Chinese Students’Difficulties in Learning English: from Phonology Perspective

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  【Abstract】Chinese is classified as a Sino-Tibetan Language, a family of tongue language in Asia, whereas English is a member of Indo-European language family, a family of inflectional languages. The marked phonological differences between these two languages impede the language learning process. This paper analyzes some frequently occurring phonological problems that Chinese students encounter when learning English.
  【Key words】linguistic differences; phonology; learning difficulties
  One salient feature that distinguishes one language from another is the pronunciations of vowel sounds and consonant sounds. When one’s vocal organs are fixed to produce sounds in one language, it requires a great deal of effort to get used to creating unfamiliar sounds in a new language, especially when the new language shares few similarities in pronunciation with the mother tongue. The number and articulation of consonants and vowels are different in English and Chinese. Due to the different phonological systems of Chinese and English, Chinese students encounter numerous difficulties in English pronunciation.
  1. Problematic English Consonants
  English interdental fricative consonants, [θ]and [?], are especially difficult for Chinese students. They usually substitute [s] for [θ], and replace [z] for [?]. The typical erroneous pronunciations mentioned by Thomas are “[s?nk] may be heard for thank… [wiz] for with” . Many students suffer from pronouncing these two interdental fricatives. When they learn to pronounce voiceless [θ], it is almost silent because the air stream is blocked by the tongue, while producing the voiced one, they feel their tongue and lips so itchy that they tend to retract their tongue unconsciously.
  In addition, for some English consonants which have similar counterparts in Chinese consonants, Chinese students also have difficulties in pronouncing them. For example, the place and manner of articulation of alveolar nasal consonant [n] and velar nasal consonant [?] are similar in English and Chinese. Some Chinese can pronounce these two sounds accurately both in Chinese and in English; however, those from some particular dialect regions could not distinguish them neither in Chinese or English. For instance, they always substitute [n] for [?] both in Mandarin and English. Their pronunciation of 英(yīng)雄(xióng) (hero) sounds like yīn xióng; as for English words like sing, they pronounce [sin].   The third obvious mistake made by Chinese students is that they could not differentiate between voiced and voiceless consonants since the majority of Chinese consonants are voiceless, and the distinctive feature is whether the sound is aspirated or not. As a result, Chinese students tend to ignore the feature of voicing when producing English consonants. For example, with the voiced [?] substituted by the voiceless [?], leisure sounds more like [li??].
  2. Problematic English Vowels
  Vowel pronunciation is also a problematic area for Chinese students. One typical problem happens when students pronounce [i:] and [?] because there is no phonemic contrast between tense vowels and lax vowels in Chinese. When producing the-high-front-spread vowel [i:] in English, the tongue tends to glide upwards, but it keeps steady in its original position to pronounce the Chinese [i:]. They cannot differentiate the English [i:] and [?] in term of duration, not pronouncing and keeping English [i:] sound longer enough. For the English word beach, some Chinese students would pronounce it like [b?t?] (bitch) which might cause communication confusion and misunderstanding.
  Another problem related to the vowel sound is shortening the English diphthongs. The typical troublesome English diphthongs for Chinese speakers are [a?] and[??]. Since neither [?] sound nor [?] sound exists in Chinese, difficulty is increased when Chinese students produce these two English diphthongs. For example, down town is always pronounced as [da:n ta:n], oil as [?:l]
  The third obvious error made by Chinese students is the additional [?] after the word-final consonant or between the nonsyllabic consonant in a cluster. This phenomenon is triggered by the feature of Chinese as a syllable-timed and tone language. Chinese speakers tend to make more syllables or make the syllable tonic by extending the length of the syllable because Chinese morphemes generally consist of a consonant plus a vowel with no consonants cluster and usually end with a vowel. Negatively transferring this character of Chinese phonological rules to English, learners would commonly pronounce words book and bed as [buk?] and [bed?].
