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  A list of top terms of 2016 was put together by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, The Commercial Press, and People.cn in their annual Chinese Characters and Words (汉语盘点) event, which tallies the words and phrases most representative of 2016. The character of the year is 規 (gu~), “regulation, rules,” a reference to the anti-corruption movement. The phrase of the year is 小目标 (xi2om&bi`o), “a small goal”; no doubt a favorite for netizens, this phrase trended because China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, suggested that young people just starting out should start with a “small goal” of earning their first 10 million RMB. Internationally, the character was 变 (bi3n, change) and the phrase was 一带一路 (y! d3i y! l&), “One Belt, One Road.”
2018年丘北舍得乡的冬天寒风冷凛,这个寒冷的季节,令人有些伤感。因为一位扶贫干部的突然离世,白皑皑的浓雾,变得十分的凝重。尚未告别贫困,他却永远地倒在扶贫路上,永远地离开他深爱的壮乡苗岭、彝村瑶寨……  2018年12月13日14时45分,舍得高山狂风呜咽。文山广播电视台下乡扶贫干部田旭,在扶贫工作中,突发疾病,经抢救无效死亡,战斗直到生命的最后一刻,享年56岁,病逝在他无法割舍的寒冬扶贫山路之
木者村:写在四百亩台地上的一首诗篇  遍布的艰难,曾以石头的形式牢牢盘亘  与这些沉重的石头较劲,  仿佛是徒劳无功的自虐  仿佛得到的回馈,只能是又咸又涩的叹息  木者村横下心来,用土炸药喊出宣言  让石头滚开,辟出一片台地  用于种植玉米、杜仲、核桃,以及  与这些作物一样茁壮的希冀  那些结出的果实,  分明就是渐次饱满的颂词  把铺展的梦境丰盈  四百亩开阔的意境里,  足够书写一声声惊叹
引子  在多情的秋风吹来的时候  硕果结满了边陲大地上的西畴  台地上的苞谷闪着金黄色的灿烂  绿洲上的稻谷低下了沉甸甸的穗头  果园的柑橘铺开了美丽的红霞  丰收的板栗张开了甜蜜的笑口  大地的主人举起幸福的金杯  壮家的女儿放开了嘹亮的歌喉  彝家的阿哥跳起了欢乐的“打歌”  苗家的芦笙吹奏着又一个金色的丰收  昨天还是建档立卡的贫困户大娘  望着门前沉甸甸的金秋  知心的话儿涌上心头  西畴
Even as health fears shut down many of China’s urban live markets, some customers remain undeterred  隨着越来越多的活禽市场被关闭,  人们对生鲜美味的执着还能持续多久?  D  o you have any chickens out back?”  As code phrases go, it w
一  2006年10月,随着百色水利枢纽工程竣工的礼炮声,云南省文山州富宁县驮娘江畔的一座积淀着厚重历史文化的千年古镇剥隘沉入了江底。  三年之后剥隘古鎮又重新“浮出水面”——这是江边易地重建后仍保留着部分古迹的新镇。  然而,一本抢救了剥隘部分历史文化的书稿《剥隘——沉入江中的千年古镇》,却艰难地“闯过了十八关(见报18次)、十七隘(经17个单位和个人审查),爬过十七坎(等待出版17年)”,完稿
时间就是金钱,  速度就是生产力  T  ime is life,” observed the renowned 20th-century writer, translator and educator Liang Shiqiu. “It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click
Grinding your way up to that powerful magic sword is a tough task in most online games, requiring hours of effort hacking away. China has seen controversies over “gold mining” by real-life prisoners e
The rise of online shopping, selling, and logistics has perhaps been one of the most important changes to modern life in China, and while we here in the TWOC offices are more than happy to receive dai
A sanitation worker in Hefei, Anhui province, became a viral sensation after he encountered a car that had blatantly been parked in an illegal parking area for hours, without consideration for emergen
Has China’s prophesied VR boom become a virtual disaster?  來势汹汹的虚拟现实技术  真的火了吗?  A  t 50 RMB for a few minutes in the virtual reality (VR) booth, customers in the swanky downtown Beijing mall just were