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  London Christmas Lights
  Every year in November, many town centres around the UK are lit up[张灯结彩] with Christmas lights in preparation for the Christmas period. Some of the big cities in the UK have very extravagant[华丽的] light displays. Sometimes celebrities switch on the Christmas lights.
  Oxford Street in London is one of the most famous high streets[商业街] in the world and the switching on of the Christmas lights is a very big event. Gary Reeves is the chief executive[总裁] of the New West End Company, which organises everything to do with the Christmas lights in London.
  “It generates[产生] a really good reason for Londoners, young people to come to their high street [to] see a great event see the lights come on and really it signals the start of the Christmas trading period for the retailers[零售商].”
  It certainly was a big event this year Westlife switched on the lights.
  “What you can see is over 10,000 people congregating[聚集] to see one of the UK’s biggest pop acts say 3-2-1 and on come the Christmas lights.”
  Westlife: Are you ready?
  Fans: Yeah!
  Westlife: Are you ready? Here we go, 5-4-3-2-1.
  It’s not only Londoners who enjoy the event. There are people from all around the world come to Oxford Street, including tourists from China.
  “We’re from Shanghai. It’s great, just fantastic!”
  “And did you enjoy Westlife?”
  “Oh yes, of course, I screamed!”
  There have been Christmas lights on London’s major shopping streets for over 40 years now and every year a lot of planning goes into them.
  “In terms of[就……而言] designing and producing the lights it takes 12 months. In terms of putting them up, it takes roughly three to four weeks to put them up and two weeks to take them down.”
  London is extremely organised in planning its Christmas lights. It might surprise you to know that arrangements are already under way[筹备之中] for the Christmas lights in 2008!
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