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  每年11月5日是英国传统的“篝火节”,即Guy Fwak Night。传说三四百年前有个叫Guy Fwak的人密谋刺杀女王,后来阴谋败露,被扔进篝火里活活烧死。以后,各地每年就会举行大型篝火晚会,甚至会有穿戴整齐、写着Guy Fwak的假人,被扔进篝火,一年年一次次地被烧死。每年篝火节的时候,很多人会在海边燃起篝火。跳跃的火光映着远处耀眼的焰火,衬着眼前的那片海,还有头顶的星空,真是一个难得的浪漫之夜。
  Last Saturday I went to see a bonfire at Burgess Hill town centre.I had heard from Hannah Wells that there would be a parade2 at 9:00 a.m..On the day I was looking forward to it and was somewhat disappointed to find out that it would start at 6:00 p.m.At about 6:l0 p.m., I arrived in town feeling very excited.To my surprise it had not started yet. There were few people in the street. We didn’t know where the parade was to take place. Then, I heard the sound of Scottish music coming from an alleyway3 next to a shop.The alleyway led us to the market place. A crowd was gathered but only the people who were taking part in the parade were there.
   They were dressed in all kinds of fancy outfits4. There were composers5, medieval6 knights, monks and nuns7, Indians, ladies in the Middle Ages, and witches and wizards and even babies! We mingled8 among the crowd admiring their costume. I liked the composers’ costumes.They were from Georgian times with powder, white wig9 and golden tailcoat10 complete with lacy11 cuffs12.The medieval knights were standing right next to us.They were wearing dazzling silver armour13 and holding shield14 and sword.
  The audience gradually arrived.People chatted among themselves and many bought flashing toys, necklaces, earrings, hoops and balls. Little children were in high spirits playing with their toys.
  By this time, it was dark. A loudspeaker rang out, telling the people which groups had come to perform at the festival. Groups from Hastings, Eastbourne, Little Hampton, Newhaven and many small towns and villages were all taking part.I was amazed that people from so many bigger places had come to the small town of Burgess Hill.
  Finally the waiting was over. The truck with loudspeaker rolled forward slowly. The audience waved their flashing toys enthusiastically15. At the beginning of each group in the procession, there was a young man holding a sign bearing the logo16 or crest17 of the city they came from and burning torches18 on top.The first group was a band wearing traditional Scottish kilts, a kind of skirt,playing bagpipes19 and drums.They were from Burgess Hill. Next came people in costumes. One group dressed as babies in humongous20 nappies21 and with frilly22 bonnet23, holding very large dummies24 and bottles, which would be bigger than real babies themselves. They were very funny. One man tapped me on the head with his large “milk bottle” made with fabric25. Everybody in the parade was holding a flaming torch.It was a wooden stick of about a metre long with a flammable substance burning on top. There were also clowns. They just had white and red paint on their faces and clowny outfits on. Each of them had a small white collection pot.They shook them as they walked past and people dropped pennies in. When the end of the parade went past, the crowd went to a different street to see it again.
  Only this time there was something new.It was some big numbers standing on a massive frame carried by a group of men. The numbers were “118”, perhaps with the meaning of the 118th year for the festival. Each number was the size of a window and they were on fire!The night was a little chilly but when the burning numbers came near it suddenly became rather warm. A lot of people carried small, flaming torches and also there were some burning torches stuck to the side of the road.So the whole scene was like a mass of fire. The crowd watched the procession in awe and admiration.The burning numbers looked a bit dangerous but it was thrilling to watch. We saw the rest of the procession pass us again though I was not a bit bored.At the very end of the procession was a muddy,old farm tractor with blue flashing lights on top.Some boys were running behind it picking up the burning torches from the street and dunking26 them into barrels27 of co1d water.
  The bonfire festival was not exactly what I had expected but I went home thoroughly satisfied with what I had seen.

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