Pros and Cons of Antibiotics

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  "Gong Xiaoming had rashes and itches. At 12:47 pm, she posted on her microblog: I ate some lamb the day before yesterday, and over the past two days I could not help but wonder that the lamb might have antibiotics?" Liao Xinbo, Deputy Director of Guangdong Provincial Health Department twittered this and replied, "Your suspicion is reasonable. The widespread use of antibiotics in animal breeding makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics, and if these bacteria spread to humans, huge problems will occur." It's a factual case reported in an article titled Antibiotics Abuse in the Breeding Industry Becomes an Open Secret--Hens, Pigs and Fish Take Medicine as Staple Food in 2011 on Nanfang Daily, one of China's authoritative media. In recent years, such doubts are frequently published on newspapers. According to statistics, there are over 20 sorts of antibiotics and some 10 strains of synthetic antimicrobial drugs used in feed. Although there are different limits on antibiotics use in animal feed currently due to health concern, cases of antibiotics abuse still occur now and then.
  A miracle in the past
  Antibiotics, which helped human overcome invincible bacteria, were once considered as a miracle for human race. According to Baidupedia: "Antibiotics mainly are mainly composed of bacteria, moulds or secondary metabolites or synthetic analogs produced by other microorganisms." They are primarily used to cure infectious diseases caused by microbial or disease-causing microorganism infections, and usually do not have a tangible impact on the hosts.
  Like people, livestock need protein, amino acids, mineral trace elements and other nutrients to grow. Only when these nutrients are added to their feed can they grow up healthily. There are 13 categories of feed additives which are allowed in different countries such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals trace elements, etc. to protect health and control disease.
  According to Qiao Shiyan, Deputy Director of China National Feed Engineering Technology Research Center, from the perspective of animal nutrition, substances added to animal feed are divided into nutritional additives and non-nutritional additives. Nutritional additives mainly refer to copper, zinc and other trace elements, while non-nutritional additives include enzymes, antibiotics (medical premix) and other additives which can improve animal health and nutrient utilization of feed additives. Among these additives, antibiotics are most closely connected with human health and the excessive use of them could cause drug residue and may transfer bacterial drug resistance genes to non-drug-resistant strains.   Since antibacterial drugs were discovered in 1940s, scientists found that adding antibiotics to feed could not only promote the rapid growth of livestock and poultry, but also can drastically reduce the cost of livestock and poultry farming and the morbidity and mortality rates, bringing a revolution to the industry.
  Scientists speculate that after adding antibiotics to feed, livestock nutrient uptake system will be changed, which will rapidly improve the growth rate and the weight of livestock. Its "magic effect" convinced the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to first approve the use of antibiotics as feed additives in 1950. Then other countries followed suit, embarking on the tour--"feeding" livestock with "antibiotics"--which reached its peak in 1970s.
  A "time bomb" today
  With the increasing number of cases of bacterial antibiotic resistance in the world year by year and growing data of human infected with drug-resistant bacteria in various countries, antibiotic feed was brought to the limelight and became an object of public distrust. Why has this "miracle" turned to a "time bomb" which is hated, limited and prohibited in many countries?
  Since Japan detected the first case of bacterial drug resistance in 1957, safety issues related with antibiotic feed have never been out of public sight. Li Kainian from information Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science wrote in his paper-- The Role of Antibiotic Feed Additive and Its Development Trend: "When Streptomycin was used to feed turkeys in an experiment, it was put forward that antibiotic resistance may be generated in edible animals. Another report in 2002 stated that various pathogenic bacteria were already resistant to many antibiotics in the world in 1980s. "
  As early as in 1997, WHO suggested that regular health management on food animal should be conducted to avoid a preventive consumption of antibiotics; antibiotics should be restricted to treatment use in accordance with prescriptions'; and the possibilities that edible animals may be the host of antibiotic resistant bacteria colony, which can be transferred to people, should be guarded against.
