Suggestions for Integrated Mode of English Teaching

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  【Abstract】The paper focuses on the teaching effectiveness according to the the characteristics of online courses, online live teaching and students’ autonomous leaning. Based on the brief comparative analysis and effective integration of three teaching modes above, the paper put forward suggestions for integrated mode of English teaching from the perspective of educational administrators, teachers, students and online teaching technology developers.
  【Key words】suggestions; teaching modes; educational administrators; teachers; students; online technology developers
  【作者簡介】Liu Tingting, School of International Education, Jiangsu Maritime Institute.
  1. Introduction
  The Ministry of Education requires colleges and universities to make full use of the online MOOC courses and high-quality online course resources and platforms, actively carry out online teaching, and open nearly 24000 free online courses to ensure the effectiveness of online teaching. In the period, the integrated teaching mode(online courses, live online teaching and students’ autonomous learning) came into being. It is the integration of various teaching modes, and integrates modern education technology and information technology, which conforms to the concept of lifelong education and replaces the uniform face-to-face traditional teaching mode. To effectively integrate the three teaching modes is worth studying. The paper put forward suggestions for integrated mode of English teaching from the perspective of educational administrators, teachers, students and online technology developers in the following parts.
  2. Suggestions
  2.1 For educational administrators
  The educational administrators of colleges and universities should study and judge the situation comprehensively and adjust the personnel training program and teaching methods, which should not adopt the formalistic approach of “one size fits all” and “materials forced to review the curriculum copy”, and should strengthen the integration of online ideological and political classes and English subjects. It should be allowed to choose the online teaching scheme according to local conditions. Colleges and universities should not rush to choose the live online broadcasting which is seemingly the most popular.
  Related teaching administration institute should not put too much pressure on teachers. Teachers with ability and interest should be allowed to record lessons, live broadcast and other flexible teaching modes. Data can be used to dynamically monitor the implementation of local and school online teaching, to guide and correct deviation in real time.   Education management departments at all levels, teachers’ education institutions, publishing houses and other integrated teaching and training activities, especially for older teachers, should participate in the activities so that teachers can practice and improve while learning. In addition, in order to improve the effectiveness of the integrated teaching mode, the education managers should formulate the corresponding incentive mechanism and supervision mechanism so that the Internet education thinking can be integrated into all corners of the education field, and ensure that students are the center and provide high-quality service network for students.
  2.2 For teachers
  Meanwhile, English teachers’ information literacy and information-based teaching ability have been challenged greatly. How to prepare lessons online? How to manage students effectively? Teachers have a strong sense of “out of control” and “anxiety” about new online teaching methods. Firstly, college English teachers should improve the ability of information-based teaching, break through the technical restrictions, not blindly pile up resources, and then “kite flying” should strengthen teaching reflection and scientific evaluation of learning effect. As long as they are well prepared, teachers will gradually adapt to online teaching, face new challenges, and make classroom teaching more vigorous.
  In order to have a good live English class, there are several suggestions for teachers:
  (1) Get familiar with the live platform and test it in advance and be prepared to deal with all kinds of situations, such as Caton dropping off the line, so as to prevent the phenomenon of “polarization” in which teacher are not happy, but students motivation of autonomous learning and design more “student-centered” driving tasks.
  Presuppose some interactive opportunities such as questions and tests related to the teaching content, and give students more practice, feedback and thinking.
  The students who actively participate and perform well should be evaluated and encouraged in time.
  If teachers’ language can be humorous and vivid, it will be more attractive and “on the spot” to students.
  The learning task is best to be close to the reality of students’ life, so as to turn the crisis into a vivid educational resources to guide students to pay attention to social issues and promote deep thinking and growth.
  The teacher can enunciate clearly and speak at a moderate speed, so as to prevent the voice from forming voice link in the transmission process.   2.3 For students
  Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will fall back. During the long-term home stay, students should make full use of their time to study. To learn well, the most important is that students should play their own initiative and actively participate in online teaching, which is a test of students’ self-management ability. In order to study English more effectively and efficiently, there are several suggestions for students:
  (1)Students should regard online teaching as a “formal course”, complete the “opening ceremony”.
  Learn and practice to manage their own time, learn to set up, dismantle and manage their own goals and be good at using tools to reflect and improve regularly. Based on teachers’ requirements, students are expected to preview the content in advance according to teachers’ task list.
  Pay attention to control the time of using computers and mobile phones, do eye exercises frequently to protect your eyesight, and do some exercises moderately to ensure your health.
