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  The Lake House
  Kate: I’m a doctor, dedicated[献身] to curing the sick. At least, trying to.
  Alex: I’m an architect[建筑师]. I like to build. And while I wouldn’t say my current project is ideal, it allows me to be here, in this place, and that’t enough for now. But tell me something, if you’re working in a hospital in Chicago now, where were you before, in my time?
  Kate: Two years ago, in your time, I was working in internal medicine[内科学] in Madison.
  Alex: Tell me about the future. What’t it like in the year 2006?
  Kate: I’m afraid the world’t pretty much the same. Of course, we all dress in shiny metal jump suits[连衫裤] and drive flying cars…nd no one talks anymore because we can read each other’t minds. But the…he truth is, man from the past, not much has really changed in 2006. Speaking of the past, though, I’re been thinking about the paw prints. How is that possible?
  Alex: Well, I think we have the same dog.
  Kate: Oh, yeah? What’t yours like? According to the vet[兽医], mine is eight years old in my time, er…ix in yours. She’t skinny, has sad eyes, snores[打鼾], and sleeps like a person. I don’t know why, but I call her Jack.
  Alex: (to the dog) Hello, Jack.
  Kate: My dearest Mr. Wyler: Are you willing to play a game with me? Two years ago today, I was taking the 145 train to Madison from the Riverside station and I forgot something there. It was a gift from my father. If you find it, can you please put it in the mailbox? It would mean a lot. Yours, Kate.
  Alex: Kate, I found it. I have it with me. One day I’ll get it to you. Trust me. I know how important it is to you. You might not remember, bute saw each other. At least, I saw you. You never told me how beautiful you are.
  Kate: Well, maybe you saw somebody else. That was a bad hair year for me.
  Alex: Long brown hair, gentle, unguarded[没有防备的] eyes.
  Kate: Okay, okay, okay, okay. You saw me. But I still don’t know what you look like.
  Alex: Well, why don’t we just get together in the future, and you can let me know what you think.
  Alex: Happy birthday.
  Kate: Thank you.
  Alex: I hope it’s a great year for you.
  Kate: Thank you.
  Alex: I’m Alex. The lake-house guy.
  Kate: Yeah. How are you doing? So you’re gonna…You’re gonna find us a place on the lake, huh?
  Alex: I hope so, if I can.
  Kate: You’re a real estate[房地产] agent?
  Alex: No, I...I just have a lake house.
  Kate: Oh, is it nice?
  Alex: Yeah, you’ll love it. You’re gonna rent it after I move out.
  Kate: Oh, really?
  Alex: Kate, have you...read Persuasion?
  Kate: What?
  Alex: By Jane Austen.
  Kate: I know who it’s by. Yeah, it’s...it’s my favorite book. Why did, why did you bring something like that up? What made you bring that up?
  Alex: I just...A friend of mine gave it to me recently, and I was wondering…what it was about.
  Kate: It’s...it’s wonderful.
  Alex: Yeah.
  Kate: Yeah. It’s about...about waiting. These two people, they...they are...they meet. They almost fall in love, but the timing isn’t right. They...they have to part. And then...years later, they...they meet again. They get another chance. You know, but they don’t know if too much time has passed, if they waited too long, if it’s...you know, too late to make it work.
  Alex: Why do you like that?
  Kate: (laughs) I don’t know.
  Alex: No. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, it’s beautiful in a kind of...
  Kate: No, it’s terrible.
  Alex: It’s terrible? That’s terrible.
  Kate: It’s terrible.
  Alex: It’s a personal question, but have you ever been through anything like that?
  Kate: Oh, me? No.
  Alex: No.
  Kate: You weren’t there. You didn’t come.
  Alex: I don’t understand. Something must have happened. I’m sorry. I’re got two years, Kate. We can try again.
  Kate: No, Alex, it’s too late. It already happened. It didn’t work.
  Alex: Don’t give up on me, Kate. What about Persuasion? You told me. They wait. They meet again. They have another chance.
  Kate: Life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second. I was having lunch with my mother at Daley Plaza, and a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms. And I thought: It can’t end just like that on Valentine’s Day.And I thought about all the people who love him, waiting at home, who will never see him again. And then I thought: “What if there is no one?” What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting? So I drove to the lake house looking for any kind of answer. And I found you. And I let myself get lost. Lost in this beautiful fantasy[幻想] where time stood still. But it’s not real, Alex. I have to learn to live the life that I have got. Please don’t write anymore. Don’t try to find me. Let me let you go.
  Kate: Alex, I know why you didn’t show up that night. It was you at Daley Plaza that day. It was you. Please, don’t go. Just wait. Please. Don’t look for me. Don’t try to find me. I love you. And it’s taken me all this time to say it, but I love you. (sobs) And if you still care for me, wait for me. Wait with me. Just wait. Wait. Wait two years, Alex. Come to the lake house. I’m here.
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