On the Necessity and Teaching Method of English Education

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  Abstract:With the rapid development of globalization and internationalization,English,as an important means of communication,has been quietly integrated into people’s lives.The primary school and middle school stage is an enlightening stage for a person to grow up.Starting to learn English at this stage will have a positive impact on future study and development.How to carry out effective English teaching in primary schools and middle schools has always been the focus of discussion in the teaching area.On the basis of demonstrating the necessity of primary school and middle school English education,this paper explores the teaching methods of primary school and middle school English.
  Key words:necessity;teaching method;learning behavior
  Ⅰ.Necessity of English Education in Primary Schools and Middle Schools
  1.1 It helps to develop learning ability
  The learning behavior of English in primary school and middle school is actually a process of intellectual development.It is necessary to carry out bilingual teaching at the primary school and middle school stage.On the premise that English is not influenced by Chinese thinking,it is necessary to start enlightening English teaching for primary school and middle school students,which is conducive to students’ future English learning.
  1.2 It helps to improve the overall English level of our country.
  Under the existing conditions,enlightening English education for primary school and middle school students will help students improve their English level and thus improve the overall English level of our country.In addition,the improvement of their English proficiency will play a positive role in China’s further opening up to the outside world in the future and in the exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries.
  II.Game-based English Teaching Method in Primary Schools and Middle Schools
  Primary school and middle school teaching is the primary stage and the enlightenment stage of teaching.Primary school and middle school students are often full of curiosity about new things,but their sense of novelty about things is often short-lived.Therefore,how to make primary school and middle school students keep a high level of interest in English learning is the key problem that must be solved in primary school and middle school teaching,which is closely related to the teaching methods of primary school and middle school English.The game-based teaching method of primary school and middle school English is one of the effective methods of primary school and middle school English teaching.It pays attention to the development of primary school and middle school interest.While learning,it has a wider understanding of other things.In the game-based primary school and middle school English teaching,we should pay attention to the following aspects.   2.1 The purpose of game-based Teaching
  The purpose of English teaching in primary schools and middle schools is not to systematize English education for students so that they can master a lot of English knowledge,but to cultivate their interest in English so that they can have a preliminary understanding of English through the process of imitation and listening.For teachers,they should first understand the interests of primary school and middle school learning,so that through the game design of teaching content,English teaching content can be integrated into the game.This can stimulate the primary understanding and interest of English in primary schools and middle schools.Therefore,when conducting educational activities in primary school and middle school English,teachers should strictly base their teaching objectives on interest cultivation,and carry out teaching work from various means and perspectives.
  2.2 Establishment of Interesting English Teaching Environment
  The characteristics of primary school and middle school students themselves determine that the way of education can not be carried out by memorizing and examining like that of senior students.Easy and interesting teaching environment is the basis of English teaching in primary schools and middle schools.Teachers can use rhythmic pitches or songs,fairy tale roles and group competitions.In primary school and middle school English teaching,what is important is not what primary school and middle school learns,but through classroom teaching and interaction,students have a certain interest in English learning itself,thus laying a good foundation for the future English learning process of primary school and middle school students.Good English learning atmosphere can effectively improve primary school and middle school students’ resistance to learning knowledge at the beginning of learning,and can reasonably guide primary school and middle school students to integrate into the learning atmosphere.
  2.3 Student-centered
  Excellent mode of education is based on the concept of students as the main body,and so is secondary education.Secondary school teachers should take students as the main body when they teach game-based English to students.In the classroom,primary school and middle school teachers should let students give full play to their imagination and intelligence,rather than blindly let students follow their own ideas and steps forward.In addition,different students have different personalities.Teachers should also guide and encourage students in English according to their characteristics,which has a good role in promoting their learning and life after secondary school.   Conclusion
  English education in primary schools and middle schools has become an increasingly important and hot issue in the education industry.How to carry out English education in primary schools and middle schools has a direct impact on the interest and effect of English learning of primary school and middle school students in the future.On the basis of demonstrating the necessity of English education in primary schools and middle schools,this paper puts forward the game-based English teaching method,which can promote the cultivation of interest in learning English in primary schools and middle schools,and carries out the game-based English teaching in primary schools and middle schools from three aspects:teaching purpose,cultivation of interesting English teaching environment and student-centered teaching.It is of positive significance for the further development of English education in China.
