On The Feelings Between The Teacher And The Students

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  【Summary】Each English teacher wants to teach his students very well. If he can learn how to use the feelings between the teacher and the students in his English teaching properly, he must make his students learn English more actively and fulfill his teaching work successfully. Now, I’d like to talk about this point from the following three aspects: the ways to use this feelings, how to develop the students′ feelings and principles to implement this feelings.
  【Key words】Feelings; Ways; Developing; Principles
  What are the feelings? They refer to emotional side of a person’s nature. As you know, a person’s feelings are a kind of psychological phenomenon formed and changed afterwards. In the course of learning everything, the feelings are always following it. So we should pay attention to elaborating the use of the feelings.
  The main forms of the feelings are the feeling and the sentiment. However, its weak and lasting state is called mental state. It affects a person’s action and feeling, and causes the psychological protective screen. If the teacher and the students don’t communicate with each other through the feelings. What the teacher wants to teach and the communicative activities done by the students are refused by their psychological protective screen. Thus, we’ll smooth away all kinds of psychological obstacles and get the expected effect.
  Ⅰ. The ways to use the feelings of teaching
  A. The teacher should have a good mood when entering the classroom.
  The teacher may have a good mood of feelings when coming into the classroom. He should think very clearly and express himself orderly. He can also use his facial expressions. The students are affected by the teacher’s good mood. It may produce a sense of belief cordially. This can help the students listen to the teacher light-heartedly, and learn something with interest. If the teacher goes with the students very well, he will create a happy air in class.
  B. The teacher should express feelings in some proper teaching gestures.
  The teacher should stare at the students with a cordial and deep eyesight when having his class. So it can let them feel that their teacher is serious and kind, and will lead them to believe in and respect their teacher. Suppose the teacher is not concentrated on his students and has his class aimlessly, the students will think that their teacher is short of duty and is not easy to reach, they dare not turn to him for help. The students may consider that their teacher is depressed when he walks into the classroom wearing a long face or tightening his face, the students will talk to themselves and think that they may offend their teacher, whenever they will be criticized by him. However, the teacher walks unsteadily and doesn’t dress properly, they also consider him to be unbelievable. Besides, the teacher should always encourage them by patting some students’ shoulders or greeting them. Thus the teacher can not only teach a lot of knowledge to the students, but also possess a fine virtue.   C. The teacher should have feelings in correcting the students’ papers and homework.
  The teacher must be careful to correct the students’ homework. He should point out where the mistakes are in their homework and tell the students how to do them correctly. The teacher should be clever at solving some difficulties and puzzles in the right time. He should have a lasting patience.
  D. The teacher also pours into the feelings to the students out of class.
  The teacher only knows how to communicate with the students in class and is not willing to talk to his students outside class. If they want to ask their teacher for help, he should answer them warmly in time. If not, this can harm the students’ self-respect, naturally can have a certain effect on his teaching. In my opinion, the teacher should know the students very well and always talks with them. It can make the students feel their teacher easy to reach and does good to his teaching.
  Ⅱ. How to take special notice of developing the students’ feelings in the English teaching
  Above all, the teacher should learn what the students need in order to develop their feelings. During the course of his English teaching, what the students need mainly has the need of communication, being respected by others, obtaining knowledge and skills, learning about the transnational culture and so on. So English teaching should do like this:
  A. The teacher should develop democracy in his English class.
  Remember, the students are the main body in his English teaching. For this reason, the teacher had better arouse enthusiasm of the students fully, give chances to them questioning, encourage them to do it, and let all have a say, not just one. The questions raised by the students, supposing they can get the correct answers through discussing, are not needed to answer by the teacher one by one. The teacher can’t stubbornly adhere to his opinions. If he does so, not only can it train the students’ ability to think over problems on their own, but it prevents them from producing the dependent mentality, so as not to make the students the position of acquiring knowledge passively. In class, the teacher does not often criticize the students and helps them patiently.
  B. The teacher should treat the students equally without discrimination.
  Some English teachers just love the “good” students, look down upon the ones with many difficulties. They can’t treat them equally. Then it can aggravate the polarization, add to their innermost burden so that they lose their confidence in learning English, even arousing their hostility to their teacher. In addition, some students are always speaking shyly, the ones with many difficulties are even so. Consequently, the teacher should have a pretty good idea of their students when questioning them in class. Questions put forward by the teacher can be easy or hard in order that he can have a definite object in view. If he does so, he can satisfy the thirst for knowledge of the “good” students, the ones with many difficulties will also be glad because of answering the teacher’s questions. If questions posed by the teacher to the students with many difficulties are so hard that they can think that the teacher makes things difficult to them. If they are not questioned by the teacher, this can make them misunderstand that the teacher can drift them apart deliberately. Therefore, in order to have the students with many difficulties balance in the heart, the teacher has to strive for his working methods.   C.The teacher can teach with many levels to give plenty of successful chances to the students.
