 countries and regions are expected to compete in 42 sports.
  Compared to the 28 events in the Olympic Games, the 2010 Asian Games will feature 42 events. Cricket[板球],
  dancesport, dragon boat, roller sports, weiqi and xiangqi are to be included for the first time as official sports of the Asian Games.
  Opening and closing ceremonies[仪式] naturally form a part of the official side of any Asiad, including this one. The opening and closing ceremonies are to be held on Haixinsha Island, a tiny island located at the south of
  Zhujiang New Town.
  The opening ceremony of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games begins at 8:04 PM on the 12th of November. It will include some state-of-the-art[先进技术的] pyrotechnics[烟火汇演] –
  and other highly secret, not-to-be-unveiled[使公诸于众]-
  in-advance[预先] stuff – that will knock your socks
  off[使大吃一惊], says the organizer and director, Chen Weiya,
  who served as the assistant director for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. There will be a conventional[常规的]
  light show, plus a show that Chen describes as a “lightning show” (think of an electrical storm that
  shimmeringly[闪闪发光地] lights up the clouds on a dark night). The caldron[大锅] will be lit at 9:42 PM, so you’d better be in place by at least 9:41 PM.
  The closing ceremony will commence[开始] at 8:00 PM on the 27th of November. It will consist of an operatic tribute[赞礼]
  to the diversity[多样性] of Asian culture as well as the official flag handover to the South Korean organizers of the 2014 Asian Games, which will be held in the city of Incheon.
  Emblem[徽章] & Mascots[吉祥物] of
  the 16th Asian Games
  The emblem design of the 16th Asian Games is inspired by a time-honored legend about Guangzhou.
  Long ago, the region of Guangzhou suffered from a horrible famine[饥荒], but the local people could do
  nothing. So, they prayed to the heavens earnestly. At that moment, five
  immortals[神仙] wearing
  colorful coats and riding on rams[公羊] descended[下来] from heaven to earth. They gave ears[穗] of rice to the people and cured the region from famine forever. Finally, the immortals returned to sky, but left the five rams, which turned into stone. The people sowed the ears of rice in the earth and got a bumper[丰盛的] harvest every year. Since then, Guangzhou has been known as the City of Rams and the City of Ears. Currently, people can find the Statue of Five Rams in Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou. It is one of the city’s landmarks.
  The emblem’s shape imitates[模仿] the figure of the Five Rams Statue. The soft, vibrant[活跃的] and elegant[雅致的]
  design is a combination[结合] of the concrete[具体的]
  and the abstract[抽象的]. It combines the soul of Guangzhou and the Asian Games perfectly.
  Le Yangyang is the name for the 16th Asian Games Mascots. It is also the name of the leader of these five sporty and cute rams. The other four rams are called A Xiang, A He, A Ru and A Yi, all of which make up of a good Chinese wish to Asian people – “Xiang He Ru Yi Le Yang Yang.” It means peace, harmony[和谐] and great happiness, with
  everything going as you wish.
  Le Yangyang: A handsome and confident ram. Its color is from the yellow ring of the five
  Olympic Rings. Yellow is also the color of ears of rice, namely, Guangzhou.
  A Xiang: A sincere and brave ram. Its color is from the blue ring of the five Olympic Rings. Blue also refers to the Pearl River running across
  Guangzhou, representing[表现] the mild, kind and comprehensive[包容的] Guangzhou people.
  A He: An honest, modest and serene[平静的] ram. Its color is from the black ring of the five Olympic Rings, representing the time-honored Lingnan
  Culture of this region.
  A Ru: A beautiful, fashionable, smart and
  ardent[热心的] ram. Its color is from the red ring of the five Olympic Rings, which is also the city’s flower – red kapok[木棉花].
  A Yi: A cute, lively and outgoing ram. Its color is from the green ring of the five Olympic Rings. This is the color of the
  lush[苍翠繁茂的] Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou.
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It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart  Without saying a word you can light up the dark  Try as I may I could never explain  What I hear when you don’t say a thing    *The smile on your face
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听力小提示:  这篇采访语言简单,非常口语化、日常化,但语速相当快。建议大家先浏览全文,大概了解对话内容,再听原声—你的耳朵准备好迎接挑战了吗?    Host: Please welcome A.J., Nick, Brian, Howie. You got a brand new CD dropping October 30th. Please welcome the Backstreet B
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