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  When you’re a kid, there’s nothing quite like the high-flying[抱有雄心大志的] feeling you get on the last day of school. No more pencils, no more books – you know the rest. It’s summer vacation, and all you have ahead of you are warm, sunny days filled with…filled with…
  And there’s the problem.
  Sometimes a break from school doesn’t turn out quite as great as you thought it would be. I can remember
  getting into the habit of watching “just a little” TV after
  swim team practice. A little TV often turned into a day in The Twilight Zone注1 (which was mostly what I watched). This is a guaranteed way to feel queasy[令人想吐的]
  and disoriented[分不清方向的] all day long.
  It doesn’t have to be that way. If you are a kid, you can have a great time without having to resort to[求助于] the boob tube[电视机].
  Here are several ideas for making the most out of summer vacation. They’re organized by age group, but don’t feel like you have to pay too much attention to that.
  Fun Summer Stuff for Kids Under 14
  What do you want to do today? Burn rubber? Start a collection? Or make some money? You can do all of these, but probably not all at the same time.
  Ready to have some fun? Then let’s get right to it.
  1. See Something Yucky[令人讨厌的] Right Now
  Here’s a picture of a dragonfly popping[蹦出] out of its skin, a slimy alligator[短吻鳄] coming out of its egg, and a super-gross[非常讨厌的] termite[白蚁]. You might get to see a real dragonfly this summer if you go outside. Aren’t you glad you don’t pop out of your skin every time you get a size bigger?
  Even though you don’t shed[脱皮] like a dragonfly, your body is pretty weird, too. Find out the secrets of sweat, snot[鼻涕], and other yucky things. You can go to the library several times a day and still not learn every odd thing there is to know about the human body.
  2. Start a Collection and Work on It All Summer
  OK, you’ve spent enough time in front of the
  computer. Why not start a collection? Think about something you really like. I used to collect the fortunes from fortune cookies注2. But they ended up going through the wash. Now, I try to collect things that have a little more staying power.
  Here are some other things you can collect: coins, stamps and leaves (you will learn a lot about trees while you do the collection. And if you want to be a true expert, find out what leaves are for and how they work.).
  3. Do an Experiment
  How would you like to burn a little rubber without matches or make a volcano out of a film canister[金属小罐]?
  Bill Nye’s website has 40 experiments you can do at home without getting into too much trouble. But just to be on the safe side, be sure to ask permission first. If you do one experiment a day, you’ll find summer vacation is too short.
  4. Make Some Money
  Are there dogs in your
  neighborhood? If so, you can start your own dog-walking business and make a little money. First, you need to make a flier[广告传单]. You have to decide how much to charge (ask your parents). Then, figure out why people should hire you. This is your slogan[口号].
  For example, “Your dog will smile
  after he’s walked awhile!” You can post the flier in your neighborhood.
  If you walk five dogs a day, at $1 each dog, you can make $25 a week!
  5. Put on a Magic Show
  Everyone loves magic. When I was a kid, we used to float in the air and make oranges disappear. None of it was real, of course. But it sure looked cool.
  Mysterynet.com has a bunch of tricks that are easy to learn. Once you know five or so, you’re ready to put on a show for your family and friends.
  For High-schoolers
  By now, some of you may probably realize you don’t
  have all that many summers left before you leave high school. So, what are you going to do?
  Make this time count[有价值] by doing something you love, something you’ll learn from.
  If whiling away[消磨] your summer days playing your favorite CDs sounds like fun, how about building your own radio station? Of course you may have to start a business or get a job so you can buy the equipment you need, and there’s always community relations to think about…
  1. Build Your Own Radio Station
  If you love music, you can build your own Internet
  radio station. This is a great way to share your favorite music with the world – and also to get some experience for a job as a DJ at your college radio station.
  2. Start a Business
  My brothers made what seemed to me an unfair amount of money running their own landscaping[景观美化]
  business. They bought a truck, made business cards, and kept busy and rolling in the gardens by convin-
  cing[说服] our
  parents’ friends that they needed to have their yards made over.
  Do you have this kind of skill? If so, you can start your own company, then put it down on your college application[申请表], proving to the world that you owned a business before you turned 18. You don’t even need to make a lot of money. The
  important thing is that you did it.
  And your business doesn’t have to be doing yard work. Think about what you’re good at and like to do. Do you build websites? Make T-shirts or sandwiches? All you need to do is find customers who want what you do, and you’re in the money.
  Even better, if you have friends who are good at the same thing, form a company together. This way, someone is always available[有空的] for customers, and you have more hands to bear the workload. Plus, it’s really fun.
  3. Get a Great Summer Job
  If you don’t feel ready yet to start your own business, but would like a little work experience and the money that comes with it, that’s great too. Some of the same
  principles apply[适用].
  You have more options than just the local fast-food
  joint[(贬)公众娱乐场所], although if that’s what sounds the most fun to you, by all means[尽一切办法] pursue it.
  Finding a job that involves something you already like to do is key. Then it won’t feel like work.
  4. Do Something Good for Your Community
  One of the most satisfying things you can do is volunteer in your community. If you don’t want to take on a summer job, think about spending a few hours a week helping out other people.
  Have fun with these ideas, or come up with your own. Either way, have a great summer!
  2. 摇身一变收藏家
  3. 做做实验
  4. 赚点小钱
  5. 魔术表演
  1. 建一个属于自己的广播站
   2. 创业
  3. 打一份很棒的暑期工
  4. 服务社区
  文中提到的Bill Nye在美国孩子中可是相当有名的人物。波音工程师出身的他,多年来制作过许多儿童科普节目,其中包括长达百集的《Bill Nye The Science Guy》(1993-1997)和9集的《100 Greatest Discoveries》(2004)。如果你也想试试这位“Science Guy”的实验,可以上 http://www.billnye.com/看看。但小编先提醒一下,这是英文网站,虽然上面有图解,但要看懂实验指示还是很不容易哦。
  Mysterynet.com魔术技巧的具体网站如下:http://kids.mysterynet.com/magic/ 。这里的魔术指示比Bill Nye的实验要简单哦。
如果说去年的娱乐圈盛行“奥斯丁热”,那么2008则很可能会变成“勃朗特姐妹年”。全新的电影版《简·爱》及《呼啸山庄》都将于今年投入制作。纷纷嚷嚷的传言中,当属爱伦·佩基可能成为新一代简·爱的消息最吸引眼球了——“朱诺”真的能当好我们熟悉的那个家庭女教师吗?    The net has witnessed heated debates since BBC Films announced an ad
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听力小提示:本文发音清晰,语速适中,但由于文中涉及的词语对中学生而言比较生疏,而且复合句型较多,因此对同学们的听力可是一大挑战哦。建议先通读全文,对文章内容先作大致了解,再听声音,以便加深记忆。  还记得周杰伦的《爱在西元前》吗?每次听到这首歌,感觉时间好像一下子跨越了几千年,把人带到一片遥远而神秘的地方——美索不达米亚。这片深埋在时间流沙的地方曾经孕育出人类最早的文明之一。那么美索不达米亚在哪里
To really understand Shakespeare, you need to see his plays live on stage and explore the theater experience   during Shakespeare’s lifetime. It’s a sad fact that today we normally study Shakespeare’s
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