  To foster the students’ interest for study, the teacher properly gives the students the chances--- “Self-expression”. As we all know, loving self-expression is the common psychological features of the youngsters. The teacher should make use of it, give lots of practical chances to the students to express themselves enough. This can both develop the students’ intellect and greatly mobilize their interest of learning English, urge them to be eager to make progress unceasingly. The students who are expert at speaking can be made to read the text aloud, the ones who are good at entertainment can be made to act out the dialogue or the short play. Some students who don’t do well in their study are also unearthed their glittering points to let them do self-expression. The teacher can open up the second class actively. i. e. forming the English study group out of class. The teacher can hold all kinds of contests for learning English knowledge, such as Oral Composition Contests, English Written Composition Competitions, Singing English Songs Contests, Acting Out The English Dialogues, and English Speech Contests etc.
  D. The students can get the feedback in time by means of encouragement and praise.
  If they can find some problems through the feedback, the students will try their best to study harder to obtain the best results. The teacher should say “Good! Very good! Wonderful! You are very clever! Have a try! Thank you!” and so on to encourage and praise the students.
  E. The evaluation from the teacher can make the students study diligently because everyone hopes he can be respected, evaluated and praised by others.
  Ⅲ.The principles to carry out the feelings of teaching
  A. The principles to perform the happy teaching
  How to add fun to the class lies in two respects. On the one hand, the teacher lets the students learn happily throughout the class, on the other hand, the teacher has them study with great interest. As you see, if a person is in the mood of fun and great interest, he can elaborate his intellectual faculty as possible as he can. So the teacher should make full use of it.
  B. The principles to teach with the teachers’ feelings.
  The teacher can be good at controlling his mood and makes it the state of great fun and full vigour in his teaching. He can actively affect the students with his noble sentiment and fine character in the course of his teaching so that this mould the students’ temperament. The teacher is better at arranging the teaching contents emotionally, which makes the feelings and knowledge run neck and neck and is of great effect.   C. The principles to blend the feelings between the teacher and the students
  The teacher should blend the feelings with the students from the following aspects. Firstly, he should promote the blended feelings between the teacher and the students with a loving heart in his teaching. Secondly, the teacher can use the language points in the textbook, create the proper scene to communicate with the feelings on purpose. Thirdly, the teacher should value the communicative activities between the teacher and the students outside class to accumulate the feelings between the teacher and the students.
  D. The principles to encourage the students to learn English actively
  The teacher can attach importance to their curiosity, a sense of achievement and responsibility of the students. As a student, if he realizes this point, he can feel guilty for not having completed the task well enough. He will force himself to learn English harder, more diligently, more seriously and more willingly until he masters what he hasn’t learned.
  E. The principles to use the catalyst
  The teacher should realize the sense of self-respect and shame of the students. This inspires them to try their best to learn English actively. If not, their self-respect and shame can be dampened or worn, this will be bad for their studies.
  Generally speaking, the teacher knows the ways to use the feelings of teaching, how to develop the students’ feelings in his teaching and the principles to be put into effect in practice. He must impel the students to greater efforts to learn English and achieve the best effectiveness in the foreign language teaching.
  Xu Changcai, Remark On How To Carry Out The Feelings Of Teaching,[N] English Weekly, The Seventh Edition For Teachers, Issue 13, 2001~2002 school year.
  Wang Guangzu, The Function Of The Feelings Between The Teacher And The Students In The English Language Teaching,[J] English Teaching &Research Notes, East China Normal University Press, Issue 3, 1989, Page 4~5.
  Wang Yafen, How To Train The Feelings Of The Students,[N] English Weekly, The First Edition For Teachers, Issue 24, 1999~2000 school year.