  Mandarin Chinese focuses on the syllable and each syllable takes the same amount of time to produce. It is tone, or the pitch level of each syllable that determines the word meaning. In contrast, English is stress oriented, and the stressed syllable takes longer time than the unstressed one. Meanwhile, English utterances depend on certain intonations to express different meanings, but they do not depend on tone. A metaphor which vividly illustrates the difference of Chinese and English is “Chinese sentences are like a number of beads strung together, which makes it easier for listeners to distinguish one phoneme from another; while English sentences are like water streams which flow smoothly though they have ripple on the surface”. Without such knowledge, Chinese speakers always try to pronounce each syllable in English word loudly and clearly so that they ignore intonations and junctures. As a result, their English sounds so weird to native speakers, or even cause misunderstanding.   3. Conclusion
  The linguistic differences of Chinese and English which belong to two different language families cause Chinese students’ difficulties when learning English as a foreign language. The phonological problem is the inaccurate pronunciation of some consonants and vowels, such as interdental fricatives [θ]and [?], nasal [n] and [?], and voiced consonants. The problematic vowel pronunciations are [i:] and [?] as well as diphthongs [a?] and [??]. Chinese students also intend to additional [?] after the word-final consonant or between the nonsyllabics of cluster. Moreover, they make errors in English syllable, stress, intonation and juncture.
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【摘要】所谓情境,即一种生活场面。通过在小学英语教学中创设与之相适应且生动形象的教育情景,不仅有助于课堂气氛的活跃,且能切实激发学生的学习兴趣,锻炼学生的语言表达能力,继而促进学生思维与想象能力的有效发展。  【关键词】情境教学;小学英语;应用策略  【作者简介】李文静,江苏省宿迁市泗阳县众兴小学。  在情境中学习语言,无疑是一项绝佳的学习途径。然而,现实世界并不若我们想象中的美好,能可处处基于真
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【摘要】笔者日常教学实践出发,对当前存在的形形色色后进生小组合作学习参与不足现象进行认真梳理,对问题症结进行深入分析,在此基础上,探究提升后进生小组合作学习参与度的有效策略。  【关键词】后进生 合作学习  一枝独秀不是春,万紫千红春满园。关注每一位学生的成长与进步,不让后进生永远落后,是新课标下每位教师的职责所在。基于这样的认识,本文拟从笔者日常教学实践出发,对当前存在的形形色色后进生小组合作学
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【Abstract】When it comes to the effect of translation, the theory of “similarity in form” and “similarity in spirit” is of necessity, especially similarity in spirit exerts influences on one aspect to
【摘要】阐述信息化教学设计和信息化写作的概念。以新视野英语2第七单元writing Memos为例,探讨如何在高职英语写作课中运用信息化教学模式进行信息化教学设计,优化教学过程和教学效果。  【关键词】信息技术;高职英语;教学设计;写作教学  【作者简介】尤颖,女,无锡城市职业技术学院副教授,教育硕士,研究方向:英语学科教学。  近年来,以信息技术为主导的教学模式已成为高职英语教学改革的趋势。在高
【摘要】在信息时代利用多媒体辅助教学是现代化教学的重要内容。信息化在教学中的应用转变了教师的教学思维,改变了课堂教学的模式,提高了课堂教学的效率。本文主要就信息技术的辅助下如何改进英语课堂教学方法,提升教学效果进行探究。  【关键词】信息化;多媒体;英语教学;课堂;教学方法  【作者简介】陈娜(1984- ),女,汉族,天津人,天津外国语大学附属外国语学校,大本,中学一级,研究方向:英语教学。  
【摘要】在深化素质教育的形势下,能够指导学生课内外自主探索,自主研究的能力是现代教师必须具备的能力。所以如何培养学生的自学能力已成为人们关注的焦点,现代教师的职责。本文首先阐释了在课改情况下,培养学生自学能力的重要性。笔者从激发学习兴趣入手来保障学生自学的前提,并且根据自身教学实践提出了几条培养学生自学能力的策略,以引导学生走上“我会学”之路。  【关键词】兴趣是保障;自学技能;营造氛围;实践自学