How to Improve the Pupils' Reading Ability in Elementary School

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  1. Introduction:
  Reading skills serve as a foundation for writing. Developed and mastered, effective reading skills give people the opportunity to learn new information about the world, people, events, and places, enrich their vocabularies, and improve their writing skills.
  There are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s job. First of all, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study purposes or simply for pleasure. Anything we can do to make reading easier for them must be a good idea.
  2. Full-Scaled Implementation of the Solutions
  2.1. Teach students reading techniques
  No one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, flutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimming pool. Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just that. Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definitions or words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written message. I teach my students to master reading techniques—skimming, scanning, overlooking unimportant words, and so on. For instance, find the key words. Ask students to find the key words while the first time they read the text, which will be a better way to understand the content.
  2.2. Encourage students to understand the content
  Certainly, it is important to study reading texts for the way they use language, how many paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative clauses. But the meaning, the message of the text the main reason to read is for them. They have to their own purpose to read and reading must make sense, they have to find ways of doing something about it. They should be encouraged either to reread or to continue reading to gain meaning. But they must realize that the meaning is not in the teacher, but in the interaction between the reader and author. Students should be encouraged to ask themselves repeatedly, “Does this make sense to me?” Students should be encouraged to reject and to be intolerant of reading materials that don’t make sense.
  3. Reading Practice Design
  My hypothesis is that learners’ interest in reading practice is increased by better organized activities. In addition, my new assignment activities should have a real information value so that students have a real purpose to communicate.   I designed four activities to be tried out in four weeks. And these activities are reported as follows.
  4. Data Analysis
  After four weeks’ action research, the results are listed as follows.
  4.1. Students’ general impression of the project
  The project here consists of 2 aspects: degree of interest, reading ability. I found out that generally speaking, there has been significant improvement after the implementation.
  Graph 1 shows that there is a drastic improvement in this regard. Most of the subjects who rank themselves in scale “like” and “like very much” amount to 50 students, while the percentage was only 40 students. The graph also shows no one dislikes reading practice after implementation. As the objective of our research is to enhance my students’ interest and ability, such a result is very encouraging. It proves that our implementation of the solutions is fruitful and effective. Yet, I shouldn’t be too optimistic, since there are still 10 students choosing 3. This implies that I should find out some other reasons to account for this fact, and try to solve the problem more thoroughly.
  1. Problem Unsolved
  After I thought seriously and had exchanges of views on project with my students, I found out that although atmosphere in the reading tasks had been improved a lot through the full-scaled implementation, there was still much that would need further improvement. Only when I make continuous reflection in my teaching; can I make greater progress. The most frequently mentioned problems can be categorized into 3 aspects:
  1. Vocabulary is small. And also there are little complicated words in the textbook. Because they are shy to speak English, so that when they encounter more difficult to spell the word, they will become more shy and more reluctant to speak.
  2. Pronunciation is not clear. As they didn’t well know how to accurate pronounce the phonetic symbol.
  3. The way of teaching. I should provide more interesting and practical reading tasks.
  2. Conclusion
  The present study is chiefly based on the project that I proceeded from March, 2017 to April, 2017, which aimed to enhance my students’ reading ability. Now I can be very happy to state that my problem has been successfully solved.
  This action research helps me cultivate awareness of the dynamic mechanism in my English teaching. From the action research, I have gained a lot of benefits. My teaching has been improved considerably with deeper insights to teaching profession, more acute sensitivity to the oral practice organization and more confidence in myself as an English teacher.