  During the live broadcast of QQ group, the mic is muted to avoid affecting teachers’ live broadcast and students’ listening, which is the basic quality for students while using online media.
  Use “critical cooperative autonomous learning” in or after class learning.
  2.4 For online teaching technology developers
  As a saying goes, “A workman must first sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.” It proves the importance of modern teaching material. For technology developers, they are proficient at not only developing of teaching online technology but also have an insight into English teaching theory and students’ studying psychology.
  There so many platforms in common daily teaching and let’s take “Rain Class” as an example. “Rain Class” provides the function of using PPT to preview before class. Video and other contents are allowed to be interested in the preview courseware to increase students’ interest in preview. Teachers can push micro courseware, preview task list and homework to students through We-chat platform through “rain class”, which is convenient for students to study offline.
  3. Conclusion
  College educators, faced with various kinds of teaching mode, are expected to adopt appropriate teaching mode to conduct online teaching effectively and efficiently. It is also hoped that this type of study can provide meaningful help for future researchers, teachers and students in colleges and universities.
  [1]Sun Xianhong, Zhang Qian
【摘要】在高职院校英语教学改革的大环境下,如何有效地找到课程思政与英语教学的结合点是广大英语教师考虑的主要问题。本文以高职英语教学中的一篇文章为例,尝试探讨将课程思政渗入日常英语课堂中,以期为英语教学改革提供一定借鉴。  【关键词】课程思政;高职英语;价值观  【作者简介】任璐(1987.05-),女,汉族,陕西渭南人,陕西职业技术学院,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语教学。  一、 引言  新中
【摘要】反馈是英语写作教学中关键环之一,其目的是帮助学生修改并提高作文质量。随着互联网技术的发展,网络平台也逐渐成为英语写作教学的辅助手段。通过对某独立学院大学英语写作教学中在线同伴反馈和教师反馈的对比研究,表明在线同伴反馈能调动学生学习的积极性,主动以“作者”和“读者”的身份参与到写作任务中去,并激发更多对文章内容层面的自发修改,从而实现从整体上提高学生英语写作水平的目标。  【关键词】网络;在
【摘要】中学生有特殊的思维方式,英语教学活动的开展,必须尊重学生的主体意愿,提高他们的表达能力。词汇、阅读、写作教学过程中,教师可以利用思维导图,帮助学生实现长久性记忆,把主要知识点具体的呈现出来,一步步的理解,快速提升认知水平,继而优化学习效果。另外,思维导图还能完善教学体系,方便教师去实施各项人才培养计划,做到了有的放矢,才能促进教育现代化进程的持续加快。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;思维
【摘要】对五年级小学生而言,写作能力的培养是英语学习中的重要组成。作为小学英语教师,我们必须在深入领悟这一事实的基础上积极采取一系列措施,如以生动情境激发小学生英语写作意愿,以针对训练锻炼小学生英语写作技能以及以积极鼓励提升小学生英语写作自信等,确保五年级小学生的写作能力能够得到有效提升。  【关键词】五年级小学生;小学英语:英语写作能力;提升策略  【作者简介】李梅,江苏省南通市通州区平潮小学。
【摘要】大学英语课程是各大高校课程中的必修课程,结合民航院校的特色,文章就Presentation在中国民航飞行学院大学英语课程中的实践进行讨论和反思。  【关键词】Presentation;大学英语;反思  一、研究背景  2007年, 《大学英语课程教学要求》提出“大学英语是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体
【摘要】思维品质是英语学科核心素养四大要素之一,批判性思维作为思维品质的其中一个维度,是英语教学的核心任务。本文以一节初中英语课外阅读课为例,探讨了如何在“阅读圈”教学活动中让学生通过自主学习、合作探究完成角色任务、深入解读文本,达到提升学生的语言能力、培养学生的批判性思维和落实英语学科核心素养的目的。  【关键词】阅读圈;批判性思维;课堂实践  【作者简介】王振林(1982.11-),男,广东省
【摘要】有效的语音教学能有效帮助学生高效识记单词,并且扩大学生的阅读面。对于词汇量积累少的小学生来说,在英语学习的入门时期,学习语音规律,内化拼读规则,培养自然拼读能力尤为重要。在语音教学中,教师要整合资源,巧用教具,创设具有意义的、真实的语境来展开教学,旨在通过有效的语音教学,培养学生见词能拼、听音能写的能力。  【关键词】语音教学;自然拼读;情境;能力  【作者简介】童丽娜,杭州经济技术开发区