On the Use of English Euphemisms in Cross—cultural Communication

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  Abstract:English euphemism is widely used in cross-cultural communication,and praised as the “lubricating oil”.However,due to cultural differences,cross-cultural communicators have failures in communication.This thesis aims to help cross-cultural communicators have a better understanding and appropriate use of English euphemism,laying foundations for successful cross-cultural communication.
  Keywords:English euphemism;pragmatic principles
  With the rapid development of cross-cultural communication,English euphemism plays a crucial role in cross-cultural communication.It is a distinctive language expression that people often use to express their thoughts indirectly by using the gentle and veiled words.Euphemism is praised as the “lubricating oil” which helps people builds up a harmonious interpersonal relationship.Many scholars regard euphemism as the art of speaking.Enright commented the euphemism like this:“If there is no euphemism,the world’s movement will be stopped due to friction,earth will be filled with hatred”(113).
  In cross-cultural communication,English euphemism is more and more widely used in various areas,such as politics,education and literature,making the communication smoothly and harmonious.Due to cultural differences,there are some failures in cross-cultural communication.To have a proper use of English euphemism,there are three pragmatic principles that communicators need to follow in cross-cultural communication,violating the Cooperative Principle,observing the Politeness Principle and the Face Theory.
  Paul Grice first put forward the Cooperative Principle.It has four maxims containing in cooperative principle.They are the Maxim of Quantity,the Maxim of Quality,the Maxim of Relation and the Maxim of Manner.These rules give a clear instruction to communicators.However,the cooperative principle can be violated in some occasions in real life.It is inevitable to talk about some unpleasant and sensitive topics in daily conversation.Under this circumstance,it is necessary to violate the cooperative principle and express them indirectly to avoid embarrassment.Doing this may create some effects which can make the communication smoother.The use of English euphemism always goes against the cooperative principle in order to achieve its effect in communication,especially in cross-cultural communication,by violating one or more maxims of the cooperative principle.
  Politeness is one of the major social constrains on human interaction,requiring the speaker to consider the feelings of others in communication.The function of Politeness Principle is that it prompts a speaker to express himself politely and friendly.Additionally,it makes the communicators feel being respected and leave good impression on each other.Therefore,people often have to violate the Cooperative Principle to follow the Politeness Principle which helps them create a harmonious communicative atmosphere and makes the communication successful.The emergence and development of English euphemism have close relationship with the Politeness Principle in a sense.   The Face Theory was first put forward by Erving Goffman in the perspective of sociological view.He thinks that face has close relation with the emotional feeling of people.In communication,people should not hurt or threat others’ face.The Face Theory is a strong motivation for communicators to use euphemism in cross-cultural communication.Allen and Burridge have once said,“every time we open our mouth,we have to think about what we say is likely to maintain,enhance,or damage our own face,as well as considering the effect of our utterances on others”(18).Whether in China or in other countries,public self-image attracted people’s great attention.Generally,people take measures to save the face of themselves and others.Euphemism is a good choice for them to save the face of themselves and others,because euphemism is an effective strategy for successful communication.
  With the development of the global economy,English euphemism will be more and more widely used in cross-cultural communication.People with different cultural backgrounds may have some troubles in cross-cultural communication.Thus,communicators should constantly improve awareness of cultural difference,and have a good understanding and proper use of English euphemism,laying firm foundations for successful cross-cultural communication.
  [1]Allen,K,Burridge,K.Euphemism Dysphemism:Languages Used as Shield and Weapon.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1991.
  Enright,D.J.Fair of Speech:The Use of Euphemism.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1985.
  Grice,H.P.Studies in the Way of Words.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2002.
  Rawson,H.A.Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Double-talk.New York:
  Crown Publishing House,1981.
  Yule,G.Pragmatics.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000.
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