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  The First Goal for the Real Madrid by Owen
   Michael Owen(迈克尔•欧文) is __1__ English football star. He plays __2__ the Real Madrid(皇家马德里队) now. He scored his __3__ goal for the club __4__ October 19, 2004. The Real Madrid beat(击败) the Dyname Kiev 1-0. Of course, his team __5__ the match.
  “It was __6__ a great game,” Owen said. “I played very __7__. It was time for me __8__ score. I should thank Ronaldo(罗纳尔多). He passed(传) the ball to me. And I also want __9__ everyone in this club. They all helped __10__ a lot.”
   1. A. a B. an C. the D. /
   2. A. of B. with C. for D. and
   3. A. one B. two C. first D. second
   4. A. at B. on C. in D. for
   5. A. go B. played C. win D. won
   6. A. true B. real C. good D. really
   7. A. good B. excited C. well D. happy
   8. A. to B. for C. of D. from
   9. A. thank B. thanks C. to thank D. for thanking
  10. A. I B. me C. he D. him
1. excited,exciting    excite是动词,意为“(使)兴奋;激发,唤起”,其形容词为excited和exciting。但excited表示“兴奋的;激昂的”,指人物对……感到兴奋,而exciting表示“令人兴奋的;使人激动的”,指人物本身让人兴奋激动。例如:  The excited children forgot to take the presents to the
Ⅰ.单项选择。   1. If you ____ at home and miss the lecture, you’ll feel sorry.  A. stayB. will stayB. stayedD. stays   2. If you bring friends from other schools to the party, the teacher will  ask them __
Ⅰ.选择填空。   1. No one knows ____ in fifty years.  A. what will our life be likeB. what is our life like  C. what our life will be likeD. what our life is like   2. Mr. Lee told us an interesting story y
世界杯32支球队都有自己的口号,当时被印在各球队大巴车身上。现整理出来供大家欣赏。  1998年的冠军法国队为了怀念世界杯的创始人、原国际足联主席、法国人儒勒斯雷米特,因此打出了“自由、平等、儒勒斯雷米特(Liberty,Equality, Jules Rimet)”的口号。  东道主德国队用“我们代表足球”(We are the football.)这一简单的口号反映了自己夺冠的决心。他们的死敌
由于没有统一的规定,在首届现代奥林匹克运动会(the Olympic Games)上,出现了许多有趣的事。    奇特100米决赛    在100米决赛时,运动员(athlete)的起跑姿势千姿百态:有的直挺挺地站着,有的把腰弯下。只有美国的运动员托伯克采取了近似“蹲踞式”的姿势,但他的起跑姿势却引起了观众(audience)的好奇和哄笑。  另外,运动员的服装也不统一,除了托伯克身穿背心(wai
1.How do you make a banana smoothie?   你是怎样做香蕉混合饮料的?  (1)询问别人如何做某事,在英语中用“how”来提问。如:  1)How do you study English? 你是怎样学习英语的?  2)How does she make vegetable salad? 她是怎么做蔬菜沙拉的?  (2)对于这类疑问句的回答,一般要说出事情的经过,
1.有大量的工作在等我们去做。    误:There is a large number of work for us to do.  正:There is a large amount of work for us to do.  析:a number of表示“许多的、大量的”,修饰可数名词复数,而a amount of“许多的、大量的”,修饰不可数名词。    2.一面红旗耸立在山顶上。  
(A)    Fun with Bottles  漂流瓶的乐趣  Would you like to have some fun? __1__ a bottle away. If you live __2__ water, it’s easy. Simply write a note __3__ your name and address and put it in a bottle. __4__
1. [点击]Sure, I’d love to. 当然,我愿意。     [解码]在回答请求或建议的疑问句时,肯定回答一般用:Yes/Sure, I’d love to. “I’d love to”的意思是“我愿意”。  [闯关]   ——Would you like to come to my birthday party?   ——____. (2006湖南岳阳)  A. Yes, I’d
(A)    Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways, they are very different. But what are the differences?  Hu Peng of Wuhan and four friends decided to find them out. Ea