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  Although most people know that koalas live in Australia and eat eucalyptus leaves, there is so much more to know.
  1. Although they are commonly called koala “bears”, koalas are marsupials and have nothing at all to do with bears, except that they are cute like a teddy bear.
  2. The word “koala” is thought to have come from the aboriginal word meaning “no drink”. Although koalas do drink water sometimes, most of their hydration requirements are met by the moisture they get from eating eucalyptus leaves.
  3. They eat about two and a half pounds of eucalyptus leaves a day; so many, in fact, that they take on the fragrance of the oil and end up smelling like cough drops.
  4. A newborn koala is the size of a jellybean called a joey. It is a while before it reaches full-blown ridiculously cute status; joeys are born blind, earless and without fur.
  5. After birth, a momma koala will carry the jellybean baby in her pouch for about six months; the newborn clings to its mother’s back or belly until it is around a year old.
  6. Koalas usually live in trees, and they sleep for up to 18 hours during the day.
  7. Koalas may look soft and cuddly, but to the touch, not so much. They have a thick wooly fur that protects them from both heat and cold and also helps to repel water. In fact, their fur is the thickest of all marsupials.
  8. Habitat destruction, traffic deaths and attacks by dogs kill an estimated 4,000 koalas yearly; at this point, there are fewer than 100,000 koalas in the wild. Fortunately, there are many efforts being made to protect them.
  9. In ideal conditions in the wild, male koalas live to about the age of 10; females may live a few years longer.
  10. There were once millions of koalas, but the popularity of their sturdy fur resulted in massive hunting of them in the 1920s and 1930s, leading to a major decline in their numbers.
  marsupial n. 有袋类哺乳动物
  aboriginal adj. 原住的
  hydration n. 水合作用
  moisture n. 水分
  fragrance n. 芳香;香味
  jellybean n. 一种豆形糖果
  ridiculously adj. 可笑地;荒谬地
  status n. 状态
  pouch n. 育儿袋
  cling v. 紧贴
  cuddly adj. 令人想拥抱的
  repel v. 抵挡
  habitat n. 栖息地
  destruction n. 破坏;毁灭
  attack v. 袭击
  estimate v. 估计
  sturdy adj. 坚硬的
  massive adj. 大量的
  decline n. 下降
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