  "Antibiotics pigs", "antibiotics chickens", "antibiotics fish"……" It's an era of antibiotics livestock. "Are you a vegan today?" -- The question seems to become the staple of conversation. It is even reported that using antibiotics as a panacea for preventing and treating animal disease is an open secret in the animal farming industry. Professor Xiao Yonghong, China National Key Laboratory of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, made a survey in 2006, and found that China's annual production of antibiotics was 210,000 tons, of which 97,000 tons were used for animal breeding. According to statistics, more than 13,000 tons of antibiotics are used in animal breeding in US in 2011.   The purpose for farmers’using antibiotic feed additive is simple: to prevent bacterial diseases and improve farming income. One of Nanfang Daily reporter once interviewed an owner of a large pig farm. The latter said: "Without antibiotics, pigs can hardly be raised", which showed farmers' dependence on antibiotics.
  According to official studies, the direct toxicity of animal residues of antibiotics to the human body is very small, but the resistant germs can be passed to humans through air, groundwater and soil, as if it were a time bomb buried in the earth. In case of bacterial infection, the consequences would be unthinkable. Experts caution that the long-term consumption of antibiotics may cause effects ranging from mild allergic symptoms to severe cases like a variety of side effects and an enhanced human drug resistance.
  Drug resistance: a killer of human health
  A study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service of United States Department of Agriculture and the Michigan State University found that after adding antibiotic in pigs’feed, the pigs’drug resistance increases significantly and the pigs become "bacteria pigs". As early as in 1969, scholars from United Kingdom suggested that the world should work together to advocate the view point of "one healthiness". WHO, managers in animal health departments as well as all farming friends should pull together to combat the spread of antibiotic resistance from animals to animals or from animals to human."
  For years, there have been tons of reports on antibiotic resistance. US Newsweek ran a report stating that more than 10,000 patients died of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in 1992. The breakout of Escherichia coli and the food poison case of salmonella were proved to be related with antimicrobial resistance of pathogens of livestock.
  Mo Dihua, former vice president of China Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Science, sighed and said, "In 1960s, 400,000 units (medical units) of penicillin was enough for a pig, and now even one or two million units can only exert very little effect." With bacteria becoming increasingly drug-resistant, it takes nearly a decade to develop a new antibiotic. However, it only takes two years for the new antibiotics to lose its effect. "The growth of antibiotic resistance of pathogens around the world is an enormous challenge", said James Tiedje, a distinguished professor of microbiology, molecular genetics, plants, soil and microbial sciences at Michigan State University.
  According to related reports, 70% of China's newborns have antibiotic resistance to one antibiotic or more antibiotics. In this regard, some experts said that this was because pregnant women before pregnancy tend to eat eggs and drink chicken soup, pig's feet soup and milk and consume other poultry-related products. If animals become drug-resistant after taking antibiotics, they will also bring this resistance to the human body.
  Many experts believe that the antibiotic feed may cause side effects. Qi Guanghai, deputy director of Feed Research Institute (FRI) of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences believes that negative effects of long-term use and misuse of antibiotics mainly include: first, resistant problems produced by bacteria; second, declining animal immune function and increased deaths; third, the problem of drug residues in livestock and poultry products, which directly hampers human health.
