Reflections on the Contradiction between Commercialization and Traditional Culture in Designing

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  Introduction: In the course of the rapid development of society, a large increasing number of people pay more attention to the commercial of design but ignoring the culture of design. However, a good design should reflect the nature of both commerce and culture. Only both are taken the same serious, can the design be regarded as a complete one. Therefore, we cannot ignore either of them.
  I. The development of Commercialization and Culture
  1.1 The Commercial of Ancient Design and Traditional Culture
  Ancient design pays more attention to the cultural development and spread. In the Neolithic age, people ,who lived in caves, through painting mural on the wall of caves to express their sense of culture.The original buildings initially have half the form of modern housing. They took the form with wood and grass woven to express the development of culture. During the Qin and Han Dynasties,the construction has begun to take shape. The large luxury palace buildings represents not only the superb construction technology at that time, also reflect the profound cultural connotation. The Chang An City was built in the Tang Dynasty, its surrounding type design and chic pavilion to further enhance the cultural connotation. And The Yuan Dynasty inherited the traditional essence of The Song Dynasty and they used exquisite color and pattern whose style was extremely beautiful. The design form lasted to the Qing Dynasty, and took cultural background as the leading factor, whether it is building towers or traditional windows. Actually, the root of Chinese traditional culture has always been in. The ancient commercial buildings also used the traditional patterns and took wooden structure as the main building. In fact, traditional culture gained full of reflect in every aspect.
  II.The Commercialization of Modern Design and Traditional culture
  The modern design has already changed the tradition to a large extent. some designs have unique appearance, and some designs are concise and lively. The cultural and region has not its main ideas. The modern commercial design pays more attention to the appearance and atmosphere in from in order to provide people can comfortably consume,rest and entertainment etc. People has been gradually ignored the traditional culture, only pay attention to the higher profit it brought and its beautiful appearance. Subjectively, it creates an atmosphere to promote the consumption of people and around their desire for consumption. Only A few designs can melt the commercial and traditional culture, grasp the traditional culture and the commercial proportion. Actually, commercial and traditional culture can promote each other. Because the traditional culture can rich commercial atmosphere and figure it the connotation of traditional culture, moreover, the business transmit the culture to the consumers. The bold innovation not only make the design reflect both commercial perquisite and cultural connotation, but also make culture can be fully expressed in the design and enhance its commercial value. And some modern commercial designs also combined both of them, but not took too much traditional elements rather than the definite proportion.   III.The Application of Traditional Culture in the Modern Commercial Design
  Business is gradually developing, commercialization has become not only people's pursuit of fashion, but also the most direct way of satisfying the consuming group, and raising the economic development. Chinese traditional design highlights the harmonious unity of human and nature.
  3.1The design of the traditional Chinese
  In the Chinese traditional design, the composition form the space has the profound meaning in aesthetics . Most of them used timber frame structure as the main form of construction, the most remarkable characteristic of Chinese traditional design is the space layout of "group". In the term of Architecture, traditional culture embodied in the aspects of engraving, window, the color and so on, and the form of architecture can be divided into three parts ---- door, hall and corridor.
  3.2 The application of traditional culture in the contemporary design
  Partition is a classical element,people often used the traditional grid form to express it. In the contemporary design ,the indoor space blended the privacy and transparent as a whole, private space and transparent space is the basic contradiction of interior. Since ancient times, people constantly built the space as their own rest and shelter, while they always want to get rid of this kind of space constraints.They wanted to return and integrate into the nature. Therefore, our ancient traditional grid adopted the technique of borrowing in order to make every interior space can permeate each other. Putting the outdoor scenery into indoor also has some role in blocking.
  IV. Conclusion
  The traditional culture is the wisdom crystallization of the people, it can not only integrate into the design, also exists in every corner of our life. In the commercial sustainable development today. Our design will not only pay attention to business but ignore the importance of traditional culture. We should make the traditional culture and modern business together and make the traditional culture integrate into the modern commercial design.
  Nowadays, the foreign culture has been deeply reflected in the commercial design. Lots of commercial design uses the exotic style to cater to the needs of customers. However, our own traditional culture has been ignored because of lacking novelty. Therefore, the traditional culture should attract our more attention, which has been rooted deeply in our mind. We should pursue the innovation and transformation of traditional culture in the design; in case of making it gradually submerged in the historical river.
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