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摘 要:随着社会的发展和国家实力的提升,课程改革也在新时代要求下不断前进,对于教育也提出了更多要求。作为新时代新的力量的小学生,在教育改革中更需要重视。随着新课改的不断推进,各学校师生也提出了各种新的教育创新方法。其中,小学数学教学作为小学课程中的重难点,在适应小学生多样化学习方式的背景下,教师对于授课方式及课堂上课模式也要做出相应调整。文章通过对采取多样化方式解决小学数学问题的探讨,来对现状进行
摘 要:初中阶段是学生心理发育、智力成长、身体素质培养的关键阶段。当前的初中数学学科教学,应更加注重学生核心素养的培养,让学生能够更好地发展。初中阶段的数学教师,应提升自身的数学教导能力,并科学合理的安排数学课程,寻找有效的教学方式。促进初中学生核心素养的有效提高,让学生都能成为综合素质全面提升的人才。本次笔者就根据实际教学状况,浅谈初中数学教学当中,学生核心素养的有效培养策略。  关键词:初中数
摘 要:在幼儿的教育过程中,教师应该对他们出现的一些不良行为习惯给予适当的引导,并提示他们进行改正。这样不仅能够确保不伤害幼儿自尊心,而且还是在一定程度上对幼儿产生潜移默化的教育作用。  关键词:幼儿教育;自信心;培养策略  幼儿阶段是学生成长的关键时期,由于他们的年龄较小,在成长过程中需要家长以及教师进行适当的引导,让幼儿能够树立起自己的自信心。在实际的教学和引导过程中,教师培养学生自信心的方式
摘 要:随着新课标的不断发展和进步,在英语写作教学当中,教师就需要采取正确的措施提高学生的写作质量。初中阶段是学生学习英语的黄金时期,也是学生打好英语基础的重要阶段,而英语写作在初中英语教学当中占据着非常重要的比例。本文就针对如何提高初中英语写作教学质量展开讨论。  关键词:初中英语;写作教学;教学质量  在新课标不断发展和推进的背景下。初中英语写作教学也是培养学生综合运用语言能力的一个重要的技能
摘 要:这篇论文经过对儿童文学总体进程的历史,国内外作品的不同概念表现出的各自的思路和方法,它也是民间一种原始而流行的儿童作品和作者创作的儿童作品发展的观察。然而,儿童文学的能力,特点,价值,收集和创作中出现的一些现象,有的表现出自我怀疑的样子。  关键词:儿童文学;功能;价值  第一.儿童文学的功能。  儿童文学的主要作用是为儿童提供快乐的能力和教育的能力。它是给孩子们丰富的生活、未来的成人青春
摘 要:中职学校思想政治教育除了思想政治教育主干课程以外,在专业课中融合思想政治教育十分必要。本文讨论了思想政治教育在专业课渗透的必要意义,分析了中职生专业教学思政教育现状,旨在归纳中职化工工艺专业课程思政的内容及建设方案,探讨课程思政教育教学方法。  关键词:课程思政;思想政治教育;化工工艺  思想政治教育的途径包括课程教学和课下文化活动,而通过课程教学途径进行的思想政治教育,又包括了专门的思想
摘 要:近几年来我国教育事业的不断进步与发展,教学改革的全面推动我国的整体教育进入了一个新的阶段。在传统教学体系的影响下,初中阶段的计算机教学存在着许多问题,制约着教学改革的步伐。本次笔者就初中计算机教学的实际现状进行分析。并结合新课程教学环境要求,对初中计算机教学改革进行了一些教学探究,希望能够给教学改革提供些许参考。  关键词:新课标要求;初中计算机教学;改革与策略  在以往的教学模式影响下,
摘 要:概念图主要指的是通过图形化的方式,表示出一个数学理论概念或者多个概念的关系。它主要是用来组织和表达相关知识的教学工具,对数学教学具有重要的影响意义。此次论文主要探讨的是数学概念图视野下高中习题教学实践探索。  关键词:数学概念图;高中;习题教学;实践  高中数学是一门逻辑思维较为复杂,包含知识较多的一门学科。将概念图教学融入到其中,主要是为了采用图示的方法,将一些隐藏性的数学知识可视化,让
摘 要:在实际生活当中,个人通过自身的语言表达能力,实现信息的交流以及合作沟通。因此在社会中语言表达能力出众的人,无论是在人际交往还是工作过程中都会有非常大的优势。幼儿是人生学习的起步阶段,在幼儿的教育过程中,教师可以利用科学合理的教学方式,为幼儿创设语言表达的教学情境,让幼儿能够喜欢语言表达,养成良好的习惯,为幼儿以后拥有更好的沟通能力奠定基础。本文简单概述了幼儿语言表达能力培养的重要作用,并根
摘 要:小学数学这门学科,在学生独立思考能力的锻炼上,具有先天优势,培育学生的独立思考能力,不仅对学生数学学科的学习有益,也能够大大锻炼学生的各项能力。本文基于小学数学学科为切入点,探讨小学数学教学中学生独立思考能力的锻炼方式。  关键词:独立思考能力;小学数学;教学;锻炼  数学是小学阶段的一门重点课程,对于学生思维转换能力、逻辑思维能力的培养都有积极效果,在传统数学教学中,教师习惯包办一切,这