
来源 :中学英语之友·初二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuwh0415
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  误:There is a large number of work for us to do.
  正:There is a large amount of work for us to do.
  析:a number of表示“许多的、大量的”,修饰可数名词复数,而a amount of“许多的、大量的”,修饰不可数名词。
  误:A red flag stands on the top of the hill.
  正:A red flag stands at the top of the hill.
  析:表示“在……上面”应为on (the) top of,介词on不可以改为at,但表示“在……顶端、在……最上方”时用at the top of,因为at表示一个点,on表示一个面,范围比at广。因此误句on应为at。
  误:The students walked in the classroom.
  正:The students walked into the classroom.
  析:in表示静态的“在……里/内”。into表示动作方向的动态过程“进……里”, 常与walk, run, go, come, fly等移动的动词连用。
  误:He had two breads for breakfast.
  正:He had two pieces of bread for breakfast.
  析:bread为不可数名词,可以用piece, slice(片), loaf(块、条)表示数量。如:a slice of bread一片面包。
  误:Could you please peel the orange skin for me?
  正:Could you please peel the orange for me?
  析:peel“剥……皮(壳)”,后直接跟所要剥的果实或水果,而不接skin(果皮)作宾语, peel后跟所要剥的果皮作宾语时,即用“peel+皮+off+果实”。因此误句中应去掉skin。
  误:That will add my pleasure.
  正:That will add to my pleasure.
  析:add to才表示“增添”的意思。
  误:How many relishes should I put on the chicken?
  正:How much relish should I put on the chicken?
  析:relish“调料”为不可数名词,how many修饰可数名词,how much修饰不可数名词。
  误:In the future, be more careful with your work.
  正:In future, be more careful with your work.
  析:in the future“将来、未来”,侧重较长远的未来。in future指从现在起“在今后”的意思。
  误:There will be a big rain this afternoon.
  正:There will be a heavy rain this afternoon.
  析:rain“雨水”,若指“在雨中”,用in the rain,须加定冠词,一场小(大)雨为a light (heavy) rain,不用small/big。
  误:She is going to buy a car again.
  正:She is going to buy another car.
  误:The hospital is in the end of the street.
  正:The hospital is at the end of the street.
  析:at the end of 表示“在……尽头”,在此指方位。in the end 意为“最后、终于”,相当于at last。
  误:Do you want else anything?
  正:Do you want anything else?
  析:else“别的、其它的”,当修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing时要后置。
  误:I have fun to listen to English stories.
  正:I have fun listening to English stories.
  析:have fun doing sth.表示“开开心心地做某事”,用动词-ing形式。
1.let in    解读 动词短语,意思是“让……进来”。例如:  Open the window and let in the fresh air. 打开窗户透透新鲜空气吧。  She’s new in our class; let her in!她是我们班的新生,让她进来吧!  Then the assistant let us into the library.   后来,管理员让我们进
(A)    一会儿如小溪流水,一会儿似万马奔腾——是哪里传来这天籁之音?原来是帕格尼尼在表演小提琴独奏。在演奏中,突然断了一根琴弦,可帕格尼尼没有终止演奏,不一会儿,又接连断了第二第三根琴弦,那么,他能用仅剩的一根弦奏完乐曲吗?    Nicolo Paganini was a famous violinist. He was also known as a great musician wit
When I was three years old just before my sister was born, my mom asked me what we should name the new baby, I said,“Let’s call __1__ Gravy(肉汁)!”  You know, we pour gravy over meat and it tastes good!
Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子(10分)  1. P____ the milk into the blender.  2. F____ cut up the bananas, then put them in a bowl.  3. That s____ really boring.  4. At the a____, we saw a big shark.  5. How many app
1. excited,exciting    excite是动词,意为“(使)兴奋;激发,唤起”,其形容词为excited和exciting。但excited表示“兴奋的;激昂的”,指人物对……感到兴奋,而exciting表示“令人兴奋的;使人激动的”,指人物本身让人兴奋激动。例如:  The excited children forgot to take the presents to the
Ⅰ.单项选择。   1. If you ____ at home and miss the lecture, you’ll feel sorry.  A. stayB. will stayB. stayedD. stays   2. If you bring friends from other schools to the party, the teacher will  ask them __
Ⅰ.选择填空。   1. No one knows ____ in fifty years.  A. what will our life be likeB. what is our life like  C. what our life will be likeD. what our life is like   2. Mr. Lee told us an interesting story y
世界杯32支球队都有自己的口号,当时被印在各球队大巴车身上。现整理出来供大家欣赏。  1998年的冠军法国队为了怀念世界杯的创始人、原国际足联主席、法国人儒勒斯雷米特,因此打出了“自由、平等、儒勒斯雷米特(Liberty,Equality, Jules Rimet)”的口号。  东道主德国队用“我们代表足球”(We are the football.)这一简单的口号反映了自己夺冠的决心。他们的死敌
由于没有统一的规定,在首届现代奥林匹克运动会(the Olympic Games)上,出现了许多有趣的事。    奇特100米决赛    在100米决赛时,运动员(athlete)的起跑姿势千姿百态:有的直挺挺地站着,有的把腰弯下。只有美国的运动员托伯克采取了近似“蹲踞式”的姿势,但他的起跑姿势却引起了观众(audience)的好奇和哄笑。  另外,运动员的服装也不统一,除了托伯克身穿背心(wai
1.How do you make a banana smoothie?   你是怎样做香蕉混合饮料的?  (1)询问别人如何做某事,在英语中用“how”来提问。如:  1)How do you study English? 你是怎样学习英语的?  2)How does she make vegetable salad? 她是怎么做蔬菜沙拉的?  (2)对于这类疑问句的回答,一般要说出事情的经过,