一、情感教育与班集体建设理念  情感教育是教育过程的一部分,它关注教育过程中学生的态度、情绪、情感以及信念,以促进学生的个体发展和整个社会的健康发展。即情感教育是使学生身心感到愉快的教育。情感教育的内涵广泛,着重关注学生对自己、对他人的爱,即悦纳自己,关心他人,营造团结友爱的班级氛围,创设一个健康和谐的班集体。作为一名班主任如何去实施情感教育呢?我一直在思考这个问题。思考了很久之后我有了自己的想法
一、阅卷人的兴奋点  任何一场考试其实都是我们和阅卷老师的一场看不见的博弈。兵书说:知己知彼,方能百战不殆。对于高考作文,我们的对手——阅卷老师的关注点主要体现在这么几个方面:  1.框架结构—— 框架清晰而井然,让阅卷老师看上去很舒服。  2.富有文采、富有激情语段——让阅卷老师的阅读刺激得以持续。  3.行文思路——让阅卷老师受到你的浸染,随着你的思维走。  二、阅卷人的盲点  你的表述方式论
随着科技发展的日益进步,利用多媒体技术来辅助课堂教学已成为一种趋势,为营造语文快乐课堂作出了巨大的贡献。当今的语文课堂已离不开多媒体课件的辅助应用,它符合低年级小朋友的认知特点,不仅吸引学生的注意力,还激发了孩子们的学习热情,使得学生在语文课堂中能够积极主动地参与到文本情境之中,在快乐的课堂氛围中感受学习知识的乐趣,对于激活有效的课堂氛围有着积极推动的作用。  新编小学低年级语文教材设计的内容丰富
一、谁来抚慰哭泣的心灵  你是否看到过这样一幅画面:当一个婴儿哭了,年轻的妈妈、爸爸马上会又是给这个吃的,又是那个玩的,千方百计地哄他、逗他、安抚他……看到这样一幕,难道我们就不会有所思索么:婴儿的啼哭,也许只是身体略有不舒适,就得到了如此的关注,而现实生活中,多少孩子的心在哭泣,又有谁来理会呢?!  您是否想到过这样的故事:当孩子失败的时候,家长对他的斥责,老师对他的失望,同学对他的冷落。我的孩
一、彼此之间提醒监督法  提醒是指使唤起忘掉的事或很难再想起的事,或通过告诫的方法,或从旁指点,引起注意;监督是指察看并加以管理监督干活。提醒监督具有制约性和促进性两大作用。学生良好行为习惯的养成不是一朝一夕能形成,需要持之以恒地自我努力,还需要靠学生们彼此之间的提醒监督,使内因和外因共同起作用,这样才能更有利于良好行为习惯的建立。例如,我们班的学生总是喜欢在课本上乱写乱划,动不动就撕扯作业本,养
苏霍姆林斯基说:“书——也是学校,应当教会每个学生在书的世界旅行。”多年的教学经验使我深信,学生智力开发决定于良好的阅读能力。因此,我大胆地推行以课内阅读为主,课外阅读的为辅的教学方式,指导学生多读书、会读书。  培养会读书、爱读书的一代新人,是基础教育迎接21世纪挑战的重要任务之一。教师有目的、有计划地指导学生阅读课外书籍,教给学生正确的、科学的读书方法,拓宽知识面,陶冶情操,培养自学能力,是促
一、“自主课堂”减轻了学生的心理负担  从课堂组织形式上看,“自主课堂”鼓励教师走下讲台,学生走上讲台,使师生在空间上互换角色或位置,消除了师生在心理上的隔阂感;6人一组的方阵式座位排列,拓展了学生之间交流的多元选择,为学生之间的智慧交流与碰撞提供了更好的平台。  从教学理念上看,我们的“自主课堂”,是一种真正以学生为中心的教学模式,学生是课堂的主人,教师只是学习活动的组织者、协助者。  以语文学
一、了解后进生,找出其形成原因  (1)家庭教育因素  家长是孩子的启蒙老师,他们身体的发育,知识的获得,思想的陶冶,跟家庭教育有着重要的关系,并且家庭的环境对孩子的成长有着不可忽视的作用。据我观察,我校大部分学生是由老人或家属照顾,父母长期在外地工作;得不到父母充分的关怀,便很容易导致孩子性格变化无常,学习成绩不理想;没有父母的陪伴和管教,在这种“缺爱”环境下长大的孩子,多少都有一定的心理伤害。