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  We’ve all heard that “it’s what’s on the inside that counts,” right? But let’s face it, as soon as you switch on[接通] the TV or flip through[草草翻阅] a magazine, you’re hit with images of models and celebs[名人] whose lives seem as perfect as their looks. Everywhere you turn, the message seems to be that a thin body can be the answer to all of your problems.
  Sometimes, these thoughts about body image can get pretty serious...so much that some people
  develop an “eating disorder.” Eating disorders are very
  dangerous and can damage someone’s health.
  Eating disorders like anorexia[厌食症], bulimia[易饿症], and
  binge-eating[暴食] disorder affect over five million people! The more you know about these illnesses will make you better able to help yourself and people you love.
  Jessica’s Anorexia
  Jessica is one of the smartest kids in the sixth grade. One day at a family reunion, Jessica’s aunt says something about “baby fat.” Jessica knows her aunt is just teasing[取笑], but that comment[意见] sticks with her. She decides to go on a diet. At first, she cuts back on sweets and starts using her dad’s treadmill[踏车] after school. The pounds start coming off and people notice. They ask her if she’s on a diet, and sometimes they even tell her that she looks great! Pretty soon, Jessica is weighing herself every morning and every night. She eats less and less, records every calorie[卡路里(计算热量的单位)] and fat gram in her diet journal, and even hangs pictures of models on her wall for inspiration[鼓舞].
  But Jessica is also starting to feel annoyed[使烦恼]
  all the time. She turns down party invitations because she doesn’t want to be tempted[诱惑] by snack food. She feels dizzy[晕眩的] and cold, and can’t concentrate[集中] on
  anything but her diet and exercise. Even though the
  numbers say she’s lost weight, Jessica doesn’t see it when she looks in the mirror. All she can see is that baby fat.
  Jessica has anorexia nervosa[神经性厌食症], usually just called “anorexia.” People with anorexia starve
  themselves. Jessica’s eating disorder really isn’t about food at all. She tries hard to be the best at everything. She doesn’t know how to handle criticism or teasing. Her aunt
  probably had no idea that her
  comment made Jessica feel like a big failure. Instead of
  her aunt or talking
  to her parents about the situation, Jessica takes it all on[承担(责任等)] herself. She thinks that a diet is a way to take control of the
  situation, but before long the
  situation has taken control of her.
   Stephen’s Problem
  Mike totally looks up
  to[尊敬] his older brother Stephen.
  Stephen is in high school and is the star varsity[(学校)体育代表队]
  wrestler. Mike goes to every match to cheer his brother on from the blea-
  Sometimes Stephen invites him to go out to eat with the rest of the team after a big match. Mike notices that Stephen eats A LOT at these meals. When Mike asks him about it, Stephen explains that because there are weight requirements for his team, he has to starve himself for a few days before each match, and exercise like crazy to sweat out the calories. By the time the match is over, he’s
  ready for a pig-out. He says lots of his teammates do it too, and it’s no big deal.
  Mike respects his brother’s dedication[奉献], but he also worries that this behavior is dangerous. He remembers reading about three college wrestlers who died from kidney[肾] failure and heart problems because they were trying to lose too much weight too quickly. Mike’s heard of eating disorders before, but he’s confused[困惑的]. Aren’t eating disorders for girls? His brother is a strong athlete. Could he actually have a problem?
  Mike is right to be worried about his brother. Even though eating disorders are usually associated with girls, the truth is these illnesses affect girls and boys. Athletes like Stephen are at a greater risk, because their sport requires them to be a
  certain weight. Stephen’s cycle of starvation, over-exercise, and binging are putting a strain[压力,负担] on his body that could have deadly results.
  How to Get Help
  Eating disorders are complicated[复杂的] illnesses, but they can be treated. Most people with eating disorders are afraid to reach out and admit that they have a problem. They might be ashamed or convinced[深信的] that they can handle the
  situation by themselves. But without professional help,
  eating disorders will get worse.
  If you feel your eating habits are out of
  control, you must get help. Talk to any trusted adult: a school counselor[顾问], doctor, family
  member…anyone. If you don’t feel comfortable
  reaching out to an adult, try talking to a friend first.
  Fun, Food and Fitness
  With all this talk about dangerous eating
  disorders, it’s important to remember that eating and exercise can be a fun part of all of our lives. The sooner you develop a positive[积极的] attitude towards them, the more likely it is that you’ll feel good about your body.
  ● Eat for the right reasons. Food
  nourishes[滋养] the body and spirit. But when food becomes a replacement for something, like love or friendship, or if we see it as an
  enemy that’s keeping us from looking the way we want to, that’s when problems start. Here’s
  a good first step to developing a healthy
  relationship with food: if you automa-
  tically[自动地] reach for your favorite snack every time you feel depressed or angry, think about other ways to make yourself feel better. You could take a walk, write in your journal, call up a friend - or just punch[用拳头猛击] your pillow as hard as you can.
  ● Get Moving. Exercise builds muscles and confidence[信心]. The trouble starts when you’re
  exercising not to feel good, but to reach a number on the scale[秤]. That takes all the fun out of it. Whether you’re a born athlete or a
  total klutz[笨手笨脚的人], there’s an activity out there for you. Find something - a sport, or just riding
  your bike - that you enjoy doing, and that makes you feel strong and ALIVE!
  ● Talk to an adult. If you need help, the best thing you can do is talk to your doctor about it. There are also nutritionists[营养学家] who
  specialize[专门研究] in developing healthy meal plans for young people.
  ● 正确饮食。食物滋养我们的身心。但当食物成为某种东西(如爱情或友情)的替代品,或当我们把它当作阻止我们达到理想身材的大敌时,问题就会产生。这里提供让你和食物建立良好关系的第一步:如果你每次感到心情压抑或生气的时候都会不自觉地伸手去拿喜欢的零食,想想其它能让心情变好的方法——你可以散散步,写写日记,给朋友打电话,或者使劲儿打枕头出气。
  ● 动起来。体育锻炼使肌肉强壮,自信加倍。但当你不是为了健康,而是为了达到秤上的某个数字才进行锻炼,问题就来了,锻炼的乐趣也会随之消失。不管你是天生的运动员还是笨手笨脚的家伙,总有一项活动适合你。找一样你喜欢的事情——一项体育运动,或者只是骑自行车——让你强壮、有活力!
  ● 找大人聊天。如果你需要帮助,最好的方法是和你的医生谈谈。现在还有专门为年轻人制订健康饮食计划的营养学家。
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