“但愿苍生俱饱暖”,这是中国明朝时期杰出政治家和大诗人于谦的诗句。它生动体现了当时人们对五谷丰登、吃饱穿暖的向往和渴望,深刻表达了诗人体恤众生、忧国忧民的抱负和情操。千百年来,诸多仁人志士为实现这一美好夙愿而不懈努力。然而,近年来由于人口不断增长,耕地逐渐减少,全球气候变暖和生物能源等因素的影响,世界粮食储备已经处于十分危险的境地,如果不采取相关措施,一场全球性的粮食危机将一触即发。  粮食是国家
如今,兽用抗生素的滥用,犹如一辆失控的列车。“抵御耐药性——今天不采取行动,明天就无药可用”,这是2011年“世界卫生日”的主题。其实,医学界早就意识到养殖业抗生素的滥用导致的耐药细菌泛滥问题。美国FDA早在1970年就成立特别小组,调查养殖业与细菌耐药性之间的关系。然而,由于监管、制度、现实方面等原因,兽用抗生素的使用问题仍然是大多数国家面临的一大难题。  严规不可少  目前,世界各国对兽用抗生
紧随菲律宾历史记录最强热带风暴肆虐摧毁大片地区后,一个致力于恢复红树林种植的基层发起组织,展示了生态系统安全和环境完整对于减少灾难威胁的重要性。  泥铲发展基金会是位于菲律宾北萨马省的一个以社区为基础的组织。尽管该地区不是受台风海燕破坏最严重的地区,但其受灾程度亦相当严重。在过去10多年间,该基金会一直在恢复退化的红树林生态系统,以此恢复沿海生态并加强当地食品安全。  沿海植树相当于建立了防御自然
“In US, at least 2 million people are infected with drug-resistance bacteria, causing 2.5 million people dead. The medical cost reaches 25 billion US dollars (1 US dollar is about 6 Yuan) and the prod
在亚马逊河西段流域——可称为全球生物多样性最丰富的地区——科学家发现不仅森林树种极其丰富,其中蕴含的化学成分种类也很齐全。研究人员爬上该流域—亚马逊河下游宽广地带到上游安第斯山温带雨林—19片森林的数千棵树的顶端,从树冠中的树叶中取出化学物质作为样品进行分析,他们对发现的化学成分种类之多感到惊讶。  卡内基科学研究院研究员、该项研究第一作者格雷格·阿斯纳称:“我们发现这个令人不可思议的地区是蕴含多
随着经济的发展和气候变化的持续,全球特大洪水造成的损失迅猛上升。位于奥地利的国际应用系统分析研究所的研究人员预测,到2050年洪水导致欧洲的损失将翻倍。在这项最新发表在《自然-气候变化》期刊上的研究中,他们认为了解大规模洪水造成的危害越来越重要,是掌控气候适应性的关键。  社会经济增长造成风险大约增加了三分之二,这是由于经济增长会增加更多的建筑和基础设施,洪水破坏的也就更多。另外的三分之一将来自气
英国布里斯托大学和埃克塞特大学最新研究显示,被不断增强级别的噪音影响的鱼,进食减少并且表现出行为紧张。不过,被测验的两种英国鱼种进食减少的方式不同。  处于噪音环境的三刺鱼觅食过程错误增多,而欧洲鲰鱼变得与同伴鱼交流增多或者自己活动减少。  布里斯托大学生物科学学院的艾琳·沃伊莉米和她的同事使用控制实验室观察研究三刺鱼和鲰鱼的觅食行为对播放的渔船声音的反应。这种声音是人类在水生环境中制造的最普遍的
由于深海采矿和海底拖网捕鱼的威胁不断增加,科学家认为需要签订一份新的国际协定,以约束深海开发。在一个研讨会上的发言者呼吁联合国制定一项新的有关深海保护的协定,弥补《联合国海洋法公约》的不足。  这个研讨会是美国科学促进协会在美国芝加哥举行的一年一度的会议。  国际自然保护联盟公海政策顾问克里斯蒂娜·耶勒说:“这次研讨会使科学家有机会向有权作出改变的人士表达对深海的不断增多的人类影响的关切,深海曾一
莫桑比克蒙德拉内大学研究人员新发表的一份报告显示,莫桑比克非法伐木在过去5年多时间里迅速攀升。这份刊登在联合国粮食和农业组织网站上的报告,评估了木材的生产、消费和出口,发现目前近三分之二的伐木都是非法的。报告指出,伐木速度超过了树木再生的速度,威胁到了工业的长期存在发展,置当地民众的生计于危险之中。  支持该研究的林业专家山姆·劳森估计每年有价值2.5亿美元的木材被非法砍伐,导致国家税收重要来源减
科学家正试图研究理解2013年冬天北半球不寻常的天气——从阿拉斯加州有史以来最热的天气到英国史无前例的洪灾——是否与气候变化有关。不过有一件事是明确的:气流的变化发挥了关键的作用,且随着全球变暖,可能产生的破坏力更强。  2013年冬天北半球的天气整体表现异常。欧洲有史以来最大的风暴;美国加利福尼亚州前所未有的干旱;北极部分地区,包括美国阿拉斯加州和欧洲斯堪的纳维亚半岛从未出现过的高气温;同时也出