
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johntoo
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《固体电子学研究与进展》创刊于1981年,今年是10周年.在这10年中得到了许多科学家、教授、工程师和国内外读者的热情支持,促进了本刊的发展,本刊编委会和编辑部向你们致以衷心的感谢!在过去10年中,固体电子学取得了许多重大的进展——化合物半导体电子态及其应用基础的研究,超晶格量子电子特性的揭示,高温超导的发现和研究,硅微电子向微小尺寸的深入……;以及由这些基础研究而导致的GaAs技术,光电子技术,异质超晶格器件和硅亚微米技术的发展……,使固体电子学的基础研究和应用领域又出现了新的发展时期. “Solid State Electronics Research and Progress” was first published in 1981 and the 10th anniversary of this year, and received enthusiastic support from many scientists, professors, engineers and readers at home and abroad in these 10 years and promoted the development of this magazine. We and the editorial department would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you! In the past 10 years, many major advances have been made in solid-state electronics-research on the electronic states of compound semiconductors and their applications, revealing the quantum electronic properties of superlattices, The discovery and research of superconductivity, the further development of silicon microelectronics to small dimensions ... and the development of GaAs, optoelectronics, heterogeneous superlattice devices and silicon submicron technology resulting from these basic research ..., making the solid The basic research and application of electronics have seen a new period of development.
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