来源 :Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenfeixueer
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Member enterprises engaged in a virtual enterprise are prone to shirk both productive efforts and risks because their efforts are unobservable to any other member enterprises. How to design a revenue sharing contract to prevent the member enterprises from free riding is one of the most important issues to be considered to cut down risks that virtual enterprises may meet. Based on the work of profit sharing in partnerships and the research on revenue sharing in supply chains and joint ventures, we propose a model of the revenue sharing contract aimed at coordinating a virtual enterprise composed of n risk-averse member enterprises where every member enterprise performs different tasks and contributes distinct core resources. We characterize the optimal productive efforts, risk-taken and incentive intensity in the revenue sharing contract, and indicate that improving the evaluation precision of productive efforts and selecting weakly risk-averse member enterprises with close power are the key factors to the success of VEs. Member enterprises engaged in a virtual enterprise are prone to shirk both productive efforts and risks because their efforts are unobservable to any other member enterprises. How to design a revenue sharing contract to prevent the member enterprises from free riding is one of the most important issues to based on the work of profit sharing in partnerships and the research on revenue sharing in supply chains and joint ventures, we propose a model of the revenue sharing contract aimed at coordinating a virtual enterprise of n risk-averse member enterprises where every member enterprise perform different tasks and contributes distinct core resources. We characterize the optimal productive efforts, risk-taken and incentive intensity in the revenue sharing contract, and indicate that improving the evaluation precision of productive efforts and selecting weakly risk-averse member enterprises with close power are th e key factors to the success of VEs.
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巴勃洛·毕加索(1881~1973)出生于西班牙,后移居法国巴黎。他在绘画、雕塑创作上成就卓著,是20世纪西方最伟大的艺术家。美国摄影家焦恩·迈利(1904~1984)的《毕加索》为这位艺术巨匠留下了一幅别具一格的肖像。  赤膊的毕加索半蹲着身子在空中作画,变戏法似地幻生出人首马身的怪物,线条流畅简练。艺术家背后陈列着造型古朴的陶器艺术品。艺术家、光画、艺术品交融一体地呈现在画面之中,令人心醉神迷
课堂教学是学校教育活动的核心,课堂教学效率是反映教师教学水平的重要标准。本文提出“先入为主”把守课堂教学导入关,“技术辅助”丰富课堂教学形式与内容,“拓展延伸”增添课堂教学探究度。  提高初中语文课堂教学效率是初中语文教师必须面对的终身课题。新一轮课程改革实施以来,广大教学工作者,正在如火如荼地全身心地投入到教学改革的实践当中,以学生为主体的教学理念、关注学生人文精神丰富的理念、倡导自主合作教学的
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