These Secret of Success

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  What’s the most practical access to success? Is there any short-cut to success? These may be some of the most common questions that the majority of people are wondering about. However, although the desire to succeed is hidden in the mind of almost everybody, many are still complaining about the rare chances of success. Why should there be such an awkward situation? The answer is laziness or lack of ambition.
  Around 80 years ago, Napoleon Hill, an American author, and the earliest person to study the philosophy of achievement, examined the power of personal beliefs, and the role they play in personal success. In his book “Think and Grow Rich”, which was published in1937, he made it clear that freedom was one of the foundations for successful personal achievements. However, laziness or lack of ambition is like dead weight on our chest, which is so heavy a burden in our heart that it imprisons us from having a dream.
  Take myself for example. When I was in junior 2, although I had been dreaming of being admitted to No. 1 Middle School, I was occasionally dragged back to lower position by the temptation of relaxing myself, seeking for temporary comfort. Then at the beginning of junior 3, I found myself behind some top students, I realized it was laziness that had been pulling my legs. So I worked harder and more diligently in the last 5 months, and finally got enrolled in No. 1 Middle School. In fact, more often than not, although many people are eager to chase fame and success, they are reluctant to work hard for it, having no specific idea about what they really want.
  Having a dream in life is just like having a compass while sailing on the sea. Without the compass, sailors may lose their way and their ship may be turned over by the rough waves. Hence, to have a dream or an ambition is decisively important to anyone who is eager to succeed. So the first and foremost is to be ambitious. If you truly desire something so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it. However, one can never achieve anything by just daydreaming without any pains and hard work. When Chen Pan in East Han dynasty was criticized by his father’s friend, Xue Qin, for the mess in his room, he argued that a man with high life goals should never be trapped by the chores. However, Xue refuted, “If you couldn’t fulfill your duty in everyday life, such as cleaning your room, how can you fulfill your duty on great occasions?” Secondly, make your dream practical; otherwise, it’s just daydreaming. Thirdly, make practical and feasible plans to make it come true. Last but not least, work hard continuously and consistently. Or, you can never make great achievements. A case in point is Zhongyong, a gifted poet in his childhood days, but completely destroyed by his father, who mistakenly took his son to visit friends, eagerly showing off his son’s talent rather than pushing his son to develop his potential.
  To sum up, “Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness or lack of ambition”. Remove the burden on your chest, and spare no efforts working hard to realize your dream, although it may not be easy. Laziness may be deeply rooted in the nature of every human being. Just like after a long sleep, you will find yourself unwilling to get out of the cozy bed. Thus, consciously or unconsciously, you will try hard to find whatever excuses for your laziness. But to make any achievement, you really need to be motivated by great ambitions, which may be a driving force for your success. Otherwise, you may find yourself getting nowhere.
小学英语游戏式教学, 教师要创造一个愉快的学习语境,再采用灵活多样的游戏模式,自然激发他们英语兴趣,尤其在单元复习Projects教学中,更要设计综合性游戏,既不同于单元新课游戏,又要复习新课内容,同时学生又要玩得开心,达到复习巩固的效果。  1. 游戏教学在小学英语教学中的重要意义  1.1游戏教学的娱乐特点  游戏具有真实性和模拟性,非常符合学生好动、好奇、好想象的特点,实现了学生在现实生活中
Like many people all over the world, Americans enjoy celebrating the arrival of each New Year. Almost everyone makes an occasion of New Year’s Eve in order to see the old year out and welcome the new
每当我站在课堂上,看到孩子们积极举手,踊跃回答问题时,我禁不住想起一位小男孩——华亭三中初二级的一位学生。  1. 教学案例  今年四月,我有幸参加了全县青年教师课堂教学大赛,课堂选在了初二(一)班。课前,我预先向学生们作了自我介绍,便开始了课前准备;这时,一个小男孩慢慢地凑到了我面前,低垂着头,脸上泛着一丝丝绯红,压低声音嘟囔了半天才说:“老——师,课堂上,别叫我回答问题,好吗?”。“为什么?”
作文所占分数很高,英语作文如果失分太多,就会对高考总体成绩产生很大的影响。下面谈一下2018年的全国卷书面表达备考方向和策略。1. 2017年高考英语试题整体特点  注重立德树人,突出文化品格, 彰显文化自信,传承文化精髓。2017年全国卷一的书面表达要求考生写邮件,告知外国朋友汉语课的时间和内容 (属学校生活、语言学习范畴)。与往年相比最大的变化是涉及我国优秀的传统文化,这符合2017年英语高考
目前依旧存在一些问题尚待解决,而初高中英语学习衔接不断,导致学生升入高中后英语学习成绩不高就是其中之一。造成此问题存在的主要原因是初高中课程改革还没有趋于平稳,学生在升入高中后 难以适应英语教学,致使学生逐渐对高中英语教学失去信心,长此以往将会导致学生英语学习效果不佳。对此,应当做好初高中英语学习衔接,如此才能使学生持续的、更好学习英语课程,逐步提升自身英语水平。由此看来,做好初高中英语学习衔接是
中学英语教育课堂已经成为素质教育、能力教育活动的主要开展阵地。但是,我国大部分学生的英语能力依然处于不平衡的状态——能够写出一篇优秀的文章却不能使用英语进行流畅的交流。这使得英语课堂教学模式一直在不断的创新与摸索,直到现在,交互式教学在中学英语语法教学中备受推广。1. 交互式教学在中学英语语法教学中的意义  1.1以学生为中心  “以学生为中心的”教学理念不仅体现在交互式教学中,它对所有的教学模式
我们经常会听到一些学生在学习中会产生情感障碍,那么情感障碍是什么?针对英语学习中出现的情感障碍,教育学和心理学方面的专家学者是这样定义的:它是指学生在面对英语时影响其学习积极性的阻碍因素和困难,一般会表现为学习英语时紧张、焦虑甚至会恐惧、厌倦等心理,还会造成较重的思想负担和压力,在缺乏愉快的学习体验中导致英语学习效率降低。1. 在学习英语时产生的情感障碍  1.1语言障碍  在平时的教学中不难发现
新课程理念倡导和强调要充分把握学生心理特征、掌握学生基本学情,为教师在初中英语中的针对性教学提供基本的依托。同时,要求教师应当打造趣味性的、活泼的、灵动的、高效率的课堂。本文主要对初中英语教学中如何实现对学生心理的科学把握,从而深入学生内心、实现英语灵动课堂的构建与打造进行分析和探究。1. 把握学生好奇心理,实施“情景”教学  初中阶段的学生往往有着极强的好奇心,他们普遍对于一些较为新奇、富于变化
针对高中英语教学过程中,如何发挥学生主体作用进行分析,提出了多种教学方式,以期实现高中英语教学目标。  当前,学生主体观念深入人心,教学改革主张学生作为课堂主体。教师充当引导者。然而如何发挥高中英语课堂中学生的主体作用呢?教师可以从以下几个方面着手,灵活运用多种教学方式,实现教学目标。  1. 为学生布置任务,提升学生英语成绩  高中英语教师在开展课堂教学过程中,可以结合学生的英语基础水平,为学生