“有效”是教学的本质特征。课堂是全面推进素质教育的主阵地,是提升教学质量实现优质教育的关键点,因此,实施有效课堂教学是当前课程改革的重要目标和广大教师探索实践的主要方向。所谓有效课堂教学,就是能够促进学生学习和发展,有效地实现预期的教学目标的课堂教学活动。本文从学生的角度,结合自己多年的教学实践,论述了小学语文课堂教学的有效性策略  一、课堂教学中调动学生学习积极性的策略。  1.用精心设计的独特
【摘 要】在新课改的大潮中小组合作学习已经被大部分学校、老师采用,小组合作学习的优越性也取得了一些公认的效果,同时在小组合作的操作上也遇到了一些问题值得我们去思考解决的办法。  【关键词】小组合作学习;应用;问题;策略  一、小组合作学习的应用实践  1、新课讲授中的小组合作学习  地理是一门理论与实际结合非常紧密的学科,小组合作学习的题材广泛。这就要求教师要认真研读教材,给学生创设一个良好的合作
【摘 要】小学英语课堂教学必须尽最大限度地引起学生的学习举趣,为学生提供足够的机会用英语进行活动,让学生感受到运用所学语言成功地达到某种目的后的愉快。这是小学生的年龄特点和英语学科的特殊性所决定的。英语教师作为实施新课程的主体,应学会如何巧妙自然地寓英语学习于生活体验之中,在实际教学中应该积极主动的创设真实有效的教学情境,尽最大的可能提高教学效率。  【关键词】小学英语;有效性;情境教学  一、情
随着我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的推进,人们对新课程的了解越来越多,研究越来越深,实践越来越丰富,并且取得了累累硕果。然而欣喜之余,对照新课程的新理念,冷静思考一些课堂现象,一些问题依然严峻地摆在我们面前,困扰着我们,需要我们深入思考,认真面对。我认为要想让新理念完全融入课堂,我们必须处理好以下几种关系:  一、处理好基础教学与三维教学的关系。  要使小学生学好数学,打好扎实的基础,在数学中就必须重
【摘 要】由于体育课大都是在室外进行,如何排除各种干扰,激发学生兴趣,从而有效地、高质量地完成教学任务,这一直是每个体育老师面临的一个难题。  【关键词】组织教学;课堂常规;教材特点;生理和心理特点  在教学过程中,教师、学生、教材三者通过复杂的相互作用,使学生成为一个动态的统一过程。在这一过程中,教师采取一定的组织教学形式来完成一定的教学任务,从而实现老师的“教”和学生的“学”的目的。然而,教无
卡耐基曾说:“使一个人发挥最大能力的方法是赞美和鼓励。” 加德纳也曾说:“几乎各个稚嫩的心灵都渴望摆脱束缚,展现自我。”德国教育家第斯多惠认为“教学的艺术不在传授的本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞……要求学生用手、用舌、用头脑去工作”如何激励、唤醒、鼓舞?几位教育家都不约而同地表明,充满智慧和魅力的随机点评艺术在语文课堂教学中具有举足轻重的作用,它能活跃学生的思维,激发学生的兴趣,提高教学质量。那么在
【摘 要】高效课堂是一种教学理想,其意义是为现实教学产生一种动力、牵引、导向作用。构建初中语文高效课堂的基本要求是先学后教,以学定教以及“三讲”、“三布置”。具体而言,要构建初中语文高效课堂,就要把握教学目标,精心设计教案,讲究提问技巧,激发学生探究兴趣,合理安排时间,调控教学活动,加强学法指导,培养创新能力。  【关键词】初中;语文;高效课堂  高效课堂是一种教学形态,集中表现为教师教得轻松、学
【摘 要】课堂教学是高中政治学习的主要途径,深化课堂教学改革、优化课堂教学,对于提高高中政治的课堂教学质量非常重要。鉴于此,本文从精讲、善导、引思三个角度分析了优化高中政治课堂教学的方法,为今后高中政治课堂教学提高课堂效率提供参考和借鉴。  【关键词】高中政治;教学;优化  课堂教学是高中政治学习的主要途径,深化课堂教学改革、优化课堂教学,对于提高高中政治的课堂教学质量非常重要。在接下来的内容,笔
【摘 要】新课程改革的目的在于最大限度地调动学生个体潜在的内在学习动因,从而使绝大多数学生都能最大限度地发挥其个体最大的创造力。那么初中地理教学就应着重培养学生的创造力,创造力的基础是思维能力的培养。所以应从各个方面进行努力。  【关键词】初中地理;新课改;思维能力  培养初中学生良好的地理思维能力,有助于学生各种能力的发展,是初中地理教学的一项重要任务。那么如何通过教师的主导作用,使学生的地理思