一、什么是高中教育综合化 在我国,高中阶段教育作为九年义务教育之后的中等教育,主要承担向高一级学校输送毕业生和培养新增劳动者的双重任务。而实现上述两个培养目标则分别依靠普通高中和中等职业学校各自独立完成。在这个实施过程中,普通高中教育以文化基础教育为主,中
First, what is the integration of high school education in our country, high school education as nine years of compulsory education after secondary education, mainly to assume the high school delivery of graduates and training of new workers dual task. However, the above two training objectives are respectively completed by ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools respectively. In this process of implementation, ordinary high school education mainly focuses on basic education in culture